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searching and appraising literature

When conducting a literature review, what are the steps you should you take to successfully search the evidence? Once you have generated your results, how do you properly appraise the evidence, grade them, and select the ones you want to use?

When conducting a literature review, the goal is to produce a set of results that match your search criteria. The results you get will vary dramatically depending on the search engine(s) you utilize and which key words you choose to enter. Selecting the right database(s) is one skill; selecting the best key words is another. In this Assignment, you will hone your skills in both of these important aspects of the search process.

Keep in mind, the results of your search will vary in terms of quality, as well as appropriateness, and significance to your research goals. For this reason, searching is only the first step of the process. The second step is to appraise the results you identified, and based on your evaluations, select the literature that you will select.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To prepare:

· Review the Learning Resources for this week which focus on how to successfully search and appraise search results.

· Review the course textbook Appendices E, F, and G, located in the Learning Resources for this week, which you will be required to complete and submit as part of this Assignment.

· Select 
one organizational type and 
one gap in practice or practice change on which to focus for this Assignment.

Note: You may select a new organizational type and gap in practice or practice change or, if you choose, you may reuse one on which you focused for a previous Assignment, Discussion, or Blog in this course.

Also Note: These may or may not be the same organizational type and gap in practice or practice change as those you will focus on for your Practicum and DNP Project.

· Consider all of the factors you should take into account when searching the evidence, then, using the Walden Library databases, conduct a search related to the organizational type and gap in practice or practice change you selected.

· Consider all of the factors you should take into account when apprising evidence, then, using the course text Appendices E, F, and G, appraise the results of your search.

· Based on your appraisals, identify the 
three recent (within the last five years), peer-reviewed articles that you think are most relevant to your research goals.

Note: For this Assignment, you must complete Appendix G based on having completed either Appendix E or F for each of the three articles you selected, as appropriate. You will submit a total of 
four documents (three completed Appendices along with your 2–3-page paper).

Be sure to review the grading rubric for this Assignment so you fully understand what is expected of you. To access the rubric, scroll down to the bottom of the Assignment page.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

Write a paper in which you do the following: 

· Describe the organizational type and gap in practice or practice change you selected and explain the goals of the search you conducted.

· Describe your process of searching the evidence. Be specific and provide examples. Include the following:

· Which database(s) did you select? Why did you choose them?

· Which key words did you select? Why did you choose them?

· Describe your process of appraising the evidence you identified. Be specific and provide examples. Include the following:

· How many articles did you find?

· Based on what criteria did you decide on the 
three recent (within the last five years), peer-reviewed articles that you selected?

· Include copies of your completed Appendix G, along with the Appendices E and/or F that you completed as appropriate for each of the articles you selected.

Note: For this Assignment, you must complete Appendix G based on having completed either Appendix E or F for each of the three articles you selected, as appropriate. You will submit a total of four documents (three completed Appendices along with your 2–3-page paper).

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