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Assessing the Impact and Effectiveness of Saudi Arabia’s Mandatory Premarital Screening Program for Genetic Diseases

One notable public health measure implemented in Saudi Arabia is the mandatory premarital screening program for genetic diseases, particularly sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, Saudi Arabia implemented a mandatory premarital screening program in 2004. Initiated by the Saudi Ministry of Health, this public health measure requires all couples planning to marry to undergo genetic testing (Aljulifi et al., 2022). The program’s origins lie in the need to prevent genetic diseases and its philosophy centers on reducing the incidence of these disorders through early detection and informed decision-making. 

Origin and Philosophy

The premarital screening program was initiated due to the high prevalence of genetic blood disorders in Saudi Arabia, especially sickle cell anemia and thalassemia. These disorders are autosomal recessive, meaning that if both parents are carriers, there is a 25% chance of their child being affected by the disease (Gosadi et al., 2021). The program’s philosophy is based on the principle of prevention and aims to reduce the incidence of genetic diseases in the population by identifying high-risk couples and providing them with information and genetic counseling to help them make informed decisions about their marriage and family planning (Almasmoum et al., 2022).

The Impact

The mandatory premarital screening program in Saudi Arabia has significantly impacted its citizens by raising awareness about genetic diseases and the importance of genetic testing, enabling informed decision-making among couples regarding their carrier status and the potential risks to their future children (Al-Shroby et al., 2021). By identifying high-risk couples and offering genetic counseling, the program aims to reduce the incidence of genetic diseases, decreasing the healthcare system’s burden and enhancing overall public health.

The Effectiveness and Potential Improvements

    The premarital screening program has been partially effective in reducing the incidence of genetic diseases in Saudi Arabia. Studies have shown a decrease in the number of affected births since the program’s implementation. However, there are still some challenges and potential areas for improvement. Ensuring the success of the premarital screening program requires making it accessible to all citizens, especially those in rural or remote areas, and providing adequate support and resources for high-risk couples, including ongoing genetic counseling and specialist care (Almasmoum et al., 2022). Continuing public education on genetic diseases, the importance of premarital screening, and available support services can improve the program’s effectiveness and acceptance. Additionally, addressing the social stigma associated with genetic diseases and carrier status is essential to encourage broader participation in the screening program and to ensure that individuals seek the necessary support (Al-Shroby et al., 2021).


Saudi Arabia’s mandatory premarital screening program for genetic diseases is a significant public health measure that has raised awareness, promoted informed decision-making, and contributed to reducing the incidence of genetic diseases in the population. While the program has been partially effective, there are opportunities for improvement in terms of accessibility, post-test support, education, and addressing social stigma.

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