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Vanessa Smith

Jul 8, 2024, 4:14 AM(edited)


Good morning, Dr. Lori and Peers,


Childhood development is defined as the biological, cognitive and socio-emotional processes that influence how a child grows and progresses through their life. Biological processes are physical, cognitive processes are mental, and socio-emotional processes are emotional. All three work independently but can overlap and influence one another. (Santrock et al., 2022)


There are five periods of development: the prenatal period, infancy, early Childhood, middle and late Childhood, and Adolescence. 

The prenatal period, spanning from conception to birth, is a miraculous nine-month journey. During this time, a single cell transforms into a fully formed baby, complete with a functioning brain. 

Next, there is infancy, which is from birth to 18-24 months of age. At this age, the child is starting to develop psychological abilities and is entirely dependent on its parents.

Next is early Childhood, the period following infancy that extends to about 5-6 years of age, which marks a significant transition. It’s during this time that a child begins to assert their independence and learn fundamental skills like following directions and recognizing numbers, letters, colors, and shapes.

Subsequently, Middle and Late Childhood starts at about six and ends at about 11. This age is typically known as school-aged children. At this age, they’ll master reading, writing, and mathematics—independence and learning to follow instructions better and socialize more with others. 

Lastly, there is Adolescence, a transition from middle and late Childhood to early adulthood; typically, it begins at age 10 to 12 and ends at age 18 to 22. Major biological changes take place during this stage and humans pursue independence during this time. (Santrock et al., 2022)



Santrock, J. W., Lansford, J. E., & Deater-Deckard, K. (2022). 
Children (15th ed.). McGraw Hill LLC. ISBN-13: 9781260726794




Alison Miller

Jul 8, 2024, 10:47 AM


According to Santrock et al., (2022), child development is defined as the beginning of conception throughout a person’s lifetime. Each individual development can involve growth or decline in their stages in life. Furthermore, the period of development includes the prenatal period, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, and adolescence. The prenatal period is the start of conception until birth. Then, there is infancy. This period is from birth until 18 to 24 months of age. Many stages of development begin in this period, like talking, walking, and imitating and learning from others (Santrock et al., 2022). Next, starts early childhood also known as preschool years. This period continues from infancy to 5 to 6 years of age. The child becomes more self sufficient and following instructions in a classroom setting. To continue, comes middle and late childhood. This period starts at age 6 to 11, and also is known as elementary years. Lastly, the period of adolescence is from childhood to early adulthood. This period starts at ages 10 to 12 years and ends at 18 to 22 years of age. At this stage physical changes, puberty, voice change and different characteristics start to take place. To conclude, each developmental stages have biological, cognitive, and socioemotional factors that plays a role in each individual developmental stages.

Skylar Caton

Jul 8, 2024, 4:34 PM


Dear Class,

The term “child development” describes how children change and grow over time. Experts categorize the four domains of child development and growth.
 From birth to eighteen months: During this period, infants learn to recognize familiar faces, grasp and manipulate simple cutlery, read facial expressions, and stand and walk independently.
Between the ages of 18 months and 3 years, kids begin acting out scenarios, interacting with other kids, following two-part instructions, naming familiar faces, tossing balls, and running.
3 to 5 years old: During this time, kids can distinguish colors, count to ten, name their likes and dislikes, recite nursery rhymes, and play independently on a playground.
5 to 12 years old: Children improve their reading comprehension, make close friends, explore new interests, and strengthen their problem-solving abilities in grade school. 
 12 to 18 years old: During this time, adolescents experience puberty, establish their own opinions, grow more independent, and show interest in dating and sexuality. 

Alison Miller

Jul 8, 2024, 3:55 PM


Two developmental theories and theorists that contributed to the field of child development is the psychoanalytic theory by Sigmund Freud and psychosocial theory by Erik Erikson. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on the unconscious and how it is influenced by emotion (Santrock et al., 2022). Our behavior is just an external characteristic, while our mind gives us the understanding of the behavior. Freud theory consisted of three personality structures: the ID, the EGO, and the Super Ego. The ID is the personality that molds our basic impulses. The ego is the decision maker and the superego shoot for perfection and feels guilty when we don’t amount to duties or obligations of society. 


