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[1] Week 3 Icebreaker

A lot of Genshin Impact music, specifically from the region of Fontaine. I’ve also been
listening to a good amount of Sayuri, The Peggies, Anri, and “Shirushibi” on repeat by
yanaginagi (I love that song). ALSO OMG highly HIGHLY recommend Alien Stage !!!
Ruler of My Heart is my favorite song from that series but Black Sorrow is really good
too. It’s a music-animation series on YouTube and the story is amazing… I need someone
to cry over it with me, please and thank you. <3

[2] Writing Project: Find Two New Sources

NOTE***: I originally included 3 sources, but will be adding another primary and
secondary source (5 sources in total).

Works Cited

Albert, Octavia V. Rogers, et al. The House of Bondage, Or, Charlotte Brooks and Other
Slaves: Original and Life Like, as They Appeared in Their Old Plantation and City Slave Life:
Together with Pen Pictures of the Peculiar Institution, with Sights and Insights into Their New
Relations as Freedmen, Freemen, and Citizens. NYPL Research Catalog, New York :
Cincinnati, Hunt & Eaton ; Cranston & Stowe, 1853-1889,

es.pdf. Accessed 9 July 2024.

Feinstein, Rachel A. When Rape Was Legal : The Untold History of Sexual Violence during
Slavery. Editorial: New York, NY, Routledge, 2019.

Holmes, Caren M. “The Colonial Roots of the Racial Fetishization of Black Women –
Black & Gold: Vol. 2, Article 2.” The Colonial Roots of the Racial Fetishization of Black
Women, Open Works, 2016,

ld. Accessed 17 July 2024.

Jacobs, Harriet. Incidents in the Life of A Slave Girl, Written by Herself: With Related
Documents. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2019,
Accessed 17 July

Jones-Rogers, Stephanie. “Rethinking Sexual Violence and the Marketplace of Slavery:
White Women, the Slave Market, and Enslaved People’s Sexualized Bodies in the
Nineteenth-Century South.” Sexuality and Slavery: Reclaiming Intimate Histories in the
Americas, edited by Daina Ramey Berry and Leslie M. Harris, University of Georgia Press,
2018, pp. 109–23. JSTOR, Accessed 8 July

[3] Colonialism

Reflecting on the Week 3 lectures and readings, compare and contrast the experience of
“internal” and “external” colonialism. How did the processes of expansion impact a
nation within its own boarders? How did one country enact powers of colonialism over
another? Explore a specific example for each (internal and external colonialism),
referencing both the readings and the lecture materials, including the required MLA in-
text citations.

Internal colonialism, most notably seen in America through its colonization of the
Indigenous population westward of Northern America, was a form of colonization that
centered on continuing land and territorial expansion through forced compliance in the
form of mass murders, indoctrination, and exploitation of Native Americans. The
Manifest Destiny, written by John O’Sullivan, he claims that it is America’s rightful
destiny to expand to spread the salvation and dignity of mankind (preemptively under
the white man’s rule), and embarks on a mission to extend God’s will onto the universe,
connecting the outreach of Christianity onto the indigenous population in America
(Sullivan 3). By his words, he aims to showcase America’s pursuit of freedom in all
regards of life. However, due to the pushback from the Native Americans, the white
American men took it upon themselves to ignite an order to massacre indigenous
populations to better expand from East to West and into territories we now view as
Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. In this week’s second lecture, Professor
Carreras shows the bounties and amounts in America received for killing Indigenous
peoples during the mid-to-late 1800s; one head being $5 each and one scalp being 25
cents each (Carreras 10:22).

This forceful nature executed by Western settlers was also seen in external colonialism.
The way external colonialism functioned, however, was much more nuanced in the way
that rather than directly infiltrating the population, Western Europe dictated its actions
by trading based on social trends of the time. Thus came the opioid crisis in China.
According to Professor Carreras’ third lecture of this week, social influences and
stereotypes behind opioid use increased by the late 19th century as a result of the
increased cultivation of distilled, lower concentrations of opioids. This resulted in the
two opioid wars in China against Britain and later France (Carreras 4:55). The influx of
addiction and the negative impacts of opioid use in China resulted in the country trying
to outlaw its distribution but failed because of Britain and France’s pushback. While
China never officially became a European colony, England and other parts of Europe
were able to capitalize on China’s economy through external colonialism in the form of
social trading and exploitation of Chinese legislation because of said forced trade of

[4] Endemic Reform

Much of Europe defined modernity through the lens of the Enlightenment as the pursuit
of knowledge and personal truth, which inevitably was translated into pursuing
advancements in technology, education, and territory. Because of the Enlightenment
originating in Europe, it caused many enlightened thinkers to warp their ideas into ones
that prioritized Western philosophies and civilizations while downgrading non-Western
populations by exploiting their labor efforts, destroying their peoples, and claiming their
ways of life to be that of primitive savagery. With the spark of Industrialization in
England, scholars like Adam Smith attributed England’s technological success and its
invention of the assembly line to Europe’s advanced civilization and superiority in
comparison to other non-Western territories (Smith 2). Similarly, John O’Sullivan and
many other white settlers sought what Sullivan defined as America’s “Manifest Destiny”.
In his essay, Sullivan defines America as a triumph of all other nations, claiming it is
America’s destiny to spread its profound legislation, morals, ethics, and civilization
(Sullivan 1). From England’s Industrialization to America’s new pursuit of westward
expansion, the definition of modernity is connected to the new philosophy of Western
superiority through the ideals of the Enlightenment.

In contrast, modernity in other non-Western worlds was perceived much differently. The
Endemic Reform of many non-Western locations including in Africa, Asia, the Pacific,
and the Middle East, do not involve the guidance of European nations. Instead, each is
formed through different means of economic, political, and social cultivation often
associated with Western modernity, but continue to keep many of their cultural heritage
and traditions. Based on Professor Carerras’ fourth lecture of this week, she claims the
two main ways endemic reform occurred was through sending highly intelligent and
educated people from these nations to Europe to gain knowledge and ideas from them
and also employing Western specialists to aid them in their pursuit of modernity
(Carreras 8:20). One notable example of Endemic Reform took place in China as a
response to Europe’s constant push to exploit China for their economy and raw
materials. Through the Self-Strengthening Movement occurring from 1861-1895, China
sought to advance its military, technology, and education through partial Western aid.
While rejecting philosophical reformations from Europe, China gained access to Europe’s
military and technological advancements to inevitably ward off the Western pursuit to
conquer them.

Ultimately, while both forms of modernity from Western and non-Western differ (with
many non-Western peoples straying away from fully allowing Western ideologies to
infiltrate their traditions), both ideas of modernity rely on Western advancements,
further perpetuating European superiority over non-Westeners.

[5] Questions?

No questions! I just realized how limited my historical understanding was about the way
the Enlightenment movement was misconfigured in a way that benefitted Western
thinking and how it justified the abuse endured from the Industrialization and colonial

efforts of conquering places both internally and externally. It’s easy to claim how deeply
rooted classism, racism, and sexism are in Western culture following the 18th century,
but to understand it through its complexities is another thing entirely.

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