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In response to Shelby and Marvin on their growth plans, address the following:

  • Compare your experiences with developing a growth plan. Identify one aspect of their growth plan that you liked.
  • How might you measure success differently than they did? Why?

Shelby post

Throughout my career, I have not helped develop any team or company growth plans, partially because I am still pretty early on in my career, but I also do work in a large corporation. In my company, we do create personal growth and development plans every year so we can have a better tool to look back on to help both us and our leaders help us in getting where we ultimately want to be within our careers. I enjoy creating a professional development plan every year because it allows me to periodically check where I am at to where I want to end up. It helps me have a better visual of other parts of HR I wish to touch and work in to get to my goal. 

I personally measure my success by comparing where I am currently to where I have been in the past. Whether I am comparing job titles or metrics I used to do versus metrics I do now. I think for myself, this is important because it allows me to see where I would like to continue to work to continue to grow my career and develop even in my current role. 

Marvin post

 I have developed growth plans for myself, outlining where I aim to be in my career in the next five years. While the journey has had its ups and downs, having a clear plan has helped me stay focused and motivated. I have learned the importance of flexibility and adaptability in achieving long-term goals, as unexpected challenges and opportunities can arise along the way.

 My personal measures of success include continuous learning and development, achieving a good work-life balance, and making a positive impact on the people and organizations I work with. These measures are important to me because I believe that growth and fulfillment come from ongoing self-improvement, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and leaving a positive legacy in my professional and personal endeavors.

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