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Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan 10 slide


Assessment 03 – Disaster Recovery Plan

In this assessment, you will assume the role of the senior nurse at a regional hospital who has
been assigned to develop a disaster recovery plan for the community using MAP-IT and trace-
mapping, which you will present to city officials and the disaster relief team.

Before you complete the detailed instructions in the courseroom, first review the full scenario
and associated data below. Please refer back to this resource as necessary while you complete
your assessment.


For a health care facility to be able to fill its role in the community, it must actively plan not only
for normal operation, but also for worst-case scenarios which could occur. In such disasters, the
hospital’s services will be particularly crucial, even if the specifics of the disaster make it more
difficult for the facility to stay open.

As the senior nurse at Tall Oaks Medical Center, you play a vital role in ensuring the hospital’s
readiness for disasters and its ability to recover from them. The medical center administrator
wants to discuss disaster preparedness and recovery with you. Before the conversation, it
would be helpful to familiarize yourself with the background information on events that have
occurred in Tall Oaks in recent years, including the involvement of the hospital.


Investigate further for relevant background information.

Newspaper Article: “Devastating Flood Hits Tall Oaks: Small City Struggles to Recover”
Tall Oaks Tribune

TALL OAKS, PA – The usually serene city of Tall Oaks faced nature’s fury as a catastrophic
flood wreaked havoc on its streets, homes, and landmarks. The flood, a result of unprecedented
heavy rainfall combined with the swelling of the city’s rivers, has left the community grappling
with the aftermath.

Local authorities report that the floodwaters have affected over 60% of residential areas, with
the neighborhoods of Willow Creek and Pine Ridge being the hardest hit. These areas,
predominantly home to elderly residents and lower-income families, are now submerged, with
many homes damaged beyond repair. The local community center, which served as a hub for
senior activities and after-school programs, has also suffered significant damage.


The city’s infrastructure hasn’t been spared either. Roads, especially those leading to the city’s
main hospital, Tall Oaks Medical Center, are currently impassable, making it challenging for
emergency services to reach those in need. The city’s water treatment plant has also been
compromised, leading to concerns about water contamination.

Local schools, including Tall Oaks Elementary and Riverside High, have been temporarily
closed due to water damage, affecting over 2,000 students. The school board is currently in
discussions about relocating students to nearby schools or implementing remote learning.

Local businesses, particularly those in the downtown area, are counting their losses. The
floodwaters have not only damaged property but have also disrupted the local economy. The
Tall Oaks Farmers Market, a significant source of income for local farmers, has been canceled
for the foreseeable future.

However, amidst the devastation, the spirit of community shines bright. Residents have come
together to support one another, with many opening their homes to those displaced by the flood.
Local organizations and churches have set up relief centers, providing food, clothing, and
shelter to those affected. Volunteers from neighboring cities have also poured in, assisting with
rescue and recovery efforts.

Mayor Lydia Patterson addressed the city, stating, “While we face a challenging road to
recovery, the resilience and unity of the Tall Oaks community have never been more evident.
Together, we will rebuild and emerge stronger.”

The state government has declared Tall Oaks a disaster area, making it eligible for federal aid.
Residents are urged to stay updated through local news and to heed any evacuation or safety

Fact Sheet: Tall Oaks, PA

Population: 50,000
Median Household Income: $62,000
Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line: 20%

Racial/Ethnic Composition:
White: 49%
Black: 36%
Hispanic 10%
Two or more races: 2%
Other race: 3%


Race and Hispanic Origin
White: 34%
Black or African American: 32%
American Indian and Alaska Native: 1%
Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 2%
Hispanic or Latino: 25%
Two or More Races: 6%

High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+: 82.5%
Bachelor’s degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+: 22.5%

With a disability, under age 65 years: 13.7%
Persons without health insurance, under age 65 years: 9.9%

Income & Poverty
Median household income: $44,444
Per capita income in past 12 months: $24,094
Persons in poverty: 28.2%

Socioeconomic Status: The city has a diverse socioeconomic makeup, with a significant
portion of the population falling into low-income brackets.

Vulnerable Populations: Tall Oaks is home to a substantial number of vulnerable populations,
including elderly individuals, people with disabilities, and those living in poverty.

Infrastructure: The city’s infrastructure includes residential areas, commercial establishments,
schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation networks.

Impact of the Flood: The flood has caused widespread devastation throughout Tall Oaks. The
torrential waters have submerged residential areas, leading to the displacement of many
residents. The floodwaters have also damaged critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges,
and utility systems, exacerbating the challenges faced by the city.

