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Value Creation with Stakeholders 

The recommended strategy will create value for stakeholders by enhancing educational accessibility and quality. Students benefit from flexible learning options tailored to their needs, allowing them to balance education with work and personal responsibilities. This flexibility can lead to higher enrollment and retention rates as students find TCU’s programs accommodating to their lifestyles. Faculty gain professional development opportunities and resources to improve their teaching practices, contributing to their growth and satisfaction within the university (Watermark, 2024). 

Alumni and industry partners value TCU’s commitment to preparing well-rounded graduates who can contribute meaningfully to the workforce and society. This commitment can foster strong alumni networks and partnerships with businesses seeking to hire TCU graduates, enhancing the university’s reputation. Furthermore, as TCU enhances its online offerings and industry partnerships, the university can expect increased engagement from employers seeking to recruit well-qualified graduates. By aligning educational programs with market needs, TCU benefits students and supports the broader economic landscape, solidifying its role as a leader in higher education and community development. This focus on value creation will foster stronger relationships with stakeholders and enhance TCU’s reputation within the community (TCU, 2024). 

Moreover, this focus on stakeholder value will help TCU build a network of partnerships that can contribute to research, innovation, and community service initiatives, enriching the overall educational experience. Engaging with community organizations and businesses can provide students with valuable experiential learning opportunities while addressing local needs, reinforcing TCU’s commitment to service and leadership (TCU, 2023). 

DSB’s Virtuous Business Model 

Support for Marketing Solution 

DSB’s Virtuous Business Model (2016) aligns with our recommended strategy, emphasizing ethical leadership and community engagement. By enhancing online education, TCU supports its commitment to ethical practices and inclusivity, benefiting the broader community. This model fosters collaboration and integrity, encouraging TCU to uphold its values while pursuing innovative educational solutions that meet the needs of all students. By integrating ethical considerations into its marketing strategy, TCU can create a more meaningful connection with prospective students, demonstrating its commitment to academic excellence and the development of responsible citizens (TCU, 2024). 

Additionally, incorporating DSB’s Virtuous Business Model (2016) into TCU’s marketing strategy will ensure that all actions align with the university’s core principles. Engaging with diverse communities and incorporating their feedback into program development will create an educational experience that resonates with all prospective students. By prioritizing ethical considerations and community involvement, TCU can reinforce its reputation as a responsible institution dedicated to improving society. This alignment will enhance TCU’s marketing efforts and contribute to a more engaged and satisfied student body (TCU. 2024). 

Ethical and Cultural Implications 

Ethical Considerations 

TCU is implementing an online education strategy that respects diverse student needs and promotes accessibility. Inclusive marketing materials and program designs are crucial for creating an environment that values all individuals. TCU must consider the ethical implications of its marketing strategies and engage with diverse communities to create an educational experience that resonates with all prospective students. Ethical marketing practices will establish trust and strengthen relationships with stakeholders, such as students, parents, alumni, and community members. This ethical framework will guide TCU’s decision-making processes, ensuring the university remains committed to its mission of service and leadership. 

Biblical Principles 

TCU’s commitment to stewardship and service aligns with biblical principles of justice, mercy, and compassion. By investing in accessible education, TCU can serve a diverse student body and remain true to its mission and values. Fostering a culture of ethical leadership and community engagement aligns with these values, enhancing TCU’s institutional mission and positioning it as a leader in promoting positive change. By embodying these principles in its marketing strategy, TCU can create a deeper connection with prospective students and the community, reinforcing its role as an institution that values ethical leadership and social responsibility. TCU’s focus on ethical considerations, inclusivity, and biblical principles enhances its reputation and aligns with the broader goals of creating a just and equitable educational environment (Sawyer, 2023). 



Ascione, L. (2023, December 11). The impact of technology on education. eSchool News. 


Campbell, B. (2024, November). 2024 AMA symposium for the marketing of higher education. 

American Marketing Association. https://www.ama.org/events/conference/2024-ama-symposium-for-the-marketing-of-higher-education/ 

Dellarocas, C., & Hagiu, A. (2022, December 21). How higher ed can contend with learning platforms. 

Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2022/12/how-higher-ed-can-contend-with-learning-platforms 

Haller, J. (2021, January). A tale of two private Catholic Philadelphia Universities: How organizational  

Change influences market position differentiation. Research Gate. 


Indiana Wesleyan University. (2016). Virtual business model [image]. DeVoe School of Business,  

Technology, and Leadership.  

Koppelman, C. (2022, October 20). How to write the Texas Christian University supplement 2022-2023. 

TKG. https://www.koppelmangroup.com/blog/2022/10/20/how-to-write-the-texas-christian-university-tcu-supplement-2022-2023  

Sawyer, A. (2023). Office of Diversity & Inclusion. TCU.    


TCU. (2023). Mission, Vision and Values.  

TCU. (2024). Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). https://www.tcu.edu/about/diversity-equity- 


TCU News. (2023, September 18). https://www.tcu.edu/news/2023/tcu-enrollment-retention-on-the- 


Watermark Insight. (2024, May 6). How to enhance your curriculum to meet current labor market.  


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