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Reply to discussion (Introduction to Barriers to Trade)


Vietnam, a developing country, heavily relies on its agriculture sector, including fruits,
vegetables, and rice. However, Japan, a developed nation, imposes tariffs on these products.
These tariffs aim to protect Japanese rice farmers and the agricultural sector from international
competition. While these measures temporarily benefit Japanese farmers, they have longerterm negative economic repercussions for both countries.
Impact on Vietnam
Vietnam’s economy is significantly reliant on agriculture, which contributes substantially to its
GDP and employment. The country exports numerous agricultural products to Japan, one of its
primary markets. However, the imposition of tariffs by Japan makes Vietnamese goods less
competitive in this market. As a result, Vietnam’s agricultural exports to Japan have declined,
reducing revenue for Vietnamese companies and farmers. This downturn adversely affects rural
communities dependent on agriculture for their livelihood (Carbaugh, 2019). The diminished
demand from foreign markets also limits Vietnam’s ability to invest in advanced agricultural
technologies that could enhance productivity and output quality (World Trade Organization
[WTO], 2020). Consequently, the economic growth of Vietnam’s agricultural sector is stunted,
creating additional challenges for improving rural welfare.
Impact on Japan
Japan’s tariffs are designed to protect domestic farmers from foreign competition, particularly in
the rice industry, which is integral to the country’s economy and culture. Nevertheless, these
tariffs lead to economic trade-offs. By increasing the cost of agricultural imports, Japan raises
the price of essential foods for its citizens (Carbaugh, 2019). Additionally, the higher cost of
imported agricultural products means that industries such as food manufacturing and
restaurants face increased input expenses. This situation renders these industries less
competitive in both domestic and international markets (Krugman & Obstfeld, 2018). Overall,
the tariffs create economic inefficiencies by maintaining artificially high prices and restricting
competition, even though they provide temporary protection for domestic farmers.
Tariff Elimination
Eliminating Japan’s tariffs on agricultural products could economically benefit both countries.
Japan would gain access to cheaper agricultural products, leading to reduced prices for
consumers and businesses. This change would enable Japan to allocate resources more
effectively, freeing up funds for other profitable ventures (Krugman & Obstfeld, 2018). Increased
market access for Vietnam would allow for greater investment in agricultural technologies and
boost export earnings, ultimately enhancing farmer income and productivity (WTO, 2020).
However, removing tariffs could expose Japanese farmers to heightened competition,
potentially disadvantaging small-scale producers. To address these concerns, Japan might
consider implementing government support programs aimed at improving the competitiveness
of domestic agriculture. A phased reduction of tariffs, combined with these support measures,
could help mitigate the impact on Japanese farmers while fostering economic cooperation with
Vietnam (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2021).
In summary, Japan’s tariffs on Vietnamese agricultural products, while intended to protect
domestic farmers, lead to economic inefficiencies in both nations. Vietnam’s agricultural sector
suffers from reduced market access, hindering its economic growth, while Japan experiences
higher consumer prices and less competitive industries. A gradual removal of tariffs, paired with
domestic support measures, would likely benefit both economies in the long term.
Carbaugh, R. J. (2019). International economics (17th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Krugman, P. R., & Obstfeld, M. (2018). International economics: Theory and policy (11th ed.).
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2021). Agricultural policy
monitoring and evaluation 2021: Addressing agricultural challenges in Japan. OECD
World Trade Organization. (2020). World Trade Report 2020: Trade and trade barriers. WTO

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