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Conclusion Paragraph



Reducing Gun Violence in New Orleans

Jerolyn S. Lumpkin

Rasmussen University

ENC1101: English Composition

Jennifer Propp

September 01, 2024

Reducing Gun Violence in New Orleans

The fear of guns and the potential for shootings to disrupt lives necessitates urgent action. Experts must strive to create a positive shift in the community, reducing incidents of gun violence in New Orleans. This urgent need to reduce gun violence is a noble cause that should be pursued through community-based programs and projects. These initiatives not only help to knit society together but also hold the promise of a brighter, safer future.

Why It Is Important

Guns produce negative impacts on society since they cause deaths, injuries, and psychological health problems as well as financial losses. Thus, the reduction of gun violence will enable the community to avoid such effects, hence fostering a positive environment for individuals in the community. Preventing gun violence also relieves the burden of the healthcare delivery systems and law enforcement agencies since they have to concentrate on other social needs (NIHCM, 2024). To prevent serious calamities caused by guns, it is important to combat its main causes, including ignorance, poverty, and inequality, and ensure that a positive change is affected in society. Following Prevention Institute (2022), it is essential to mention that to prevent gun violence as much as possible – from 7 to 40%, depending on the methods chosen – comprehensive measures must be taken in the sphere of violence prevention, which will make the citizens safer and more trusting to the officials. Furthermore, works reveal that having community-based activities can reduce the rates of injuries and mortality due to guns, which is beneficial to people’s health.

The Importance of Reducing Gun Violence

Paying attention to gun violence is central to community development because the effects of escalating violence are devastating for the whole community. Gun violence results in the loss of many lives and results in an environment of insecurity and suspicion in society. In essence, efficient violence prevention measures can prevent such ill effects, thereby enhancing a feeling of togetherness among the residents (South et al., 2022). Reducing gun violence will free up growth and development focus for the entire community, resulting in a better standard of living among the populace. To my understanding, eradicating gun violence in society is very crucial to the welfare of society, and these measures depend on the efforts of everyone in society.

The Difficulties in Leading Gun Violence Prevention Programs

Nevertheless, different barriers are linked to gun violence prevention programs that can otherwise hamper the efforts. One such problem is the sampling of community members, which may not be constant; another problem is the inability to tackle the root causes behind gun violence in any society. Minckas et al. (2020) said that unequal distribution and equal access to programs and participation can significantly reduce the efficiency of anti-violence programs. These sub-issues require a targeted education and community mobilization exercise that must embrace incessant participation, and который is understood for geographical explication of violence. The motives behind the power transition from just minimizing violence to handling issues around it permit us to acknowledge the multi-dimensionality of these program’s management.

Measures to Improving Implementation of Gun Violence Prevention Projects

To enhance the effectiveness of gun violence prevention programs, it is necessary to undertake a complex of measures. The programs should be as targeted to the ends of the specific communities as possible, although as many people as possible should be involved. According to the Prevention Institute (2022), new ideas, including motivators and the development of new technologies, can significantly improve the functioning of anti-violence campaigns. There is also the campaign that the public should be informed on ways to help curb gun violence, which can be in the form of information sharing whenever it is deemed necessary. Such changes are essential to intensify The work and sustainability of violence prevention programs. Improving these programs is not only a question of preventing violence but also a question of building up and sustaining a healthy society.


In conclusion, when it comes to eradicating gun violence within the community framework in the context of New Orleans, it is crucial to aim at enhancing the quality of the community and the environment itself. This analysis has brought out the significance and drawbacks of these programs and shows how best to improve their efficiency. Social accountability of any violence prevention measures is crucial, as it is comprised of these efforts to build a safer and more common society. Thus, with more emphasis put into these programs and the improvement of these programs, the communities would strive to ensure that such disasters as those brought about by gun violence do not occur in the future.


Minckas, N., Shannon, G., & Mannell, J. (2020). The role of participation and community mobilisation in preventing violence against women and girls: a programme review and critique.
Global Health Action,
13(1), 1775061.

NIHCM. (2024, January 16).
Gun Violence: The Impact on Society. NIHCM.

Prevention Institute. (2022).
Gun Violence Must Stop. Here’s What We Can Do to Prevent More Deaths | Prevention Institute. Preventioninstitute.org.

South, E. C., Hemenway, D., & Webster, D. W. (2022). Gun violence research is surging to inform solutions to a devastating public health crisis.
Preventive Medicine, 107325.

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