Week 7 Discussion – Analyzing your own “Who Are You?” response
After completing the Who Are You task, provide a brief analysis of what your response suggests about what facets of yourself (the material me, the social me and the spiritual me) you think your responses emphasize. Explain briefly why you think your sense of self may show that emphasis.
Click to download the Who Are You question document
Download Click to download the Who Are You question document
Response Parameters:
Minimum word requirement for initial posts is 250 words and for response posts is 150 words
· In order to earn credit, all posts must be accompanied by at least one citation with accompanying reference outside of, or in addition to, the textbook.
Wikipedia, ask.com, about.com and the like are not considered valid sources for any assignment in this course. Your post must adhere to APA citation rules. Grading will take into consideration grammar, spelling, organization, length, citations, knowledgeable content, display of logical reasoning, and adherence to APA citation and referencing
· Your meaningful feedback in these responses should reflect all four categories of the RISE model presented below: Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, and Elevate