Response and Recovery Efforts: In the wake of this disaster, local authorities, emergency
management agencies, and community organizations have come together to initiate response
and recovery efforts. The primary focus is on ensuring the safety and well-being of the affected
residents and restoring essential services.


Evacuation and Shelter: Immediate evacuation measures were implemented to ensure the
safety of residents in flood-prone areas. Temporary shelters have been set up to provide refuge
for those displaced by the flood.

Search and Rescue: Emergency response teams, including local firefighters and volunteers,
have been conducting search and rescue operations to locate and assist individuals stranded by
the floodwaters.

Infrastructure Assessment: Teams of engineers and experts are assessing the extent of
damage to the city’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and utility systems. This
assessment will inform the prioritization of repair and restoration efforts.

Relief Distribution: Relief efforts are underway to provide affected residents with essential
supplies, including food, water, and medical assistance. Community organizations and
volunteers are actively involved in these distribution efforts.

Long-Term Recovery Planning: City officials, in collaboration with state and federal agencies,
are developing a comprehensive long-term recovery plan. This plan will outline strategies for
rebuilding infrastructure, supporting affected businesses, and addressing the needs of the
community in the aftermath of the flood.

Interprofessional Staff Interviews

Dr. Luisa Gonzalez, Hospital Administrator: “The loss of life during that flood was
devastating. We need to do better to prevent that from happening again.”

Dr. Peter Jenski, Internal Medicine. “Absolutely. We need to have better disaster
preparedness plans in place and make sure everyone is trained to handle these situations.”

Bill Reiner, Social Worker: “And we need to make sure we’re reaching out to the vulnerable
populations and providing them with the support they need during these disasters.”

Nurse Kaley Grant, ICU: “That’s right. We need to have plans in place to evacuate those who
are unable to evacuate themselves, and we need to make sure they have access to medical
care and other essential services.”

Dr. Tom Sowka, Pharmacist: “We also need to make sure we have enough supplies and
resources to handle the influx of patients during a disaster. We were completely overwhelmed
last time.”

Dr. Linh Boswell, Psychiatrist: “And we need to work with other agencies and organizations to
coordinate our response. We can’t do this alone.”


Nurse Kaley Grant, ICU: “I agree. We need to take a systems approach to disaster resilience,
like the one described in that article. We need to consider all aspects of the disaster, from
mitigation to adaptation, and work together to build a more resilient community.”

Dr. Priya Jenski, Internal Medicine. “And we need to make sure we’re prepared for all types of
disasters, not just floods. We can learn from the experiences of other communities, like those
affected by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy.”

Bill Reiner, Social Worker: “It’s clear that we need to do better. We need to be better
prepared, better trained, and better equipped to handle disasters. Lives are at stake, and we
can’t afford to be caught off guard again.”

Dr. Luisa Gonzalez, Medical Center Administrator: “I couldn’t agree more, Bill. The lessons
we learned during this event will undoubtedly shape our approach to future emergencies. It is
essential that we continue to prioritize interprofessional collaboration, address healthcare
disparities, and strengthen our healthcare system’s preparedness and response capabilities.”

Request from Administrator

Dr. Luisa Gonzalez, Tall Oaks Medical Center Administrator, has asked you to present a
compelling case to community stakeholders for the proposed disaster recovery plan. She
requests you use the MAP-IT model, which is a step-by-step, structured plan that can be
developed by a coalition that is tailored to a specific community’s needs.

The MAP-IT model involves all stakeholders, making for a widely-supported and community-
owned effort. It assesses assets as well as needs and looks for ways to use them.

The five steps of the MAP-IT model are:

1. Mobilize individuals and organizations that care about the health of your community into
a coalition.

2. Assess the areas of greatest need in your community, as well as the resources and
other strengths that you can tap into to address those areas.

3. Plan your approach: start with a vision of where you want to be as a community; then
add strategies and action steps to help you achieve that vision.

4. Implement your plan using concrete action steps that can be monitored and will make a

5. Track your progress over time.

In addition to using the MAP-IT model, work up an approach supported by Healthy People 2020
and put it all into a PowerPoint. You can save the PowerPoint deck and the audio of its
accompanying presentation at the public library so that the public can access it and see that
you’re serious. By doing this, you can create a prototype for other local communities near this


one, and possibly other facilities in the organization. To ensure that the disaster recovery plan is
effective, you can also involve diverse stakeholders, replace guesswork and hunches with data-
driven decisions, and create comprehensive, detailed plans that define the roles and
responsibilities of disaster recovery team members and outline the criteria to launch the plan
into action.

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