In contrast, Erikson’s psychosocial theory focuses on continuous development in psychosocial stages, by acknowledging humans personalities continues to develop past age five, contradictory to Freud theory of our personality shaping in the first 5 years. In Erikson theory, there is eight stages of development. Which included trust vs mistrust in the first year of infancy. Autonomy vs shame & doubt is the next stage that starts at 1-3 years old, initiative vs guilt which is the preschool years ages 3-5, industry vs inferiority which relates to middle and late childhood ages 6 to puberty. To continue, identity vs identity confusion was in the adolescence years of 10-12, intimacy vs isolation was in the stage of  early adulthood, generativity vs stagnation is in the stage of middle adulthood ages 40’s and 50’s and lastly integrity vs despair signifies late adulthood ages 60 and on (Santrock et al., 2022). In these stages a person faces two opposing positions that shapes their personality.


Overall, each theory and theorist have contributed an infinite amount of information pertained to child development, in order to help us gain understanding on how child development shapes who we are. 


Santrock, J. W., Lansford, J. E., & Deater-Deckard, K. (2022). 
Children (15th ed.). McGraw Hill LLC. ISBN-13: 9781260726794. 
BibliU – Reader – Children 



Brittany Lillie

Jul 9, 2024, 10:53 AM


Hello class, 


Freud’s theory of development suggests that children progress through stages, either successfully moving through each stage or experiencing challenges and becoming fixated in that stage. The oral stage occurs from birth through the first year of life, where the infant seeks immediate gratification through oral activities. If the caregiver consistently meets oral needs, the child moves away from this stage and progresses to the next stage.

During the anal stage, which coincides with toddlerhood (ages 1-3), the child learns self-control and develops the ego. If the caregiver is highly controlling about potty training, the child may grow up fearing losing control and becoming fixated or “anal retentive.” This can result in a messy, irresponsible, and disorganized adult.

The phallic stage occurs during preschool (ages 3-5) when the child faces a new biological challenge: sexually attracted to their opposite-sex parent, experiencing the “Oedipal Complex” and the “Electra Complex.” Boys experience the “Oedipal Complex,” where they become sexually attracted to their mothers but realize their father is in the way. They learn a sense of masculinity and societal expectations, leading to the development of the superego.

Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development divides the lifespan into eight stages, each with a significant psychosocial task to address. These stages form a foundation for discussions on emotional and social development throughout the life span. However, Erikson’s theory has been criticized for focusing too heavily on stages and assuming that completing one stage is a prerequisite for the subsequent development crisis.


Thank you, 

Brittany Lillie 




Pelz, B., Thomas, C., & Cleary, T. (2024, January 1). 
Chapter 2: Developmental theories. Pressbooks. 




Vanessa Smith

Jul 9, 2024, 7:22 PM


Good morning, Dr. Lori and Peers, 

Two developmental theorists who contributed to the field of child development are Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson. Freud used five different stages of development. The oral stage is from birth to 1.5 years and focuses on infants fixating on things in their mouths. The anal stage is from 1.5-3 years that focuses on pleasure in the anus. The phallic stage is from ages 3-6 years and focuses on the genitals. The latency stage is from ages 6-puberty and focuses on developing social and intellectual skills. The genital stage is during puberty, which is a sexual awakening. All stages revolve around the sexual stages of children.
Erik Erikson’s theory has eight stages and focuses on the entire human life. At each stage, a person must resolve a specific crisis that becomes a pivotal turning point in their life. Erikson focuses on growth opportunities in every stage of life. (Santrock et al., 2022)


Santrock, J. W. (2022). Children: 2024 release (15th ed.). McGraw-Hill LLC.  ISBN-13: 9781260726794.   



Brittany Lillie

Jul 9, 2024, 10:53 AM


Sylvia Murillo

Jul 8, 2024, 12:02 AM


The goal of the health care system is to treat diseases by addressing their outward manifestations; it does not strive to avoid disease or dysfunction. Nonetheless, the goal of psychological therapies is to stop emotional difficulties, psychopathology, and skill deficiencies that underlie dysfunction and discomfort. By doing so, they hope to stop issues with both physical and mental health from developing. One of the primary characteristics of community psychology, for example, is preventing psychological and social problems by providing community members with the knowledge and abilities needed to handle change and underlying discomfort. 

Stress is a significant risk factor for heart conditions, including hypertension and stroke, because it can disrupt the release of stress hormones and cause inflammation in the body. By controlling stress or practicing stress management strategies, for example, cardiovascular issues like heart attacks—which are among the world’s top causes of death—can be avoided. Using affordable psychological therapies, the high expenses associated with treating cardiovascular diseases can be significantly decreased. 

