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Business & Finance assignment

Individual Forecasting
Interpretation Instructions


This is an individual assignment and therefore must be completed by the individual student without outside assistance. In order to complete the assignment, first read the write-up for the “Clean Sweep” case study. Then, answer the questions listed below for each part of the case.

Part 1 questions refer to the 2 years leading up to the opening of the new call center (described in the case study).

Part 2 questions refer to
staffing using
weekly data based on the first 13 weeks of operation after opening the call center.

Clean Sweep Student File No. 1, Fall 2023 Solution.xlsx

Part 3 interpret the output from Part 2 and provide recommendations.

Calculations are provided for this assignment. You do not need to conduct your own.

Include cover page and appropriate references in APA format.

This is the first of 2 forecasting projects. Make sure to use
Student File
which has



A total of 10 points is possible for this assignment. This includes the point values which are assigned to each question (point values are noted next to each question below).

Part 1 (3 points):

Question 1a
: Define a problem statement which reflects the challenge facing Belinda as she planned for the opening of the new center.

Question 1b
: Why was Belinda’s initial forecast of call volume so far off? What could have been the reasons for this?

Question 1c
: What could Belinda have done differently to improve her initial forecast?

Part 2 (5 points):

In answering the Part 2 questions, you should download and refer to Student Data File No. 1 which contains the historical data that was used in preparing the forecast results that are reported in Part 2 of the case write-up document. Note that you do not have to prepare any forecasts in answering this question. Hint: it will be helpful for you to review a time-series plot of the 13 weeks of data contained on Student Data File No. 1.

Question 2a
: Describe the details of the Last Value method used by Haley and explain its accuracy (MAD value) in comparison with the accuracy of the other methods.

Question 2b
: Describe the details of the Averaging method used by Haley and explain its accuracy (MAD value) in comparison with the accuracy of the other methods.

Question 2c
: Describe the details of the Moving Average (5 days) method used by Haley and explain its accuracy (MAD value) in comparison with the accuracy of the other methods.

Question 2d
: Describe the details of the Exponential Smoothing (alpha = 0.1) method used by Haley and explain its accuracy (MAD value) in comparison with the accuracy of the other methods.

Question 2e
: Describe the details of the Exponential Smoothing (alpha = 0.7) method used by Haley and explain its accuracy (MAD value) in comparison with the accuracy of the other methods.

Part 3 (2 points):

Question 3
: Based on the analysis above, provide your recommendations to Belinda on daily call volume forecasting to improve the scheduling of the call enter staff.



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