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ecom301 Mo


You work for a company as a digital marketing manager and you’ve been asked to prepare a comprehensive digital marketing campaign. The campaign will run for the duration of one year, starting January until December 2024.

Important note: 

You can choose any company to work with as long as:

It is a local company.

It is a startup that was established in the last (3 – 6) years, 2014 onwards.

It can belong to any industry sector.

this company

The College of Administrative and Finance Sciences
E-commerce Department
E-Marketing (ECOM301)
Digital Marketing Plan Project
You work for a company as a digital marketing manager and you’ve been asked to prepare a
comprehensive digital marketing campaign. The campaign will run for the duration of one year,
starting January until December 2024.
Important note:
You can choose any company to work with as long as:

It is a local company.

It is a startup that was established in the last (3 – 6) years, 2014 onwards.

It can belong to any industry sector.
ECOM 301 Project
Part 1, around (1500) words: Due week 7, on 12/10/2024. (Refer to the Textbook Chapters
2, 3, 4, 5,&6 and apply the following in the context of your company)
1. Investigate the micro-environment as part of the situation analysis for your company.
a. Competitors analysis
b. Suppliers and/or Digital Marketing intermediaries.
c. Customers’ persona.
2. Summaries the macro-environment variable your company needs to monitor when
operating the digital marketing campaign. (two or three variables for each force are
a. Technological forces.
b. Legal forces.
c. Economic forces.
d. Political forces.
e. Social forces.
3. Devise a digital marketing strategy for your campaign. (refer to figure 4.5, page 147 or
ch4, slide 9)
a. Where are you now? (situation analysis)
b. Where do you want to be? (business objectives)
c. How are you going to get there? (strategy)
d. How exactly do you get there? (tactics)
e. Who does what and when? (actions)
f. How do you monitor performance? (control)
4. Summaries the marketing mix best suitable for your campaign. (refer to ch5)
a. Product variables
b. Price variables
c. Place variables
d. Promotion variables
e. Process variables
ECOM 301 Project
5. How can you implement relationship marketing for your campaign? (refer to ch6)
a. Could you create a virtual community? And how does it help the relationship
b. Could you use digital media to support customers’ advocacy? And how?
End of Part 1!
ECOM 301 Project
Part 2, around (1000) words: Due week 12 on 23/11/2024. (Refer to the Textbook Chapters
7, 8, 9 &10) – For legal reasons, you will not actually create business profiles and launch a
campaign on different platforms. You will merely write the proposed plan and the expected
results and accumulated costs, using real facts from the chosen used platforms. So, do the
proper research and choose wisely..
Create a campaign for your company to launch, starting January 2021 till December, that
will be active for 12 months. Marketing budget: SR 450,000 to spend on digital advertising
media over the next 12 months. The budget also includes up to SR 340,500 for advertising
creative and content development, and for the company to manage the program.
a. What is your campaign message? (about your digital campaign message)
b. What is your digital marketing campaign Schedule: recommend digital marketing
content and the schedule for the content? (Must include timeline for the content
distribution, frequency of posts and ads).
c. What platforms and digital media you will use to deploy your campaign, and for
which purpose? Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Snapchat) and any other platform that might help achieve your goals, like google,
YouTube, etc. (Must include screenshots of the platforms’ process of creating the
campaign). Also, include a table of the budget allocations for each platform on a
monthly basis. Try to justify your selection.
d. Monitoring and Optimization: describe how you will measure and improve
digital marketing performance during the campaign. What tools you will use to
monitor the campaign’s activity. (Must include screenshots of the monitoring
tools that will keep track of your costs and activity).
End of Part 2!
ECOM 301 Project
Part 3 Presentation: Due week 12 on 23/11//2024.
Make a power-point presentation of your project work of part 1&2 and present in a group (All
team members must participate) . There must be a minimum of 10 slides in the presentation
with a good background design, readable font size, and style with an appropriate color.
Presentation must have the following format:

