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A Portfolio of a Career Plan

Assessment DescriptionAssessment Description

Worth: 25%

Due: 26 october, 2024 by 15:00 Hours AWST.

Length: 3000 words.

Assessment 3 has a word limit of 3000 words, and it is worth 20%.

The task

Assessment 3: Portfolio

Now that you have come to the end unit, Strategic and Operational Health Services Management, for Assessment 3, you must submit a portfolio of your career plan to land one of the jobs you aspire to. A career plan is more important than ever in the rapidly changing healthcare field. Finding success and reaching your goals may be challenging without proactively managing your career. Develop a portfolio of your career plan by completing the following tasks and submitting your portfolio as part of assessment three.

Choose a dream job with a managerial and leadership role in the health industry from by searching on . Provide a summary of the job description for the job that you have selected and justify your selection.

Write a personal statement demonstrating why you are a good match for the selected job description and requirements, addressing your skills, experience and qualifications based on your current CV.

Assess your management/leadership competencies. Use the appropriate assessment tool to identify career development opportunities in health leadership or management. Based on your statement and selected job, choose the appropriate template based on the predominant competencies required for your chosen job. The choice of the self-assessment tool, which is also a template for submitting your portfolio, should be based on the level of management/leadership role associate with your selected dream job. The higher the level of the management job (in terms of seniority), the more leadership and strategic level competences are required. Similarly, the closer the job is to the frontline service delivery, the more operational kind of competencies are required. Options include and you only need to choose one option;

Business skills – general

HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Busisness Skills General .docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Busisness Skills General .docx – Alternative Formats

Business skills – financial

HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Busisness Skills -Financial Management.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Busisness Skills -Financial Management.docx – Alternative Formats

Business skills – human resource

HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- HRM.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- HRM.docx – Alternative Formats

Business skills – Strategic planning

HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Busisness Skills -Strategic Planning and Marketing.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Busisness Skills -Strategic Planning and Marketing.docx – Alternative Formats

Business skills – quality improvement

HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Knowledge of the H_C environment.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Knowledge of the H_C environment.docx – Alternative Formats

Knowledge of the health care environment

HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Knowledge of the H_C environment.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Knowledge of the H_C environment.docx – Alternative Formats


HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Leadership.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Leadership.docx – Alternative Formats


HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Porfessionalism.docx HEAL5004 Assess 3 _ Sub Template- Porfessionalism.docx – Alternative Formats

Create a strategic career plan. Navigate your way to success in the healthcare marketplace with a career plan….

Identify key competencies/areas for improvement. Based on the self-assessment tool, consider your current strengths—those tasks and responsibilities you enjoy doing that makes you feel confident and capable—and whether there are any opportunities to hone those skills further or apply them more effectively. Three (3) key competencies/areas are an adequate response for assessment purposes.

Secondly, every professional has areas in which they can improve. These might be factors holding you back or new skills you’d love to add to your repertoire. Make a list of traits and skills you’d like to improve through formal training, education, seminars, on-the-job experience or simply by practising more on your own. Three (3) key competencies/areas are an adequate response for assessment purposes.

Grow your professional network. Online and offline networking are essential career strategies if you want to forge ahead in your career journey. Set yourself some goals for building your professional network – whether through attending events, joining related online groups and forums, reaching out to people in your wider industry, or even getting to know your colleagues more closely.

Translate intent into career development goals and actions. Plan how you’ll get there once you’ve clarified areas for improvement and where you want to go. Write down the following career goals:

What do you need to do in the next few months and a year further down the track to implement your career plan?

How will you improve on the areas you’ve identified that need attention?

How will you grow your network?

Can a mentor or career coach help you with career planning?

What sort of training or professional development courses will you complete?

What are your strategies for career advancement in today’s highly competitive job market?

Where would you like to be in a year?

Make sure each goal is clear, detailed and has a timeframe– and then make them happen by taking the necessary steps, one by one, to ultimately get there. Before you know it, you’ll be well along your definition of a successful career path. Present your response for this task using a table.


What makes you competitive in the job market environment in health leadership and management? For an adequate response, discuss three main reasons.


The end!

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