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Operational Excellence

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 1

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550 Assignment 1 (1244) Page 1 of 5

Operational Excellence Project Part A: Workflow Mapping and Analysis
Due: Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 5 (20% of course grade)


An essential tool in Operational Excellence is Workflow Mapping. This tool helps stakeholders visualize
complex work systems (including material and information flows) and address disconnects, redundancies,
and gaps in how work gets done between the beginning and end of a value stream or end-to-end
process. Since it is nearly always a mistake to initiate changes without having a clear picture of how the
system is currently functioning, we are beginning our Course Project with the creation and analysis of a
Workflow Map.

Guidance and Reminders for this Assignment:

• You should select the map type that best describes the (potential) operational improvement
initiative you are exploring AND that you can accurately complete based on your knowledge
of the workflow details. Your selection rationale is the topic of the Week 3 Discussion
Question. It is important that you consider the feedback from your professor and classmates
to validate, and if necessary, refine your choice of map type for this assignment.

• For this assignment, you will create one of the following map types. Summary explanations of

these can be found in the course materials in Weeks 2 and 3.

o Value Stream Map (VSM) or
o Detailed Swimlane Process Map (also called deployment or cross-functional

maps) or
o Detailed (low-level) Process Map

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 1

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 1 (1244) Page 2 of 5


Identify a process in your organization that can benefit from analysis and improvement. The process does
not need to be overly large or complex. Choose something that has the potential for meaningful
improvement, but which is manageable within the scope of this assignment.

Your Deliverables:

1. Create a current-state map of your selected business process using an appropriate map (Value
Stream, Detailed Swimlane Process Map, or Detailed Process Map). Your map must: (A) show
actual workflows, including any informal workflows that bypass the system, and (B) have
sufficient detail and relevant information necessary so that one can “walk the transaction, part or
product” (including the hiccups) through the entire process. Include the following in your map:

a. Indicate the process boundaries (start and end points) for the workflow.
b. Use the correct symbols for your chosen map.

 For Value Stream Maps, this includes process blocks, customer, personnel,
start/end points, and inventory (if applicable)

 For Detailed Swimlane Process Maps and Detailed Process Maps, this
includes activities/tasks, decisions, delays, documents/data, and start/end

c. Show the workflow of activities/tasks on the map. For Detailed Swimlane Process Maps
and Detailed Process Maps, include any decision loops (i.e., sequence of steps that
repeat) or parallel paths.

d. Highlight key areas of concern that may need improvement.

2. Calculate and document current-state critical metrics for the overall workflow and for each key
process block (Value Stream Map) or process step (Detailed Swimlane Process Map or Detailed
Process Map) in the workflow. These metrics may be shown directly on the map or presented in
tabular form, whichever is cleaner and easier to understand. Include:

a. For each process block or step:
i. Process Time
ii. Lead Time
iii. Yield (percentage of items produced that meet customer quality or specification

requirements) or Percent Complete and Accurate

b. Summary metrics for the end-to-end process:
i. Total Process Time
ii. Total Lead Time
iii. Activity Ratio
iv. Rolled Throughput Yield (percentage of a product or service making it through

the entire process the first time without having a single defect) or Rolled Percent
Complete and Accurate

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 1

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 1 (1244) Page 3 of 5

NOTE: Review pages 68-72 and 88-91 in the Value Stream Mapping text for the definitions
and how to calculation Process Time, Lead Time, Percent Complete and Accurate, Total
Lead Time, Total Process Time, Activity Ratio, Rolled Percent Complete and Accurate.

3. Summarize the current state of the workflow. Note any performance deficiencies and
challenges, such as delays, excessive WIP, bottlenecks, capacity, workload imbalances,
rework, poor quality yields, long lead times, and other operational issues. Keep your written
summary brief and to the point – accuracy is what matters. A thorough response with
specifics should take no more than one page.

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should be completed in PowerPoint. Written responses should be included in the same
file so that you are submitting a single document when you upload your assignment.

• For deliverable #1, your map can easily be created using the symbols and examples in the Map
Overview Design Guide provided in the assignment module in Canvas. You may also use
software such as Visio or you may neatly draw the map by hand, but if you choose either of these
two options, you must convert your map to a PDF prior to submitting it.

• For deliverable #2, the information for each process step may be shown directly on the map or
presented in tabular form on a separate page or slide. Show how the summary metrics are

• For deliverable #3, keep your written answers brief and to the point. Accuracy is what matters. A
thorough response with specifics should take no more than one page or one slide using 10-12 pt

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 1

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 1 (1244) Page 4 of 5

RUBRIC: Course Project: Part A

CRITERIA Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

1. Current state map of
business process,

• Process

• Correct symbols

• Workflow activities
and alternative/
parallel paths

• Highlight key areas
of concern

Weight: 40%

Map presents a
complete, clear,
detailed, and
accurate picture
of the current
state; shows
workflow and
information flow
alternative or
parallel paths
makes proper
use of standard
symbols and
highlights key
areas of

Map presents
clear and
workflow and
flows or parallel
paths where
applicable may
lack some
detail; uses
correct mapping
highlights key
areas of

Map presents
clear workflow
and process
flows may be
unclear, or
alternative or
parallel paths
may be
uses mostly
correct mapping
highlights some
areas of

Map presents
basic overview
workflow and
flows may be
unclear, or
alternative or
parallel paths
may be unclear,
incomplete, or
inaccurate; uses
mostly correct
highlights some
areas of

Map is missing
incomplete or
inaccurate; work
and information
flows are
unclear; uses
incorrect or
symbols; does
not highlight key
areas of

2A. Metrics for each
process step

• Process Time

• Lead Time

• Yield or %
Complete and

Weight: 25%

All three metrics
are correctly
calculated and
documented for
all process
steps; may
metrics if
beneficial to
the current

All three metrics
calculated and
documented for
80% – 90% of all
process steps;
missing or
metrics do not
impact the
clarity of the

All three metrics
calculated and
documented for
70% – 80% of all
process steps;
missing or
clarity of some
components of
the map.

All three metrics
calculated and
documented for
60% – 70% of all
process steps;
missing or
clarity of some
components of
the map.

Metrics are not
included, or
metrics are
unclear or
calculated and
documented for
50% or more of
the process

2B. Summary Metrics for
the end-to-end

• Total Process Time

• Total Lead Time

• Activity Ratio

• Rolled Throughput
Yield or Rolled
Percent Complete
and Accurate

Weight: 15%

All 4 Summary
Metrics are
calculated and

3 Summary
Metrics are
calculated and

2 Summary
Metrics are
calculated and

At least 2
Summary Metric
are calculated
may be unclear.

1 or fewer
Metrics are
calculated or

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 1

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 1 (1244) Page 5 of 5

CRITERIA Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

3. Summarize the
current state of the

Weight: 20%

summary of the
current state of
the workflow,
with excellent
use of relevant
metrics and

correct, and
summary of the
current state of
the workflow,
with good use of
relevant metrics

summary of the
current state of
the workflow;
may fail to
address some
issues identified
on the map.

Provides basic
summary of the
current state of
the workflow but
lacks sufficient
detail or
reference to

Summary of the
current state of
the workflow is
missing, unclear
or lacking
references to

  • Operational Excellence Project Part A: Workflow Mapping and Analysis
  • Due: Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 5 (20% of course grade)
  • Instructions
  • Submission Requirements
  • RUBRIC: Course Project: Part A

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