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The State of Globalization Today: Opportunities and Risk Assessment

Overview and Insights

Globalization, which simply means the growth, speed, and ease of transportation and exchange of goods, services, data, knowledge, people, money, capital, and technology around the world. Globalization is not a static concept; it is evolving.

Many countries have benefited from specialization to the point that they become fully dependent on the global market to consume their commodities while they become dependent on the rest of the world to make their other stuff for them. This makes producing countries and the consuming countries heavily dependent on one another.

According to the United Nations (n.d.) , “The world’s population is projected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion by 2050 and exceed 11 billion in 2100, with India expected to surpass China as the most populous around seven years from now and Nigeria overtaking the United States to become the world’s third largest country around 35 years from now, according to a new United Nations report released today.”

However, the size of the world population was 2.53 billion in 1950. Another interesting aspect about the state of the globe today is that while the world’s population size is rising, the birth rate is declining significantly, and the distribution of age structure in the world is changing—literally—daily.

Add to the aforementioned mix the spread of smartphone usage, social media outlets, rise of income, speed of access to information from anywhere in the world, the convergence of consumer preference, especially among Generation Z (or generation zoomers, those who were born between the late 1990s and early 2010s), COVID-19 and its disruption to the global supply chain, the rise of nationalism and self-reliance (because of COVID), global warming related issues (possible impact on food production), political tension in Europe, global energy crises, and natural resource depletion.

Globalization Isn’t Declining – It’s Transforming

Before diving into your research and analysis, review the following video to give you a new perspective about the evolution of globalization.

Review the 

Globalization isn’t declining — it’s transforming Links to an external site.

TED Talk by Arindam Bhattacharya.

Assignment Description

Use historical data, graphs, tables, facts, or analysis from reliable sources to structure a short PowerPoint Presentation to describe globalization today with the focus on opportunities and threats associated with doing business internationally, keeping in mind the evolution of globalization from 2000 to today.

Narration: You are highly encouraged to narrate your PowerPoint slides and add your voice and energy to your presentation.

Slide Number Requirements

Three to six slides, not counting the separate Title slide and the separate References slide.

Content Structure and Requirements

· Title Page (slide)

· Title of the presentation

· Name of the author (your name)

· E-mail address of the author

· Class name

· Professor’s name

· Date

· Content Structure

Introduction slide: Define what globalization is and state what aspects of it (or the world) has changed significantly for the past 10 years.

Data: The State of Globalization Today: In one or two slides, using data, graphs, facts, figures, or pictures, show key changes and shifts in the world’s trade, population, commodity preference, wealth growth, economic development, or political shifts that have affected (or will affect) the dynamic of globalization and flow of international trade.

Findings and Analysis: In your own words, state and list the major opportunities and threats to doing business internationally. Base this on your understanding of the state of the world today, possible major future changes, and the evolution of globalization and its state today. Basically, what do international businesses need to know about before making an entry or investment decision internationally?

Conclusion and Looking Ahead: Managerial Critical Thinking: Opinion: Based on what you have learned, state one industry, commodity, idea, business approach, or business market focus that might be most appropriate for today’s globalization and one reason why.

Reference List

· Use at least two reliable sources to obtain facts, data, news, updates, graphs, and so forth.

· Cite all sources used. The references need to be in APA format.


APA ResourcesLinks to an external site.
 to learn more about how to cite and format resources.


United Nations. (n.d.). 
The world population. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Retrieved on November 03, 2022.

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