CLED 988
Research Prospectus Defense-Ready Draft Submission
Assignment Instructions
The purpose of this research task is to assemble and submit the
Defense-Ready Research Prospectus to your Dissertation Supervisor for approval in preparation for the Prospectus Defense Hearing. This task must be completed prior to the defense hearing.
Based on the feedback received in the prior submission and review, on the date indicated at the course site, you are to submit the
Defense-Ready Research Prospectus for Supervisor review. Your submissions must be in Word format. Your Supervisor will again offer comments on your document and will complete a grading rubric for this submission.
Be sure to submit the entire final document including all “Front Matter” and all appropriate appendices and references. Include all instruments to be used in the study in draft form. Remember that the IRB must approve all instruments before you may pilot test them. Do not engage in data collection until your receive IRB approval to do so. Your document must follow the outline found in the
Program Handbook and use the template provided.
Submit your final document in the Apply item labeled,
Research Prospectus Defense-Ready Draft Submission Assignment.
Upon approval of this document by your Supervisor, you will be allowed to begin preparation for the Prospectus Defense Hearing. However, after receiving the submission, if it is deemed that your
Research Prospectus is not ready for the
Prospectus Defense Video Conference Hearing, you will be asked to continue to revise this document until it is ready. At the discretion of the Dissertation Supervisor, this may require a course extension or even the possibility of a course retake. You will not be allowed to defend your
Research Prospectus until the Dissertation Supervisor has determined your work is ready and complete.
Note: Your draft assignment will be checked for originality of your work before submitting your final assignment. Your assignment will be checked via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.