Summative Assessment:
● In this competency, you have learned the skills of being a better
communicator, and so much of that communication starts with YOU!
● For this assessment, you will create a coaching plan to help yourself become
a better communicator.
● Your coaching plan should include:
○ A recorded conversation (you may use the same recording from
the formative)
○ An analysis of the strengths in your communication
○ An analysis of the weakness in your communication
○ Connection to communication theory
○ Recommendations for improving your communication
Document Type/Template:
● This assessment should include the video and your coaching plan.
○ Your submission may be a paper, visual presentation, or video
reflection. If you choose to write a paper, it should be 3+ pages in
length, not including the title page or reference page. The visual
presentation should be 5+ slides. If you create a video reflection,
please upload the transcript for it.
○ This submission must be formatted according to APA guidelines
and include contextually appropriate scholarly sources.