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Mobile computing has become indispensable for businesses today due to its profound impact
on operational efficiency, customer engagement, and competitive advantage. The ability to
access and process information anytime and anywhere empowers employees to work remotely,
collaborate across geographies, and respond swiftly to business needs. This level of flexibility
not only boosts productivity but also allows companies to be more agile in adapting to market
changes. Mobile computing also enables businesses to offer personalized, real-time services to
customers, fostering stronger relationships and enhancing customer satisfaction. Additionally,
mobile technologies support data-driven decision-making by providing instant access to critical
business analytics and information, which can be leveraged to optimize processes, reduce
costs, and drive innovation. In law enforcement, mobile computing has revolutionized how
officers perform their duties. Laudon (2020) advises, “If you run or work in a business, you
can’t do without networks. You need to communicate rapidly with your customers, suppliers,
and employees” (p. 253). By equipping law enforcement personnel with mobile devices,
agencies can provide real-time access to essential tools and information such as criminal
records, warrant databases, and GPS navigation. This capability significantly enhances an
officer’s ability to make informed decisions quickly and respond more effectively to incidents.
For example, mobile computing allows for the immediate checking of suspect information
during traffic stops or on-scene investigations, which can prevent potential threats and improve
public safety. Mobile technology facilitates better communication and coordination between
officers in the field and their command staff, leading to more efficient and organized law
enforcement operations. It also allows law enforcement officers to have the same data that was
normally accessible on a MDT to be even more conveniently accessible on a mobile device. Why
Do Mobile Phones Need a Different Operating System? (2003) states, “Characteristics that
make mobile phones unique and result in the need for a specifically designed operating system”
(p. 1). This information can be accessed via apps that can be downloaded from the Apple Store
for IPhone users. The integration of mobile computing in law enforcement ultimately leads to
improved situational awareness, quicker response times, and a more proactive approach to
crime prevention and community policing.



 Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2020). Management information systems: Managing
the digital firm (16th ed.). Pearson.
Why Do Mobile Phones Need a Different Operating System? (2003). Computing &
Control Engineering, 14(6), 20-25.


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2 sources

Mobile computing has become an indispensable component of contemporary business
operations, offering unparalleled flexibility and efficiency in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
According to Laudon and Laudon (2019), mobile computing refers to the use of portable
computing devices, such as smartphones and tablets, that enable users to access information,
communicate, and perform tasks from virtually anywhere. This capability is particularly crucial
in today’s business environment, where agility and real-time access to information are essential
for maintaining a competitive edge. The significance of mobile computing in business today lies
in its ability to enhance productivity and connectivity. Employees can perform tasks, access
critical data, and communicate with colleagues and clients while on the move. This increased
mobility facilitates faster decision-making and more responsive customer service, as
employees are not bound by traditional office settings (Laudon & Laudon, 2019). Furthermore,
mobile computing supports remote work and flexible working arrangements, which can lead to
higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. In my organization, the integration of mobile
computing has had a profound impact. Mobile devices have streamlined various processes,
from field operations to customer engagement. For instance, sales representatives use mobile
apps to access real-time inventory data, process orders on-site, and update customer records
instantly. This capability not only speeds up the sales process but also reduces the potential for
errors associated with manual data entry. Mobile computing has enhanced collaboration among
team members who can now share information and coordinate efforts more efficiently through
mobile communication tools and cloud-based platforms. Mobile computing has enabled more
effective data collection and analysis. Field staff can input data directly into mobile
applications, which are then instantly available for analysis and reporting. This immediacy
facilitates better decision-making and allows for quicker adjustments to operational strategies.


Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2019). Management information systems: Managing the digital
firm (17th ed.). Pearson.
McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H., Patil, D. J., & Barton, D. (2012). Big data: The
management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 60-68.

250 words 2 sources

Performance Management is a continuous, holistic process that involves planning, monitoring,
and evaluating an employee’s performance throughout their tenure. It focuses on aligning
individual goals with organizational objectives, providing ongoing feedback, and fostering
professional development.
Performance Appraisals, on the other hand, are periodic evaluations of an employee’s job
performance against predefined criteria. These appraisals, often conducted annually, provide a
snapshot of an employee’s performance at a specific point in time. Some key differences are
scope: performance management is comprehensive and ongoing, while performance appraisals
are specific and periodic.
Performance management focuses on constant development and improvement, when
performance appraisals focus on assessing the performance of the past. Performance
management is strategic and progressive, while performance appraisals are retrospective and
Best Practices for Fair and Unbiased Performance Reviews are Standardize Evaluation Criteria:
Use consistent, clear, and objective criteria to evaluate all employees. This reduces the
influence of personal biases. Increase Education and Awareness: Train managers to recognize
and mitigate unconscious biases. This can include workshops, discussions, and case studies.
Collect Multiple Perspectives: Gather feedback from various sources, such as peers,
subordinates, and clients, to get a well-rounded view of an employee’s performance. Use Data
Over Time: Evaluate performance based on data collected over a period, rather than isolated
incidents. Review Consistency: Regularly assess the consistency of performance reviews to
ensure fairness across the board. Applying these practices can help create a more effective
and  equitable  review process that both employees and the organization can benefit from (Noe,
et al., 2021).
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P.M., (2021). Human resource Management:

Gaining a competitive advantage (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
T. V. Rao. (2016). Performance Management : Toward Organizational Excellence. Sage
Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Reply need to be 250 words 2 sources

Before individuals begin a job, they make sure that the way that they speak in the interview is
great. After the individual is offered the job, it is very important to make sure that they perform
the job well to make sure that they keep the job. The way individuals perform in the workplace is
important. There are many ways that managers view an employee’s performance. “Most
companies measure performance through revenue, margin, net profit, earnings per share and
other financial metrics (Gubata, Joyce., 2021., p.1).” What is performance management?
“Performance management is the process or system through which managers ensure that
employees’ behaviors and results are congruent with the organization’s goals (Noe, Raymond.,
2022.,p.330).” There are many differences between performance management and
performance appraisals. The performance management process has three parts that individuals
familiarize themselves with whereas performance appraisals only have one part. “Performance
appraisal is the process through which an organization gets information on how well an
employee is doing his or her job (Noe, Raymond., 2022., p.330).” There are many practices that
can make performance reviews fair and unbiased. Some managers tend to compare employees
to one another. Making sure that employees are not being compared to one another is a practice
that can make performance reviews fair and unbiased. Using multiple sources before providing
reviews is another thing that an individual can do to make sure that the reviews are always fair.
Other resources that management can use before making a review include customer reviews,
assessments, metrics, and even peer reviews. 

Noe, R. (2022). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (13th ed.).
McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).

Gubata, J. (2021). Process Performance Management.

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