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Final Essay Topics and subtopics to choose from

Choose 1 Main Topic and 1 or more Subtopic(s) as the focus of your Final Essay

1) Vietnam War
● Agent Orange and Napalm

● Anti-War Movement

● Impact of the war on Vietnamese society

● Impact of the war on American society

● Media coverage of the Vietnam War

● Propose another topic for approval

2) Civil Rights Movement
● Brown v Board of Education (1954)

● Murder of Emmett Till

● Rosa Parks’ and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

● Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965

● March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963)

● Freedom Rides

● Sit-Ins and Nonviolent Resistance

● Black Panthers and the Black Power Movement

● Civil Rights Movement and Women

o Ex. Fannie Lou Hamer, Diane Nash, and Ella Baker

● Assassinations of Civil Rights Leaders

o Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers

3) A historical exploration of the struggles faced by Native Americans, gay and lesbian
citizens, and women from the 1960s to the 1980s

Native Americans:
● The American Indian Movement (AIM)

● The Religious Freedom and Restoration Act (1978)

● Trail of Broken Treaties and Occupation of the BIA

Gay and Lesbian Citizens:

● Stonewall Riots (1969)

● Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

● The Gay Rights Movement

● Second-Wave of Feminism

● The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

● Roe v. Wade (1973)

Worth 100 Points

Final Essay Guidelines: Using the topic you selected in Developing an Essay Part 1, craft your
Final Essay adhering to the following specifications:

1. Source Requirement:
o Utilize a minimum of three sources

o May use EbscoHost – found on the OCCC Library’s website under ARTICLES

● Credible, scholarly sources
● Full-text articles

o May use JSTOR

o May use the OCCC Academic eBooks – found on the OCCC Library’s website

under BOOKS

o Avoid sources without listed authors

o Do not use encyclopedias

2. Length and Formatting:
o Minimum of 3 full pages (excluding the Works Cited page)

o Double-spaced

o Times New Roman font, size 12

o 1-inch margins

o MLA Format

o Include your name, instructor’s name, course, and submission date in the upper

left-hand corner of the first page

3. Citations:
o Implement in-text citations in the body paragraphs

o Cite all sources of information used in the essay, not limited to direct quotes

o Works Cited page should feature credible, scholarly sources

4. Plagiarism Warning:
o Strictly avoid copying and pasting from any print or internet source

o Academic plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for the Essay

Grading Rubric: This rubric serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the evaluation

Category Description Points

Mechanics Communicate using academic language and conventions of
Standard American English 15

Formatting Format the essay in accordance with MLA style guidelines 5

Works Cited Create a Works Cited page following MLA style guidelines 5

In-text Citations Utilize MLA style citations and format within the essay 5

Critical Thinking Demonstrate critical thinking skills to analyze, critique, and draw
reasoned conclusions 15

Integrate Evidence Gather and integrate credible evidence from various sources,
responding to all prompts 15

Organization Present information in a unified and coherent manner 20

Content Create an essay that provides a thorough exploration and
insightful understanding of the topic 20

Total 100 pts

IMPORTANT: The plagiarism deduction tools Turnitin and AI Reports will be employed for all

assignments Any similarity scores of 20% or higher will be subject to automatic plagiarism


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