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First, review the page in the Course Syllabus entitled “Authentic Servant Leadership at GMC.” Next, view the PowerPoint resource in week 3 entitled “Authentic Servant Leadership” (this resource will be used to help write this week’s paper). Then, write a thorough, organized response that a) clearly identifies and further analyzes at least one of the  seven authentic servant leadership skills listed in the week 3 resource (listed on slide 3 and explained further in slides 4-9); b) meaningfully discusses your chosen skill(s) in relation to at least one specific character, theme, or event in assigned reading in weeks 1-3; and c) provides a specific personal example of how your chosen skill(s) has shaped or influenced your own life thus far—and how further developing this skill could help you become a better leader moving forward.   

Your paper must include at least one brief quotation (with appropriate MLA citations) from both the literature used in your response as well as the “Authentic Servant Leadership” resource linked in week 3. Any content within this resource can be cited, to include the actual quotations from historical/literary figures. The only sources used in the paper should be your chosen literature and the Authentic Servant Leadership resource provided for you.

Your submission must be new, original work that is at least 750-1000 words and addresses all assignment instructions.


MLA Style 

· Your paper must be formatted according to MLA format (this includes having a header, double-spacing throughout the document, appropriate font, etc.)

· Use correct MLA in-text documentation as needed.

· You must include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper. 

· For more information about MLA style, view the 
How-To Guide: MLA Formatting and Citations page. 


· All written assignments should be mechanically and grammatically correct, with proper punctuation. For more information on each of these, view Purdue OWL’s pages on 
Mechanics, and/or 

Authentic Servant Leadership at GMC

A Leadership and Ethics Across the Curriculum Institution

As an institution that embraces a culture of care and leadership, Georgia Military College strives to help students identify, develop, and utilize the skills required to be effective Authentic Servant Leaders, as well as how to assess leaders in their communities and professions. Doing so will help students be good citizens, lifelong learners, and valued members of the workforce. In courses at the Global Online Leadership College, students will be exposed to the concept of leadership, including Authentic Servant Leadership, and its associated skills and traits. These lessons will not be ancillary to students’ experiences but will be fully integrated into those experiences in the online classrooms. We have infused this with the content and skills already addressed in our courses.

Authentic Servant Leadership

GMC (Georgia Military College) has embraced Authentic Servant Leadership as the model of leadership which it feels will most benefit its students. So, what is it? Namely, Authentic Servant Leadership is influencing and serving as engaged citizens grounded in civility and respect for others.

What are the skills and characteristics associated with Authentic Servant Leaders?

Authentic Servant Leaders possess the following characteristics and practice the following skills:

· Civility

· Ethical Thinking

· Humility

· Critical Thinking

· Empathy

· Effective Communication

· Emotional Intelligence

What are the actions of Authentic Servant Leaders?

Because Authentic Servant leaders seek to serve and encourage others to serve, there are certain ways they conduct themselves. Authentic Servant Leaders honor others, inspire vision, choose ethics, empower others, privilege people, balance focus with flexibility, and serve with humility.

Authentic Servant Leaders seek to empower those they lead in a way that edifies, encourages, and promotes growth. They want to leave a positive footprint in their communities and circles of influence. They care about their communities and seek ways to serve in ways that are beneficial to current and future generations. Authentic Servant Leaders exhibit self-awareness and self-discipline, frequently engage in self-reflection and assessment to seek ways to improve and be of greater service to others, and demonstrate a desire to serve something greater than him/herself. They also seek to build relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

How will these skills and traits be reinforced?

In courses at the GOLC (Global Online Leadership College), students will see assessments that not only test their understanding of the content being taught, but they will also see that content infused with leadership lessons. For example, as students discuss topics in the Civil Discourse Forums (Discussion Forums) instruction and leadership will be provided on how to conduct those discussions with civility and decorum. Civility is the ability to remain civil, respectful, and demonstrate decorum even when confronted with difficult and tense situations. As Authentic Servant Leaders and learned professionals have to confront uncomfortable situations in a way that allows them to maintain the dignity of their position. Civility means practicing courtesy, politeness, mutual respect, fairness, good manners, and a willingness to listen to the perspectives of others-whether the perspectives are different or the same. Our Civil Discourse Forums will provide opportunities to practice these things even in the face of controversial topics.

Other assessments, such as Critical Thinking Exercises found in many courses, will reinforce the skill of critical thinking, a vital skill all leaders need. In addition, as Authentic Servant Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively and clearly, assessments in our courses focus on writing, and in some cases, speaking clearly, correctly, and effectively. Leaders are also supposed to make data-driven decisions, so assessments which require students to research, document, substantiate and prove will be quite effective in this pursuit.

In addition, Authentic Servant Leaders must seek to empower ALL others over which they have charge or are part of their spheres of influence. As such, they must think ethically and seek to make ethical decisions. Many courses have been embedded with content-related ethical scenarios where students must analyze whether actions, behaviors, and decisions have been enacted and made ethically and what impact those actions, behaviors, and decisions will have on others.

These are a few examples of how courses in the Global Online Leadership College will help students develop into Authentic Servant Leaders, as well as be able to effectively assess those who seek to practice it. Leaders also need good followers who can recognize good leadership. These courses are designed to help contribute to that goal.

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