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US History 1

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US History I

Touchstone 4: Analyzing Primary Sources Template

Complete the following template, including all parts, for each primary source you chose from the Touchstone 4: Primary Source List.
Fill out all cells using complete sentences.

Part 1:

Meet the Primary Source

Primary Source 1

Primary Source 2

Write the title of the primary source from the Touchstone 4: Primary Source List, and paste the web link here.

NOTE: Submissions that discuss primary sources that are not on the provided list will be returned ungraded.

What type of primary source is this?

(Types could include a letter, speech, court transcript, legislation, diary entry, photograph, artifact, map, broadside, circular, political cartoon, artwork, etc.)

Provide a brief description of something you notice about the source, as if you were explaining to someone who can’t see it.

Part 2:

Observe its Parts

Primary Source 1

Primary Source 2

Who wrote it or created it? Was it one person, or was it a group, like an organization?

When was it made?

What are two things you know about the personal background or beliefs of the person or group who created it? (4-5 sentences)

Was the source meant to be public or private? If public, who do you think was the intended audience? (4-5 sentences)

Part 3:

Interpret its Meaning: Historical Context

Primary Source 1

Primary Source 2

Describe two other things that were happening
at the time the source was created. (4-5 sentences)

How does that context (or background information) help you understand why it was created? (4-5 sentences)

Part 4:

Interpret its Meaning: Main Points and Purpose

Primary Source 1

Primary Source 2

What is the main idea or point of the source? Use specific evidence from the source itself to support your answer. (4-5 sentences)

Why do you think this primary source was made? Provide evidence from your prior responses to support your claim. (4-5 sentences)

Part 5:

Use it as Historical Evidence

Primary Source 1

Primary Source 2

What are two historical questions this source could help you to answer?

What are two pieces of information the source presents that you should “fact check” (verify as true) by checking other primary or secondary sources?

This primary source shows one perspective on this topic. What are two other perspectives you should get to better understand this event or topic, and why? (4-5 sentences)

Reflection: What perspective do
you bring to this topic and source? How does your background and the time in which you live affect your perspective? (4-5 sentences)

Checklist for Success:

❒ Did you select two primary sources from the Touchstone 4: Primary Source List?

❒ Did you select sources from different time periods?

❒ Did you complete all sections of the template for both sources?

❒ Did you review the grading rubric and compare it to your responses?

❒ Did you review the sample to see an example of a completed assignment?

❒ Did you proofread your work for proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization?

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