Another concern in the healthcare system is non-compliance with uncomfortable medical procedures and drugs, which can result in a relapse or return of the problems. Consulting with psychologists can help ensure that patients receive effective medical care. For example, therapy consultations with psychologists can help reduce the patient’s uncertainty over compliance and help implement dietary, lifestyle, and physical activity adjustments so that the problems don’t repeat.


Matthew White

Jul 8, 2024, 7:02 AM


Psychology plays a crucial role in the healthcare system, especially in addressing current problems such as mental health stigma, patient adherence to treatment, and healthcare disparities. Research has shown that individuals with mental health conditions often face discrimination and stigma, deterring them from seeking proper care. Additionally, patient adherence to treatment plans is a major challenge, affecting health outcomes. Studies indicate that integrating psychological interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can significantly improve treatment adherence. Furthermore, healthcare disparities can impact access to quality care, particularly for marginalized communities. Research suggests that promoting affordable and accessible mental health services can help address this issue. By addressing these problems, psychology can contribute to improving overall healthcare outcomes and promoting a more equitable healthcare system.

Lindsay Gould

Jul 8, 2024, 12:07 PM


Hello Class,


Psychosomatic medicine is the correlation between both body and mind, where our feelings influence our health, and our health influences our feelings (Sarafino, et al., 2022). With this, we can see the disconnect that occurs within healthcare regarding mental health, for example, it is seen that mental health is not addressed during primary care visits, often it is just the physical symptoms, or lack thereof, that are addressed during the visit. This leads to a missed or underdiagnosed issue that may be left untreated indefinitely. This can be seen often within cardiovascular medicine, as about a third of those suffering from cardiovascular diseases are also suffering from a mental health disorder (Gaffey, et al., 2022). Another issue that is seen within our current healthcare system is the lack of support to change unhealthy habits, as well as the lack of gusto that patients have to abide by doctors’ orders. With further support from healthcare professionals and providing accountability to the individual, a higher success rate can be attained, as the patient is provided with tools and resources to achieve a healthy lifestyle, while also obtaining assistance in making the necessary changes. Lastly, inequality within healthcare can leave certain groups of society without the access to obtain necessary healthcare, or even the ability to obtain a wellness check. Racial discrimination and low income are often factors among those who are unable to access healthcare, especially with the 63-fold increase in the cost of healthcare since 1960, it makes it incredibly difficult for those unable to afford insurance or pay out of pocket for check-ups, medicine, or procedures (Sarafino, et al., 2022).  



Lindsay Gould




Gaffey, A. E., Harris, K. M., Mena-Hurtado, C., Sinha, R., Jacoby, D. L., & Smolderen, K. G. (2022). The Yale Roadmap for Health Psychology and Integrated Cardiovascular Care. 
Health Psychology
41(10), 779–791. 


Sarafino, E., & Smith, T. (2022). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions (10th ed.). Wiley. ISBN-13: 9781119577805




Sylvia Murillo

Jul 8, 2024, 12:03 AM


The word “placebo” describes innocuous procedures meant to ease a patient’s discomfort in a medical setting. In a clinical trial-based healthcare system, they are widely utilized. Since the placebo response “is not necessarily a true psychological response to the simulation of therapy,” it is unclear how the outcomes of the RCTs may be linked to each other. (2010) Finniss et al. This has several uses, such as evaluating the morality of attempts to produce placebo effects in therapeutic settings. According to Finniss et al. (2010), there are significant ethical concerns with the promotion of placebo effects and the absence of dishonesty in doing so. The principal result of using placebos is the phenomenon known as the placebo effect, which has ramifications for biology, psychology, and ethics. Nevertheless, just because a placebo control must be used to demonstrate efficacy is not an indication that it is appropriate. It would be unethical to urge individuals to accept therapy they cannot afford when they have a life-threatening condition, for example, because of the significant dangers involved (Millum & Grady, 2013).


Miller, F., Benedetti, F., Finniss, D. G., & Kaptchuk, T. J. (2010). Scientific, medical, and moral developments around placebo effects. The Lancet, 375 (9715), 686–695.


