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Week 4 DB 2

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WK 4 DB 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

· Review Chapter 12 from your textbook, 
Applied Psychology in Talent Management.

· Review the article 
Human Resources Analytics for Public Personnel Management: Concepts, Cases, and CaveatsLinks to an external site..

· Review the article 
Help Wanted, Part 1: Turning Your Workplace Into a Talent MagnetLinks to an external site..

· Review the article 
No Obstacles: Opportunities and Strategies for Virtual Recruiting and SelectionLinks to an external site..

Research and review at least two additional articles on human capital predictive analysis. Using the two articles you researched on human capital predictive analysis as well as any of this week’s required articles,

· Discuss how predictive analysis is being used to help make human resource decisions.

· Address how, as a manager, you might use predictive analysis to create a strategic global competitiveness from a company’s human assets.

· Give specific company examples to support your discussion and position on the topic.

Guided Response: Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive manner and provide information or concepts they may not have considered. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words. Support your position by using information from the week’s resources. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum.

Response 1

Reply from Eliseo Capellino

There are companies that are using predictive analysis to help them make human resource decisions. It has been around for a bit but is still relatively a newer concept and picking up steam. According to Cho, W., Choi, S., & Choi, H. (2023), “HR analytics aims to support organizations in achieving their strategic objectives through the use of evidence-based HR research (Johnson et al. 2022; Margherita 2021). It involves the systematic identification and quantification of the people drivers of business outcomes, with the purpose of making better decisions that can improve HR practices and organizational performance (Van den Heuvel and Bondarouk 2017)” (p.2). This type of predictive analytic is untapped. According to Gouldsberry (2023)” Predictive analytics in HR isn’t just a trend: it’s the next evolution of workforce management. Predictive analytics highlight your workforce’s challenges and opportunities so you can prepare HR programs that meet your people’s needs and make the best strategic use of the workforce” (par. 1).

As a manager I would use predictive analysis to create a strategic global competitiveness from a company’s human assets by helping me make better workforce decisions and improve employee engagement and output. I would utilize it to help with recruitment and hiring, performance management and help with employee retention. I would also use it to help develop targeted training for managers and employees. There are HR leaders that are not trained and do not understand analytics, which would give me a competitive advantage. According to Gouldsberry (2023), “Predictive HR analytics refers to using advanced analytics techniques to predict future workforce outcomes, employee behaviors, or trends. Predictive HR data analytics gives your HR team insights to make better decisions about hiring, training, retention, and other HR-related activities” (par. 5).

Three companies that use predictive analytics are Google, Cisco and American Express. According to Gouldsberry (2023), “Google’s most famous example of rigorous data analysis and predictive analytics is Project Aristotle, an internal effort that sought to identify the elements of an effective team. To do this, Google researchers reviewed over 250 items from an annual engagement survey to determine which variables (such as group dynamics, skill sets, or personality) had the biggest impact on team effectiveness. American Express deployed predictive analytics to support a smoother transition from in-office to remote work at the start of the pandemic. The company’s tech leaders used data analytics to anticipate when employees would need help signing in remotely. With that insight, IT staff could intervene to help those employees without them needing to call the service desk” (par. 28). Cisco also used predictive analytics to assist with its approach to workforce planning. They used it to improve performance management and fill skills gaps.

Eliseo C.


Cho, W., Choi, S., & Choi, H. (2023). Human resources analytics for public personnel management: Concepts, cases, and caveats. 
Administrative Sciences,
 13(2), Article 41. 
to an external site.


Gouldsberry. April 14, 2023. Unlocking the Power of Predictive Analytics in HR: A Comprehensive Guide. 
How Predictive Analytics in HR Optimizes Your Workforce – BetterworksLinks to an external site.

Response 2

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