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Character Education Curriculum Review

One of the great education reformers, Horace Mann, in the 1840s,
helped to improve instruction in classrooms nationwide,
advocating that character development was as important as
academics in American schools. The United States Congress,
recognizing the importance of this concept, authorized the
Partnerships in Character Education Program in 1994. The No Child
Left Behind Act of 2001 renews and re-emphasizes this
tradition—and substantially expands support for it. Indeed, one
of the six goals of the Department of Education is to “promote
strong character and citizenship among our nation’s youth”
(Strategic Plan 2002-2007). To reach this goal, the Department of
Education joins with state education agencies and school districts
across our country to provide vital leadership and support to
implement character education.

What is character education?
Throughout history, character education has been the shared
responsibility of parents, teachers and members of the
community, who come together to support positive character

Character education teaches the habits of thought and deed that
help people live and work together as families, friends,
neighbors, communities and nations.

Character education is a learning process that enables students
and adults in a school community to understand, care about
and act on core ethical values such as respect, justice, civic
virtue and citizenship, and responsibility for self and others.
Upon such core values, we form the attitudes and actions that
are the hallmark of safe, healthy and informed communities
that serve as the foundation of our society.

What is the school’s role in character education?
Students spend much of their young lives in classrooms. This
time in school is an opportunity to explain and reinforce the
core values upon which character is formed.

In school, character education must be approached
comprehensively to include the emotional, intellectual and moral
qualities of a person or group. It must offer multiple
opportunities for students to learn about, discuss and enact
positive social behaviors. Student leadership and involvement are
essential for character education to become a part of a student’s
beliefs and actions.

To successfully implement character education, schools are
encouraged to:
J Take a leadership role to bring the staff, parents and students

together to identify and define the elements of character they
want to emphasize;

J Provide training for staff on how to integrate character
education into the life and culture of the school;

J Form a vital partnership with parents and the community so
that students hear a consistent message about character traits
essential for success in school and life; and

J Provide opportunities for school leaders, teachers, parents and
community partners to model exemplary character traits and
social behaviors.

State education agencies, through a collaborative community
process, have chosen to incorporate character education into
their school improvement plans and state standards. Some states
have chosen to implement character education through official
state policies such as the Michigan State Board of Education
Policy on Quality Character Education. Many schools have chosen
to incorporate character education into their plans for Safe and
Drug-Free Schools and Communities.

From state to state, the following are common threads in
character education agendas:
J Involvement of the whole community in designing and

implementing character education for its schools; and

J Commitment to making character education an integral
part of the education process.

Federal resources and support for character education
The United States Congress and the Department of Education
have expanded support for character education for more than a
decade, enabling schools across our nation to implement
character education in a variety of ways. The Department of
Education provides grants to state and local education agencies
to support the development of character education. Since 1995,
through the Partnerships in Character Education Program
(www.ed.gov/programs/charactered/index.html), the Department
has awarded 97 grants to assist in designing, implementing and

U. S. Department of Education
Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-6450

Within the character of the
citizen lies the welfare of
the nation.


… nothing is of more
importance for the
public weal, than to form
and train up youth in
wisdom and virtue.

—Benjamin Franklin

Character education teaches the habits of thought and deed
that help people live and work together as families, friends,
neighbors, communities and nations.

Education at its best should
expand the mind and build

—Secretary Margaret Spellings


sustaining high-quality opportunities for students to learn and
understand the importance of strong character in their lives.

Resources for parents and teachers in character education

Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Character Education and Civic Engagement Technical
Assistance Center

What Works Clearinghouse—Character Education

Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen
View the booklet online at: www.ed.gov/parents/academic/
Order by calling (877) 4ED-PUBS.

Character Education-Our Shared Responsibility
View the brochure online at:
Order by calling (877) 4ED-PUBS.

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