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Course assignment rubric scoring sheet – do not remove from assignment

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Student Total Score:

Rubric Assignment

Student Score




Needs work



Position and exceptions are clearly stated. Organization is completely and clearly outlined and implemented (2 – 3 pts)

Position is clearly stated. Organization of argument is clear in parts or partially described and most implemented (1 – 2 pts)

Position is vague. Organization of argument is missing, vague or inconsistent (0-1 pts)



Highly relevant to the argument, is presented accurately and completely. Theory is relevant, accurately described and all relevant components are included (3 – 4 pts)

Research is relevant and mostly accurate and complete. However, there are some unclear components or minor errors. Theory is relevant, accurately described by some components are missing or unclear (1 – 2 pts)

Research selected is not relevant to the argument or is vague and incomplete. Theory is not relevant or only relevant for some aspects, is not clearly articulated and/or has incorrect components (0-1 pts)



Conclusion is clearly stated and connections to the research and position are clear and relevant (2 – 3 pts)

Conclusion is clearly stated and connections to the research and position are mostly clear, some aspects may not be connected or minor errors in logic are present (1 – 2 pts)

Conclusion is not clear and the connections to the research are incorrect or unclear or just a repetition of the findings without explanation (0-1 pts)



Paper is coherently organized and the logic is easy to flow. There are no errors and terminology is clearly defined. Writing is clear, concise and persuasive (1 – 2 pts)

Paper is generally well organized and most of the argument. There are only a few minor errors or terms not clearly defined. Writing is clear but lacks conciseness (1 – 2 pts)

Paper is poorly organized and difficult to read. It does not flow logically from one to another. There are several errors and terminology is not or poorly defined. Writing lacks clarity and conciseness (0-1 pts)

Total Score


No pictures or tables required

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4


  • Reference 1
  • Reference 2
  • Reference 3
  • Reference 4
  • Reference 5
  • Reference 6
  • Reference 7
  • Reference 8
  • Reference 9
  • Reference 10



Course assignment rubric scoring sheet – do not remove from assignment
Student Name:
Student ID:
Student Total Score:




Needs work



Position and exceptions
are clearly stated.
Organization is completely
and clearly outlined and
implemented (2 – 3 pts)

Position is clearly stated.
Organization of argument is
clear in parts or partially
described and most
implemented (1 – 2 pts)

Position is vague. Organization of
argument is missing, vague or
inconsistent (0-1 pts)



Highly relevant to the
argument, is presented
accurately and completely.
Theory is relevant,
accurately described and
all relevant components
are included (3 – 4 pts)

Research is relevant and
Research selected is not relevant to
mostly accurate and
the argument or is vague and
complete. However, there
incomplete. Theory is not relevant
are some unclear
or only relevant for some aspects, is
components or minor errors. not clearly articulated and/or has
Theory is relevant, accurately incorrect components (0-1 pts)
described by some
components are missing or
unclear (1 – 2 pts)



Conclusion is clearly stated
and connections to the
research and position are
clear and relevant (2 – 3

Conclusion is clearly stated
and connections to the
research and position are
mostly clear, some aspects
may not be connected or
minor errors in logic are
present (1 – 2 pts)



Paper is coherently
organized and the logic is
easy to flow. There are no
errors and terminology is
clearly defined. Writing is
clear, concise and
persuasive (1 – 2 pts)

Paper is generally well
Paper is poorly organized and
organized and most of the
difficult to read. It does not flow
argument. There are only a
logically from one to another. There
few minor errors or terms
are several errors and terminology
not clearly defined. Writing is is not or poorly defined. Writing
clear but lacks conciseness (1 lacks clarity and conciseness (0-1
– 2 pts)

Total Score




No pictures or tables required

Conclusion is not clear and the
connections to the research are
incorrect or unclear or just a
repetition of the findings without
explanation (0-1 pts)

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

1. Reference 1
2. Reference 2
3. Reference 3
4. Reference 4
5. Reference 5
6. Reference 6
7. Reference 7
8. Reference 8
9. Reference 9
10. Reference 10

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