Slide1: Cover Page includes (Group members name and ID, course title, course code,
academic year and semester, CRN number, instructor name and Title of the Project).
Slide 2: Micro-Environment analysis.
Slide 3: Macro-Environment analysis.
Slide 4: Digital marketing strategy.
Slide 5: Marketing mix.
Slide 6: Relationship marketing.
Slide 7&8&9: Marketing campaign.
Slide 10: Conclusion.
Slide 11: References.
Guidelines for the Presentation:
• There must be 11 slides in the presentation.
• Each group will have 10 minitues to present and 2 minitues for Q&A.
• All group members should participate in presenting infront of the class.
• The slides should have a clear background design, readable font size and style with
appropriate color.
• The power-point presentation must answer all the above parts.
• Make sure to include the cover page in the first slide.
• Work with the same group members
• Ensure that you follow the APA style in your references.
• The minimum number of required references is 5 references using APA style.
• Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of
presentation. Structure includes these elements presentation style, free of spelling and
grammar mistakes and referencing.
• Your file should be saved as a PowerPoint file and submit it to the Blackboard no later
than April 28th 2024.
End of Part 3!
ECOM 301 Project
Important instructions and Notes
Part 1
Due week 7 12/10/2024
15 Marks
Part 2
Due week 12 23/11//2024
15 Marks
Part 3
Due week 12 23/11//2024
10 Marks
40 Marks
1. This is a group work.
2. You will submit online through blackboard.
3. A cover page is required for each submission, one mark will be deducted if there is no
cover page.
4. The submitted document needs to be structured as follow: a cover page, assignments’
requirements’, then your answers. without these instructions.
5. The assignments parts will be each submitted on a different date. However, part 2 needs
to contain part one.
6. The reference list, a minimum number of 10 references and citations is required, and you
must use APA referencing style.

Quotations must be cited to its resources.
7. The paper styles:

The format of the paper needs to be introduction, main body and conclusion.

Your work needs to be consistent in terms of style, tone and appearance.

Font size: 12.

Font type: Times New Roman,

Page are numbered.

1.5 spacing between lines and paragraphs.

Left alignment.
8. Entire project word count, around 2500 words.
ECOM 301 Project
9. You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the
assignment. You can ask someone to proofread your work or use online tools.
10. Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of
assignment. Structure includes these elements: paper style, free of spelling and
grammar errors.
11. In case of any questions, please refer to your instructor.
Best of Luck!!
ECOM 301 Project
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Student Name:
Student ID:
Course Title: E-Marketing
Course Code: ECOM301
Academic Year/ Semester: 2023/2024
Second Semester
Instructor Name:
Student Grade:
Grade Level:
Low/ Middle / High
The College of Administrative and Finance Sciences
E-commerce Department
Marking policy for assignments
General marking policy

Students should be given three attempts for submitting their assignments
(before the deadline). First attempt must provide the student with SafeAssign
match report for plagiarism level. So, the student gets the chance to revise their
assignments by using the additional attempts.
Mark will be awarded for the last submission attempt. This must be clarified to
the students.
No more attempts or marks for resubmitting the assignment should be given to
the students after the marks are shown on BB.
If the instructor requested additional requirements for the course’ assignments,
these requirements must be clearly clarified verbally to the students during a
course’s session and posted on BB.
One mark will be deducted for not including the cover page with all required
information. In case the student included the cover page with some missing
information, (0.5) mark will be deducted.
20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of the
assignment. For example, if the assignment is marked out of 15, the student
provided an excellent content and answer that met all the requirements of the
assignment’s question with poor writing structure. Then the student will get 15
based on the content and you will deduct up to 20% (3 marks) from the total
grade (5% for paper style, 5% spelling and grammar errors, 5% for referencing
and 5% for word count).

No email submission is accepted.
ONLY WORD file format is accepted. Other file formats (PDF, JPG…etc.), the
assignment will award ZERO mark.
Marks will be available on BB after one week of due dates.
Plagiarism marking policy:

If the SafeAssign match report equals 20% and above, the assignment must be
reviewed by the instructor.
The cover page and assignment’ questions match percentage must be
excluded from the overall match percentage of SafeAssign report.
80% and above of the answer is plagiarised, the assignment will award ZERO
mark. (including identical assignments, both students award ZERO mark)
20-79% of the answer is plagiarised, these plagiarised parts should be
highlighted, and only non-plagiarised parts must be marked.
Late submission policy

It aims to ensure that all students are treated equitably and do not gain an unfair
advantage by choosing to submit their work late.
Penalties for late submission shall be 10% of the total mark of the assignment
for each day of late submission up to six calendar days after the due date.
Assignments will not be accepted after the sixth day and the student will award
ZERO mark.
All late submissions must be made electronically through BB.
Example if the assignment is marked out of 20, deduction of 10% means a
deduction of 2 marks per day.
This policy does not cover “Extenuating Circumstances”. Examples;
circumstances outside of the control of a student.

Purchase answer to see full

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