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Novel Project, McCarthy’s The Road

Project Overview
In this project, you will write weekly journal entries from the perspectives of different characters

in Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road.” Each entry will allow you to immerse yourself in the

characters’ thoughts and emotions, capturing their experiences as they navigate the post-

apocalyptic world. This assignment will enhance your understanding of the novel’s characters,

themes, and narrative style.

Weekly Journal Entry Requirements

General Requirements:
• Each journal entry must be a minimum of 300 words.

• Entries should reflect the character’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences based on

the assigned reading.

• Use language, tone, and style appropriate to the character you are writing from.

• Include specific references to events and details from the text.

Week 1: Boy’s Perspective:

Reading Assignment: Pages 1-93

Prompt: “Write a journal entry from the boy’s perspective after his father shoots the man

who is holding him by the neck. What is he feeling in these moments? How does he feel

about his father after he kills the man compared to before?”


• Write from the boy’s point of view, capturing his innocence, curiosity, and fears.

• Reflect on his relationship with his father and his reactions to the world around


• Use simple, straightforward language that conveys the boy’s youth and limited

understanding of the world.

• Focus on his emotions and thoughts during the key event.

Week 2: Father’s Perspective:

Reading Assignment: Pages 94-189

Prompt: Write a journal entry from the father’s perspective after he and the boy find the

hidden cache of food. How does he feel about this discovery? What are his thoughts on

survival and the continued dangers they face?


• Write from the father’s point of view, highlighting his protective nature, worries,

and memories of the past.

• Reflect on his relationship with his son, his sense of responsibility, and his

struggle to maintain hope.

• Use more complex language and a reflective tone to convey the father’s depth of

thought and emotional burden.

• Focus on his strategies for survival and his philosophical reflections on their


Week 3: Perspective of the Man (Who Finds the Boy):

Reading Assignment: Pages 190-end

Prompt: Write a journal entry from the perspective of the man who finds the boy after

the boy’s father dies. What are his thoughts and feelings about taking responsibility for

the boy? How does this new relationship affect his outlook on the future?”


• Write from the perspective of the man who finds the boy, capturing his initial

impressions, motivations, and decisions.

• Reflect on his thoughts about the boy’s vulnerability, the potential for a future

together, and the dangers they face.

• Use language that reflects his experience and perhaps a mix of hope and

skepticism about their survival.

• Focus on his internal conflict and the impact of finding the boy on his worldview.

Evaluation Criteria:
Content and Insight:

• Demonstrates a deep understanding of the character’s perspective.

• Accurately reflects the character’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences based on

the text.

• Includes specific references to events and details from the assigned reading.

Language and Style:

• Uses language, tone, and style appropriate to the character.

• Employs descriptive and expressive language to convey the character’s inner


• Shows creativity and originality in capturing the character’s voice.


• Meets the minimum word count (300 words per journal entry).

• Well-organized and clearly written.

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