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case study Allen

 Allen is a 70-year-old with a medical history of hypertension and GERD 

APA FORMAT, AND REFERENCES, peer review scholarly resource cited in APA format from 2019-2024 only. (Within the last 5 years)

Please do not solely use a website as your scholarly reference. It is fine to use it as a supplement, but a journal article or text should be referenced.

Please use North American peer-reviewed journals, DO NOT use any European journal

Please use reliable medical references such as Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment book, or UpToDate. 
Do NOT use WebMD, Wikipedia etc. as these are not advance practice references.  

Clinical Paper 1


Answer all of the problem questions that are asked.  Use your paper to demonstrate your understanding of the physiology involved

This is a 10-page limit for the paper that does NOT include the title page or reference page/s.

2. Your paper should be in APA format. Be sure to cite and reference all evidence using proper APA formatting.

3. Be sure to use professional references appropriate for graduate work. Textbooks and the database “Up to Date” may be good starting places, but students are also required to use primary research articles to answer the problem questions. 

Allen is a 70-year-old with a medical history of hypertension and GERD who is presenting to urgent care due to fever and rash. He reports a mild sore throat, red eyes, runny nose, muscle aches, and cough about four days ago. He has been feeling feverish, and self-treating with Tylenol and ibuprofen. He also noted some white spots in his mouth a couple of days ago. His symptoms have persisted and now is noting a red rash on his face and trunk. His occupation is driving a school bus, and due to the shortage of drivers has not felt pressured to continue working. However, in the past few months he has noted concerning fatigue. His primary care provider had done some evaluation and had made a referral to an oncology specialist, but Allen reports not having been able to get that appointment yet. He does not have any known medication or food allergies. He has been prescribed lisinopril for blood pressure treatment but states he has not taken in for a few days due to feeling so ill. He has been immunized for COVID-19, influenza, pneumococcal, tetanus, and shingles as an adult. He does not have a record or remember his childhood vaccinations.

Vital signs: temp 101° F, HR 85 bpm; respirations 18/min, BP 155/80

Physical Assessment:

Gen: Alert and oriented x 3, no focal neurological deficits

HEENT: nasal and oral mucosa moist; Koplik spots inside mouth, bilateral conjunctivitis with copious clear discharge

Heart: S1, S2, regular, no murmur or rub

Lung: clear breath sounds bilaterally

Abdomen: Soft, non-distended, no masses palpated

Extremities: palpable pulses bilaterally, no edema noted

Skin: maculopapular rash on face, trunk and extremities

Based on the patient’s history and physical condition, the nurse practitioner’s leading diagnosis is measles.


Please answer the problem questions based on this case scenario.

Assignment Questions:

1. Explain the pathophysiology of Measles. (20 pts)

2. What are the risk factors for developing Measles? What social determinants of health may impact clients with this disease? (10 pts)

3. What are the typical clinical and diagnostic signs and symptoms for this disease? (10 pts)

4. Explain the signs and symptoms in this case study by linking what is seen in the clinical picture to the pathophysiology behind this disease. Explain how and why these signs and symptoms occur. (30 pts)

5. How is Measles treated? How would you treat this patient? Be sure to address both physical and social concerns with your management plan. (20 pts)

Professional writing demonstrates incorrect grammar, spelling, and logical flow of the paper. APA format of paper and proper format for citations/references (10 pts). No points will be earned if there is information in the paper that should be cited and lacks citations/references.

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