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ENG 201 CASE Module 3

Module 3 – Case


Assignment Overview

Case 3: Social Commentary Literary Analysis

Length: no less than 700 words, double-spaced, Times New
Roman, 12 pt font size.

This essay is to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas. No
secondary sources are to be used in this essay.

This essay is not to be written in the first person, “I.”

Case Assignment

Case 3 is a social commentary literary analysis. In an organized
and well-supported essay, discuss Ray Bradbury’s, “All Summer in
a Day” as a social commentary. What is the author’s message and
to whom is it directed? Is it an important message and if so, what
may have prompted Bradbury to write? Using a rhetorical means to
make a point is typically done for awareness and to encourage
action or change by informing the reader of an issue while
appealing to one’s emotions and sense of responsibility.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this
first essay; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view
and supported with body points and details.


7/29/24, 7:05 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)


Please note that uploaded student essays are scanned by
Turnitin. Please be sure that essays include only the thoughts,
words, and ideas of the writer.

Essays must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font
(12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins and no less than 700 words
of text.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The
beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to
grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a
very brief synopsis of the short story. Be sure to always include the
author’s full name in the introduction of the essay. After that first
instance, only the surname is used. The last sentence of the
introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main
point of the essay, which in this case, would be a literary analysis of
symbolism and theme in Bradbury’s short story.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and
examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize
the body of the essay. Will you have a few paragraphs for
symbolism and a few that address theme? Will you divide the body
of your essay into three paragraphs? Six? In any case, each body
paragraph must support (explain) your interpretation (analysis) of
the short story. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic
sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay
and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to
their world. You may wish to offer a reason as to why Bradbury’s
short story continues to be read in educational settings after so
many years or why the story’s themes are especially topical in our
society today.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar,
punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in
sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined
based on the Module 3 Case expectations and the Trident

7/29/24, 7:05 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)


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University General Education rubric for English found in the course

Assignment Expectations

Write a Social Commentary literary analysis (no less than 700
words in length) that states an original thesis statement.

Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when
expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.

Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an
organized and cohesive essay.

7/29/24, 7:05 PM Case – ENG201 Survey of American Literature (2024JUN24FT-1)


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