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These will be 2 assignments I just need help with replies on. 

Reply to both statements with a minimum of 100 words each, there
are 2 statements here.
Assignment 09

Voice and video are increasingly becoming the predominant modes of communication on the
Internet owing to many considerations. Firstly, the extensive accessibility of high-speed
internet has facilitated the transmission of substantial volumes of data, hence enabling
seamless and immediate audio and video conversations. Furthermore, this technical progress
has resulted in the widespread availability of smartphones, tablets, and PCs that are equipped
with top-notch cameras and microphones, thereby enhancing the accessibility and convenience
of speech and video communication. Moreover, the worldwide transition to remote work and
virtual collaboration, expedited by the COVID-19 epidemic, has further heightened the need for
more intimate and captivating methods of online communication (Masjutin et al., 2024). In
contrast to text-based communication, audio and video channels enable the transfer of non-
verbal signals, including tone, facial expressions, and body language, which are crucial for
expressing emotions and establishing more robust relationships. The integration of audio and
video capabilities into social media platforms and messaging applications has contributed to
the normalization of these kinds of communication. Collectively, these elements have
established voice and video as the favored option for both personal and professional contacts,
providing a more comprehensive and engaging communication experience (Lavanchy et al.,
In contemporary recruitment practices, voice and video technologies are widely employed,
mostly for virtual interviews and evaluations (Peck, 2013). Dodges’ Southern Style utilizes video
conferencing technologies to conduct interviews with candidates, enabling them to evaluate
non-verbal behaviors and communication abilities more efficiently than via phone or text
messages. Video networks also facilitate Dodges in accessing a wider range of skilled
individuals, allowing them to conduct interviews with applicants from various geographical
areas without the necessity of physical travel. In addition, video interviews can be captured for
the purpose of being reviewed by other members of the team, therefore enhancing the
collaborative and efficient nature of the hiring process. 
Lavanchy, M., Reichert, P., Narayanan, J., & Savani, K. (2023). Applicants’ Fairness Perceptions
of Algorithm-Driven Hiring Procedures. Journal of Business Ethics, 188(1), 125–150. https://
Masjutin, L., Bangemann, A., Reimann, L., & Maier, G. W. (2024). Fatigued individuals show
increased conformity in virtual meetings. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1–15.

Peck, D. (2013).

It is no secret that the creation of smartphones and tablet devices has completely changed the
way the world communicates and obtains information.  Being able to access the internet on
these devices has opened a variety of possibilities for how to maneuver everyday activities.  If a
user needs to check on a family member, they can call that person from anywhere at any time.
 Gone are the days of needing to find a phone in case of an emergency because your phone is
always in reach.  The same can be said about how users gather information.  Instead of driving
to a local library, most people simply type in some sort of search engine, and the information
appears.  The convenience these devices afford users has been enhanced by such creations as
FaceTime.  iPhone users can use video to communicate with each other.  Through this
application, grandparents can visit with grandchildren while being miles away.  Those same
grandparents can use their devices too with less typing.  They can send recorded messages to
their grandchildren via WhatsApp (Laudon, 2019).  These users represent the next internet
newcomers who will use voice activation and communicate with images rather than typing
searches (Laudon, 2019). 
     The convenience of video conferencing is realized in many aspects of my current job.  In fact,
most of our meetings are held in this manner.  The application Zoom has been instrumental in
providing this opportunity.  One source describes the success of Zoom this way, “Zoom had
grown in popularity with consumers by 2020, and as of June 2020, courts in 35 states were
using it to conduct hearings and for other purposes” (Tyrkus, 2020, p.235).  The ability to meet
via video will continue to dominate business meeting presentations. 
Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2019). Management Information Systems (16th ed.). Pearson

Education (US). 
Technology. (2021). In M. J. Tyrkus (Ed.), American Law Yearbook 2020: A Guide to the Year’s
Major Legal Cases and Developments (pp. 235-236).      Gale. 

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