Assignment 6. Need help.
Art 101-1 Final Project. Summer 2024
Getty Center Museum Reaction Paper (Three to four pages including images and extra credit
citations) Follow explicit format
Due Date: Online not later than Thursday, August 8 at 11:59PM
Upload JPEGs and/or PDFs to the assignment boxes.
1. Assignment One:
Make a PDF of your reservation ticket and upload to the assignment box. (5 points)
Click the link to make reservations. You will need one (free) ticket for each student.
For a brief introduction to the Getty Center, click below:
Links to an external site.
Use the link below to make parking reservations. Each student must have a (free) ticket.
Links to an external site.
Please note the dates of the following exhibitions. Your final project MUST BE FROM ONE OF
THE FOUR. Choose ONE. Do not use images from two different exhibitions. Both images must
be from ONE.
1.The Book of Marvels
Wonder and Fear in the Middle Ages
June 11–August 25, 2024
2.Camille Claudel
April 2–July 21, 2024
3. On Thin Ice
Dutch Depictions of Extreme Weather
May 28–September 1, 2024
4.WEST PAVILION Upper Level 2 Art After 1800: Impressionism
Choose two paintings from this room. (Van Gogh’s 1889 “Irises” is in this collection-BE
2. Assignment Two:
Parking is $25.00 per car. With your iPhone take a photo of your parking pass (or your shared
parking pass). Upload to the assignment box (5 points) DO THIS BEFORE YOU PAY
3. Assignment Three:
After looking at the Getty website at the four exhibitions, choose your exhibition. Please note
dates. Write the title of the exhibition you are studying in the assignment box (5 points)
4. Assignment Four:
Take a Selfie at the Getty. Upload to the assignment discussion. See example (5 points).
5. Assignment Five:
Choose two different works of art from the ONE exhibition of your choice. These should be your
favorite pieces. Which pieces are you drawn to? BE SURE TO PHOTOGRAPH EACH OF
THEM for your paper. Also, photograph the identifying information gallery tag hanging close to
the piece. Make sure that your signage photos are readable.
Upload photos and exhibition information saved on ONE pdf to the assignment box.
(This pdf should have 4 jpegs total including images and gallery information)
(10 points)
6. Assignment Six:
After visiting the exhibits, write a two paged double-spaced paper, font size not to exceed 12
points and margins not to exceed 1 inch (including 2 photo images) which thoughtfully addresses
the following questions in a cohesive manuscript.
(Do not number these and answer as individual questions, but please follow the exact order as
much as possible).
Remember this is a reaction paper, not a research paper.
You may earn extra credit with citations. See the bottom of the assignment for extra credit
Follow this exactly:
(5) What was your overall impression of your visit to the Getty Center? Explain.
(5) Describe something about one of the exhibits (or museum experience) that was surprising or
particularly interesting to you – something that you would not have expected in an art museum.
(10) Name the artist and the time and place the art comes from. Be sure to note the titles, dates,
material or descriptions written and placed next to works. Photograph these. You must include
them in the paper.
(10) Clearly and carefully describe the works in terms of form/(medium) and content as
referenced so far in class.
(5) Is there something that these works remind you of? What do the art works make you think
about? How do they make you feel?
(5) Explain why you selected these works of art. (REMEMBER: check to be sure you have
followed instructions).
(10) Is the artist trying to communicate something? What is your interpretation of each of the
works? From the course material, identify some of the contexts within which to view the
artwork. Why did the artist make the work (in your opinion and referencing Costache).
(5) Compare the two works. Are there similarities and differences in the form, content or
(5) Conclusion. Your conclusion on the entire Getty exhibition experience
Extra Credit:
When quoting other sources, (the Getty website and research information from library class) be
very brief. Sources must be cited at the end of the paper in MLA). Sources may be included as
extra credit, but not required. (2.5 points per citation up to 10 points).
Assignment Six: Upload the final paper, (total of three to four pages including the photo page,
with citations at the end) to the FINAL assignment box anytime before 11:59 PM on Thursday,
August 8.
DEADLINE 11:59 PM on Thursday, August 8.
Paper: 60 points
Extra Credit: Citations in MLA 2.5 each up to 10 points