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Hahyun Kim

Valerie Romain

ART103 32001

MAR 20, 2024

Passion and Possibility by Recreating Matisse’s Icarus

The selected painting is Henry Matisse’s Icarus. This work was created between

1943 and 1944. This paint is included in the jazz series. The reason I chose this work

was because I was interested in its raw feel and the collage-style technique created by

attaching together. Also, the subject of this painting, Icarus, is a mythical character who

falls due to arrogance, but the figure of Icarus depicted in this work looks more like

dancing than falling. The reason this image caught my eye was because, to my eyes,

the Icarus in this work did not seem like a man corrupted by arrogance, but rather a

man with red passion who took on challenges that seemed impossible.

In the process of recreating this work, some parts were cut out of paper, just as

Matisse did with his works. However, for the background part of the work, I used fabric


rather than paper. With the wrinkled effect of the fabric, I wanted to give the feeling of

Icarus falling into the sea and floating on it.

There are various interpretations of the symbolic meaning of this work. Some

argue that the falling Icarus is a projection of a falling air force, reflecting the war that

was going on at the time the work was created, while others argue that the yellow stars

around Icarus are not stars but wing feathers. In this way, various interpretations and

meanings are given. If I understand this work from my perspective as a person living in

the 21st century, I think the red heart of Icarus symbolizes the spirit of challenge,

passion, desire for the seemingly impossible, and the human will to overcome

something huge. So Icarus accepts the challenge and dances to success. The place

where he is is a sky of endless fall. No one knows whether it will be a sea where failure

can be accepted.

I admire Matisse’s work and his style. At the time Matisse created this work, he

was in poor health and had difficulty holding a brush. At this time, he happened to cut

out a bird shape, and it is said that it was not only difficult but also fun. So he continued

to cut out various shapes and colors and place them on the canvas, opening up a new

world of work. Because the form is simple, you may think, ‘I want to make something

like this too.’ But you can’t even imagine how much thought and repetition went into

creating this implied form. So this work seems to be full of the innocence and

tremendous energy contained in the last moments of his life.



Step 1 : cut out stars

Step 2 : lay them down on bed

Step3 : change clothes in to fully black, get position at the middle of stars

Final Photo

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