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ecom 201- one question ppt


Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Group Presentation Slides
Group Names:
Group IDs:
Course Title: Introduction to EManagement
Course Code: ECOM 201
Academic Year/ Semester: 2023/20242nd Term
Instructor Name:
Group Grade:
Grade Level: Low/ Mid/ High
out of 10
ECOM 201 Group Presentation
Group Presentation (due by Week 10)
[10 marks)
This is a group presentation and must be done in-class or virtually using Power Point or any
other tool. The presentation should reflect your answers and experience in Assignment 2 (the
project). Please refer to the following criteria:

Create 10 slides maximum

The slides should contain the following:
Group members names, IDs, and CRN
A brief description of the virtual team
A brief description of the virtual tool
A brief description of the Virtual work dynamics
A brief description of the proposed reports
Suggestions for future teams.

Support your presentation with pictures from your virtual teamwork.

Each group has 10m (8 minutes presentation + 2 minutes Q & A).

Each student presents for ~2 minutes to divide the time equally between group

The presentation should be written and presented in English.

Upload the slides to Blackboard under the Assignment 3 tab by the specified due date.
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Student Names:
Student IDs:
Course Title: Introduction to Virtual
Academic Year/ Semester: 2023/2024 _2nd
Course Code: ECOM 201
Instructor Name:
Assignment: 3 Project Presentation- GROUP X
Student Grade:
out of 10
Grade Level: High/ Middle / Low
The Virtual Team

1. Name:

2. Roles:

3. Collective goal:
The Virtual Tool
The Virtual Work Dynamics

1. Virtual Office:

2. Virtual communication:

3. Challenges:
The Proposed Reports



General Suggestions for Future Teams



Pictures of Your Virtual Team Process
Thank You!
Questions & Feedback

Purchase answer to see full

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