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I am training in a hospital in the medical records


I am training in a hospital in the medical records department, and now I have completed a month from the beginning of the training. My doctor wants to answer questions about avoiding plagiarism.


The system used in the hospital is named : ( Medica Cloud Care – MCC )

TAAM system, which is the patient’s health file through which he can know his previous visit and upcoming appointments, view medications and tests, and request medical reports.

If you have any questions let me know 

students must engage in discussion to express their experiences, values and challenges. Student should initiate a post and reply to at least 3 of their colleagues as this will open more interaction and expression among students as each student has his/her own unique experience

First discussion should include the following questions

  • Briefly describe your role in the internship?
  • What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?
  • What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?

•Briefly describe your role in the internship?
I check outpatient reports by file number and see if the report is not written or needs doctor’s
approval, I send it to him to do so. If the report is written, it appears in the system as pending, and I
do my part and convert the report from pending to completed. This is a summary of my period and
training for this month.
•What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?
It is that the training is fun, more beautiful, and much clearer than what I studied and learned, and
that theoretical study and education was much more difficult than reality. Training gives a clear view
and effective practical application that is much easier than memorizing and receiving information
without applying it.
•What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?
1- Effective and continuous communication with members and the medical team
2- Continuing education. I am still discovering new ways and methods during research and editing
3- Data analysis, management and organization
4- Medical language and its terminology
5- The most important point is professional ethics for health information and keeping its
2 – This is Amin almarzooq and I will talk about my first impression of my internship experience.
1- Briefly describe your role in the internship.
– The first week was orientation on related departments.
– The following weeks we began working on the existing health systems , including (Medica Cloud
Care – MCC) – (Elctronic Health Record – Raqeem) – (Seha for Health Services – Seha) – (Anat – Virtual
Health Care).
– We started assisting with the entry and updating of patient records in the EHR. This involves
understanding how to operate the system interface and all of the features and functions that are
accessible. (Searching for records, accessing medical databases, adding patient demographic
information, creating clinic schedules, booking appointments, rescheduling and canceling.
– In the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis Department (QAS), learn the arrangement of forms in
files and the type of forms that are used in the hospital.
– Learn new techniques for managing medical data, analyzing health information
2- What differences have you noticed as you have transitioned from your role as student to intern?
When I changed from being a student to a trainee, I noticed the following significant differences:
– Focus on practical application and acquiring skills from those with experience in the field.
– Increased sense of responsibility.
– Adapting to the work environment.
3- What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?
– Understanding the way the hospital works and the organizational structure of the hospital.
– Understanding the link between digital health and health informatics management and its
– Understanding the operation of the electronic health system, such as digital medical records,
appointment management, and electronic prescriptions.
– To communicate and collaborate with the healthcare team
My role in the Internship:
As a Health Informatics intern at Yanbu General Hospital, I assist the health informatics team in
enhancing and developing health information systems . My tasks include training in health data
analysis and supporting the implementation of electronic health records systems like Electronic
Health Records (EHR), and learning the medical coding system. I also help healthcare providers with
medical coding and disease classification tasks.
Differences Noticed When Transitioning from Student to Intern:
The transition from student to intern has been a significant shift. As a student, I focused on
theoretical studies and understanding the fundamental principles of health informatics. Now, as an
intern, I work directly with actual health systems and data. This requires applying theoretical
knowledge to practical situations, dealing with daily challenges, and solving immediate problems.
This hands-on experience has been invaluable in my academic and professional development.
New Knowledge or Skills Acquired:
Since the beginning of the internship, I have gained numerous practical skills. I have learned to
effectively handle the EHR system, including data entry, accuracy verification, and ensuring data
security. I have developed my skills in medical coding to accurately classify diseases and medical
procedures. I am now familiar with Medica cloud care , the health system used at Yanbu General
Hospital. My visit to the e-Health department provided insight into their crucial role in supporting
and developing electronic health systems and ensuring their integration with daily operations.
Additionally, I have honed my skills in health data analysis and extraction, improving the efficiency
and quality of healthcare. My communication skills have improved through teamwork and providing
technical support to doctors and nurses. My passion for my specialty has grown, driven by the
practical application of my knowledge.
The extensive use of the EHR system at Yanbu General Hospital has allowed me to gain a detailed
understanding of the EHR system and the exchange of medical data within the hospital. This
experience has helped me apply what I learned during my university studies, such as extracting data
from patient records and linking information with other departments.

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