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Peer Responses needed

NEED someone to respond to the two peers by tomorrow

Personal Reflection

After studying the course material on 

Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources 
page, review the readings and other materials in this course, discuss the three most important takeaways for you as a professional educator, then answer the questions below.

1. What impact has this course had or will have on your professional career?

2. How do the concepts discussed in this course change the way that you view the collective negotiations process?

3. What do you think the future of human resources in school settings will look like? 

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.


Reply TO Amanda Victoria MacIas

Key Takeaways for a Professional Educator

Importance of Collective Bargaining: One of the most significant takeaways from Module 7 is the understanding of collective bargaining processes and their critical role in school settings. Collective negotiations are essential in ensuring that educators’ rights are protected, while also promoting better working conditions and salaries. As a professional educator, this process helps me understand how my role intersects with both the administrative and legal aspects of education.

Role of Human Resources in Schools: Another important takeaway is the evolving role of Human Resources (HR) in school settings. HR is not just about hiring and payroll; it involves professional development, teacher evaluation, and conflict resolution. Learning how HR functions within schools helps educators like myself become better advocates for our needs, particularly regarding professional development opportunities and employment contracts.

Impact of Legislative Changes: Finally, the course materials emphasize the importance of staying updated with legislative changes that directly affect educators. Legislative policies around funding, teacher evaluations, and union rights significantly influence the working environment. For example, changes in laws regarding tenure or teacher pensions can have a profound impact on the profession’s stability.

Impact on My Professional Career

This course has enhanced my understanding of the broader framework within which education operates, especially concerning collective negotiations and human resources. It has encouraged me to be more proactive in understanding my employment rights and to be a stronger advocate for both myself and my colleagues. As a result, I now feel more empowered to participate in school-wide discussions about policy changes and negotiations.

Collective Negotiations Process

The course has shifted my view of the collective negotiations process from seeing it as a contentious legal exercise to understanding it as a collaborative effort designed to improve both working conditions and student outcomes. Understanding that both sides, administrators and educators, are working toward a common goal—improving educational environments—helps foster a more positive perspective on the negotiations process.

The Future of Human Resources in School Settings

The future of human resources in school settings will likely see an increased focus on teacher retention and mental health support. With growing concerns about teacher burnout and mental well-being, HR departments may focus more on offering holistic support services. Additionally, I foresee HR playing a key role in promoting diversity and inclusion in schools, ensuring that hiring practices and professional development opportunities reflect a commitment to equity.


Davis, J. R., & Ward, D. A. (2020). 
Collective bargaining in education: Negotiating labor agreements for student success. Harvard Education Press.

Grissom, J. A., & Bartanen, B. (2019). Strategic human capital management in education: Improving instructional leadership and teacher retention. 
Educational Policy, 33(5), 718-750. 

Reply TO Mark Waters

Three Important Takeaways

One of the key readings emphasized the need for collaborative leadership in education. This approach fosters a culture of trust and collective responsibility, enhancing both teacher and student outcomes. Understanding how to cultivate these relationships will be crucial in my role as an educator.

The course materials highlighted the significance of equity and inclusion in collective negotiations. Recognizing the diverse needs of all stakeholders, particularly marginalized voices, is essential for creating an equitable educational environment (Rebore, 2015). This awareness will guide my advocacy efforts and my approach to policy-making.

Another vital takeaway was the importance of data in shaping educational policies and practices. Learning to utilize data effectively will enable me to make informed decisions that positively impact teaching and learning, ultimately leading to better outcomes for students.

Impact on Professional Career

This course has fundamentally broadened my perspective on the role of negotiation and collaboration in education. It has equipped me with the tools to engage more effectively in discussions around policy and practice (Smylie, 2010). Moving forward, I feel more confident in advocating for equitable solutions and leading initiatives that prioritize collective well-being.

Changing View of Collective Negotiations

The concepts discussed in this course have shifted my view of collective negotiations from a purely transactional process to one that is relational and collaborative. I now understand that successful negotiations are not just about reaching agreements but about fostering an ongoing dialogue that values the perspectives of all stakeholders. This mindset will allow me to approach negotiations with a focus on building consensus and addressing the underlying concerns of educators and the community.

Future of Human Resources in School Settings

I envision the future of human resources in schools as increasingly focused on strategic partnerships and holistic well-being. HR will likely play a critical role in fostering a positive school culture that emphasizes professional development, mental health support, and retention strategies (National Education Association, 2021). As schools evolve, HR will also need to adapt to changing demographics and the need for inclusive practices, ensuring that all staff feel valued and supported.


National Education Association. (2021). 
Human Resources: A Vision for the Future of Education. NEA Research.

Rebore, R. W. (2015). 
The Principal’s Guide to School Budgeting and Finance. Corwin Press.

Smylie, M. A. (2010). “Teacher and School Leader Effectiveness.” In 
Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (pp. 57-80). Routledge.

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