Journal 14: There is a maximum of 1500 characters.
1. Discuss in detail to what extent you think the truth about terminal illness should be told to patients and their families, and why.
2. To what extent do you feel that reward, punishment, or other types of forcible or subtle coercion should be used to get people to behave in certain ways?
3. To what extent and under what circumstances do you feel that people’s behavior should be controlled? Do you feel it is acceptable to control people in ways that they don’t know they are being controlled? Give reasons for your answer.
4. To what degree do you believe that human beings can or should be experimented on? Give reasons for your answer.
5. To what extent do you feel that genetic experimentation and development should be allowed, especially experiments that involve the creation of life in a laboratory, stem cell research, and the cloning of human beings?
6. Do you think that commoditizing organ sales would help those awaiting organ transplants? What concerns might you have about the commoditization of human organs? 1500 characters.