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Biology – Anatomy Assignment 1


Gang Paper

August 21, 2024

The Latin Kings: Beliefs, Hierarchy, and Operations


Urban life has always been significantly impacted by gangs, which have distinct cultures, hierarchies, and ways of doing things. The Latin Kings are one of the most infamous and well-run gangs in the United States. The Latin Kings, one of the biggest and most influential street gangs in the nation, got their start in Chicago in the 1940s. The beliefs and values of the Latin Kings, their organizational structure, colors, and emblems, as well as their means of making money including engaging in illicit activity will all be covered in this essay.

Beliefs and Values

The Latin Kings consider themselves a “Latino pride” group that prioritizes community empowerment and adherence to a rigorous code of conduct. Their philosophy, known as “Kingism,” places a strong emphasis on love, respect, and togetherness among members. The gang presents itself as the guardian of the Latino community, but because of its involvement in violent and illegal activities, their actions frequently run counter to these statements (Venkatesh, 2008). A spiritual aspect is also present in kingism, since its adherents frequently refer to one another as brothers and sisters and see their gang as a family.

The “King Manifesto,” the gang’s manifesto, lists its principles and guidelines for behavior. These include of upholding a rigid hierarchical structure, being devoted to the gang, and expecting subordination from more senior members. The Latin Kings also place a lot of emphasis on ceremonies and rituals, which support the gang’s principles and guarantee that members stay dedicated to the cause (Kontos, 2003).

Organizational Hierarchy

Similar to a paramilitary group, the Latin Kings have a highly structured, hierarchical organizational structure. The “Inca,” the gang’s supreme leader with the greatest authority and sway, is at the top. The “Cacique” (advisor) and the “Enforcer,” two high-ranking roles beneath the Inca, are in charge of upholding order and implementing the gang’s regulations. “Crowns,” or regional heads, are in charge of particular regions’ activities and answer directly to the higher authorities.

This hierarchy makes sure that directives from the top are efficiently conveyed to and executed by members at lower levels. The Inca retains last say over decisions made by the Latin Kings, who also maintain a system of councils in which members can participate (Venkatesh, 2008). In addition to preserving order, the Latin Kings’ hierarchy fosters a sense of loyalty and community among its adherents (Hagedorn, 1994).

Symbols, Colors, and Identity

The distinguishing colors and insignia of the Latin Kings make them clearly recognizable. Black and gold, the gang’s primary colors, stand for power and solidarity. As a sign of their loyalty, members frequently dress and accessorize in these colors. The most iconic image connected to the Latin Kings is a five-point crown, which stands for the gang’s five guiding ideals: sacrifice, love, respect, honor, and obedience.

The “LK” initials, which are frequently used in tattoos and graffiti, and the lion, a sign of bravery and leadership, are two more symbols employed by the Latin Kings. In addition to acting as identifiers, these symbols help members feel a sense of pride and unity (Sánchez-Jankowski, 1991).

Methods of Earning Money and Illegal Activities

The Latin Kings, like many other gangs, rely primarily on illicit activity to get money. Their main source of income comes from the distribution and sale of drugs, including as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, by their members. In addition, the gang participates in other illegal activities such robbery, extortion, and the trafficking of weapons (Venkatesh, 2008).

The Latin Kings have also been said to run “protection rackets” in their neighborhoods, providing “protection” to nearby companies in return for cash. When these demands are not met, violence or other forms of intimidation are frequently used. The gang’s illegal actions have exacerbated the very problems—poverty, violence, and societal decay—that they claim to be fighting for the community, despite their assertions to the contrary (Howell, 2012).

In summary

The Latin Kings are a diverse group with a well-defined identity, a hierarchy, and a discernible presence in cities. Even while they support equality, respect, and community development, their involvement in criminal activities goes against these values. Understanding the tenets, symbols, and practices of the Latin Kings can aid in understanding the broader dynamics of gang culture and its effects on society. The Latin Kings are a sophisticated social group with a long history, a strong sense of identity, and a significant impact on the communities in which they reside. They are more than just a criminal gang. Its engagement in illegal activity ultimately compromises its professed principles of dignity, unity, and self-determination capacity to improve people’s lives and communities. We can gain a greater understanding of the dynamics of gang culture as a whole and its profound social repercussions by looking at the Latin Kings’ ideology, organizational structure, symbols, and operational techniques. Acquiring this understanding is crucial for formulating policies that address gang-related issues in an efficient manner and promote safer, more just communities.


Hagedorn, J. M. (1994). Neighborhoods, markets, and gang drug organization.
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 31(3), 264-294.

Howell, J. C. (2012).
Gangs in America’s communities. SAGE Publications.

Kontos, L. (2003). The symbolic ecology of street gang members.
Symbolic Interaction, 26(1), 1-24.

Sánchez-Jankowski, M. (1991).
Islands in the street: Gangs and American urban society. University of California Press.

Venkatesh, S. A. (2008).
Gang leader for a day: A rogue sociologist takes to the streets. Penguin Press.

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