Grady, C., and Millum, J. (2013). Methodological arguments for the ethics of placebo-controlled studies. 36(2), 510–514, Contemporary Clinical Trials. The article’s DOI is 10.1016/j.cct.2013.09.003.

Matthew White

Jul 8, 2024, 7:03 AM


I do believe that using placebos in health care can present various biological, psychological, and ethical dilemmas. From a biological perspective, reliance on placebos could delay or prevent patients from receiving appropriate medical treatment, potentially worsening their conditions. Psychologically, the use of placebos could lead to mistrust between patients and healthcare providers if patients discover they have been given placebos instead of active treatment. Ethically, there is a concern regarding informed consent and the autonomy of patients. Administering placebos without full disclosure to patients may violate their right to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Additionally, the use of placebos may raise questions about healthcare resource allocation and the potential for unequal access to effective treatments. These issues highlight the complexity of integrating placebos into healthcare practices and necessitate careful consideration of their potential impact on patients and the ethical principles of healthcare.

Brooke Echols

Jul 9, 2024, 7:08 PM


Good evening,

 I hope that everyone’s day is going well when it comes to potential biological, psychological, and ethical dilemmas that might arise from using placebos in healthcare when it comes to the biological way placebos may have physical effects it could affect the patients physically from not receiving the necessary treatment. When it comes to the psychological part this can break the trust between patients and healthcare providers. When it comes to ethical dilemmas that may arise this would be doing something without the patient’s knowledge which may undermine trust. Has anyone ever experienced any of these things if you work in the healthcare field already or where do you feel you may experience these things?


Jennifer Shields

Jul 8, 2024, 8:51 AM


Lately, my child has had a nutritionist, and we are going over her food logs to get her more protein. ( She is autistic and very picky lately with certain foods.) I was suggested to try Benecalorie, glucerna, and whey protein in her intake. As i look up my local CVS and other places, i am not seeing a sample or small size amount so i do not waste, my money on a case for 34 dollars. My best approach is too look online for a discount or trial offer so i can try smaller amounts of the items before i go full in and buy the case. I can’t waste money, especially if I do not have a backup or person who could also benefit from that supplement in case my daughter doesn’t like it. I am going the cost-effective route to get my daughter more protein.

Lisa Woodard

Jul 8, 2024, 6:23 PM(edited)


My hypothetical way of using the incremental analysis is in regard to my personal goal of saving money to achieve my personal goal of buying a home. I have to develop the financial habits of avoiding shopping out in stores, eating out, and buying things I don’t need off of impulse. I have to manage my cash flow of money coming in to meet my goal of buying a home. I have to make sacrifices using this type of method. 

Kenneth Brown

Jul 9, 2024, 2:17 PM


A hypothetical example of using incremental analysis in personal decision making is deciding between buying a new car or repairing the current one, by comparing the additional costs and benefits of each option. 

Jennifer Shields

Jul 8, 2024, 9:01 AM


In recent assignments, we handled continuing a business, discontinuation, and differential costs. We see the costs involved when we stay in the current industry or if we decide to discontinue how much profit would be lost. It is the same as buying and leasing equipment with maintenance fees. Is it beneficial to keep the current machine you are using for your business, along with upkeep, and keep the cost of goods and operating expenses in mind? I am still learning these objectives, but they seem very helpful when looking at home items.



Warren, C., Jones, J., and Tayler, W. 2023. 
Financial & Managerial Accounting. 16th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN-13: 9780357714041

Lisa Woodard

Jul 8, 2024, 6:59 PM


“Relevant cost is a managerial accounting term that describes avoidable costs that are incurred only when making specific business decisions. The concept of relevant cost is used to eliminate unnecessary data that could complicate the decision-making process.” (“What is relevant cost in accounting, and why does it matter?,”2006). 




What is relevant cost in accounting, and why does it matter? (2006, May 14). Investopedia. 

Jean Scarrott

Jul 11, 2024, 5:56 PM


According to Warren et al. (2023), relevant costs are the costs that specifically pertain to a particular decision and its alternatives. Another way to phrase this is that relevant costs change when a decision is made. Relevant costs are normally variable costs but can also be fixed costs. An example might be when a company is deciding between buying a part or manufacturing it. The cost can vary depending upon the decision that is made but will also often vary with the number of parts purchased or produced.


Warren, C., Jones, J., & Tayler, W. (2023). 
Financial & Managerial Accounting. 16th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN-13: 9780357714041

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