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Business Finance – Management WK 5 Assignment

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      Week 5 Lecture

In Week 5, a focus on advertising and public relations as important factors of the decision process impacting global marketing communications will be developed.  Evaluating other aspects of promotion such as sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing as important parts of the global marketing communications decisions will be emphasized.

Bean-Melliger(2018) when discussing marketing communications focuses on such elements as traditional print, radio and television, direct mail and email, targeted internet advertising, social media marketing, professional websites, public relations and one-to-one marketing. For each element in the list a strategy for use must be developed. That includes budget allocation for the selected elements.

It should be noted that in selecting any of the eight marketing communication elements consideration must be given to how effective each element would be in selected international or global markets. Great consideration has to be given to the reach of the chosen marketing communication element.

When marketing products in other countries, Linton (n.d.) recommends properly using local languages, using recognized product names and product parts names, using written and verbal forms of communication that the local market is accustomed to and lastly knowing what marketing channels are best for reaching the customers of the selected country.

In considering global marketing communications decisions, the marketing team can benefit greatly from studying past international marketing blunders committed by highly successful companies and corporations. Below is a great video on key considerations when creating advertising that may be used globally:

Global AdvertisingLinks to an external site.

Advertising can be used in other countries to inform the targeted customer base about the company, its products and its services. Advertising can also be used as a tool for building good relationships between the customers in a country and the company wishing to reach those potential customers. By understanding the language or languages, the meaning of signs and symbols and also the customs of the targeted markets within a country the company can avoid making costly errors.  

Also of great importance are the company’s efforts to develop sales promotions and to have staff engage in personal selling efforts as a manner of communicating in global markets. Such efforts must be designed to promote the products and services of the company while using pricing strategies along with other promotional efforts.

In the virtual world being able to communicate product offerings and service offerings is made somewhat easier because language translators can be used on the company website to translate company offerings from one language into many languages (Rampton, 2017).  Of course, local commercials may be used along with having a fully staffed sales team residing in each country that the company decides to offer its products and services in. Company leaders must make decisions about hiring local talent to handle sales efforts. Doing so can facilitate greater understanding between the company and the customers in each country.

As the marketing team considers the best way to impact its customers and potential customers, great consideration must also be given to how the company can leverage the use of digital technologies to more effectively and efficiently. The Australian Government (2018) has noted that the pace of change involving digital technology is impacting the world of work.

Every company and organization must consider how to take advantage of the digital revolution on a continual basis.


Australian Government (2018). 
The impact of the digital revolutionLinks to an external site..

Bean-Mellinger, B. (2018, November 21). 
8 major elements of marketing communication & IMCLinks to an external site..

Linton, I. (n.d.). 
Communication challenges in a global marketLinks to an external site.
Small Business Chronicle.

Rampton, J. (2017, November 13). 
Sell globally – 15 tips for building your global growth  strategyLinks to an external site.

Valentine, A. (2013, March 8). 

Global advertisingLinks to an external site.
 [Video]. Youtube.


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