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MG112: Business Ethics Honors Enhancement

Honors Learning Objectives

This honors enhancement will build on the existing learning objectives in MG112. After

completing this enhancement, students will be able to:

1. Analyze a business ethics case study.

2. Apply concepts learned in MG112 to the case that is presented, examining the role of

the corporation in global markets.

3. Prepare and present a poster for Honors Conference Evening on the project.

Nature and Scope of Project

This project will require the student to:

– Read a case study from MIT’s Sloan Management School entitled “Netflix Goes to

Bollywood.” Take notes on the case study as you read it, and utilize the footnotes that

link to additional resources as necessary.

– Write a scholarly paper in APA format that is between 4-7 pages (not including the cover

page, abstract, or references). The paper must include a proper APA cover page (page

1), Abstract (page 2), and References list.

– Develop a poster that you will present at Honors Conference Evening that presents your



The completed project is due by Week 14 of the semester and must be submitted to the

appropriate Course Enhancement space within the Honors Program Blackboard Organization.

Further, students are required to provide two status checks – one in Week 6 and one in Week


The dates for the Spring 2024 semester include:

– Check in between May 26 and June 1 in the Week 6 Course Enhancement Check In

Journal on the Honors Program Blackboard Organization

– Check in between June 16 and June 22 in the Week 9 Course Enhancement Check In

Journal on the Honors Program Blackboard Organization

– Submit your poster on your project for Honors Conference Evening by July 5.

– Be prepared to participate in Honors Conference Evening and present your poster on

July 18. (Note: if you are a fully online or remote student, you will pre-record your

presentation for the event and you will be able to attend the event virtually; locally

based students are expected to attend in-person and make arrangements).

– Submit your final project no later than August 2 to Final Course Enhancement Journal

on the Honors Program Blackboard Organization

Assignment Details

Secondary Research

Using the Working Bibliography below, read the case study “Netflix Goes to Bollywood.” As

necessary, you should do your own secondary research on the ethical implications of this case.

You must have at least FIVE (5) sources. You are free to conduct research on your own, outside

of the provided sources (please note there are linked sources in the footnotes of the case study

that can be used).

Research Paper

The final research paper should be in APA format, between 4-7 double spaced pages (not

including the cover page, abstract, or references). The paper must include a proper APA cover

page (page 1), Abstract (page 2), and References list.

The topic of this paper centers around analyzing a provided business ethics case study. As the

student develops the paper, the following elements must be included:

Introduction – This will open the paper, providing context on the case (student should

summarize in their own words). By the end of this section, the purpose statement should be


About the Case – This section will allow the student to provide evidence about the case study—

be specific and identify the most important ethical implications that arise in the case. Describe

them in detail and cite the sources in-text as appropriate.

Case Analysis – Be sure to address the following questions/areas of the case:

– From its founding, Netflix has competed against competitors with more resources

including cash, IP, and distribution assets. The company has succeeded through agility,

spotting and seizing growth opportunities more quickly and effectively than its rivals.

Discuss the sources of Netflix’s agility, including its focused strategy and corporate


– Expansion in the Indian market raises a sharp action question at the intersection of

strategy and culture. Should the company empower Indian managers to make decisions

that are right for that market (e.g., introduce advertisements, offer sports content) but

run counter to Netflix’s strategy?

– Netflix has built a rich library of original content, but Indian consumers prefer locally-

produced shows and movies. How Netflix can adapt to the needs of the Indian market

and differentiate itself in a crowded field without straying too far from its global


– The case includes financial data on Netflix and its major competitors. Students can

calculate the company’s historical free cash flow, project future cash flow, and discuss

how to fund growth. To date, Netflix has relied heavily on debt to fund its investment in

content, but is that sustainable? Could competitors use their vastly superior financial

resources to “outlast” Netflix in the SVOD wars?

Conclusion – The student should thoughtfully summarize the main ideas of the paper and draw

conclusions on the ethical implications of this case.

Poster Presentation

To share your work and earn your honors credit, you will create a poster of your work. The

poster will be made using Microsoft PowerPoint, and it will display information about your


You will be provided a template and more instructions on this step four weeks before Honors

Conference Evening.


Click here to access the PDF of the “Netflix Goes to Bollywood” Case Study.

  • MG112: Business Ethics Honors Enhancement
    • Honors Learning Objectives
    • Nature and Scope of Project
    • Assignment Details

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