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Management Question


Chapter 2
Job Performance

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Class Agenda
Job performance
What Does It Mean to Be a “Good Performer”?
• Task performance
• Citizenship behavior
• Counterproductive behavior

Trends Affecting Performance
• Knowledge Work
• Service Work

Application: Performance Management
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An Integrative Model of Organizational Behavior

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Job Performance
The value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute,
either positively or negatively, to organizational goal
Not the consequences or results of behavior—the behavior
• What’s good about this distinction?
• What’s bad about this distinction?

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What Does It Mean to Be a “Good Performer”?
Categories of behavior relevant to job performance
• Task performance
• Citizenship behavior
• Counterproductive behavior

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Task Performance
1 of 3

The behaviors directly involved in transforming organizational
resources into the goods or services an organization produces
(i.e., the behaviors included in one’s job description)
Typically a mix of:
• Routine task performance
• Adaptive task performance
• Creative task performance

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Table 2-1 Behaviors Involved in Adaptability


Handling emergencies or
crisis situations

Quickly analyzing options for dealing with danger or crises and their
implications; making split-second decisions based on clear and focused thinking

Handling work stress

Remaining composed and cool when faced with difficult circumstances or a
highly demanding workload or schedule; acting as a calming and settling
influence to whom others can look for guidance

Solving problems creatively Turning problems upside-down and inside-out to find fresh new approaches;
integrating seemingly unrelated information and developing creative solutions
Dealing with uncertain and Readily and easily changing gears in response to unpredictable or unexpected
unpredictable work
events and circumstances; effectively adjusting plans, goals, actions, or
priorities to deal with changing situations

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Learning work tasks,
technologies, and work

Quickly and proficiently learning new methods or how to perform previously
unlearned tasks; anticipating change in the work demands and searching for
and participating in assignments or training to prepare for these changes

interpersonal adaptability

Being flexible and open-minded when dealing with others; listening to and
considering others’ viewpoints and opinions and altering one’s own opinion
when it’s appropriate to do so

Demonstrating cultural

Willingly adjusting behavior or appearance as necessary to comply with or
show respect for others’ values and customs; understanding the implications of
one’s actions and adjusting one’s approach to maintain positive relationships
with other groups, organizations, or cultures
Source: Adapted from E.E. Pulakos, S. Arad, M.A. Donovan, and K.E. Plamondon, “Adaptability in
the Workplace: Development of a Taxonomy of Adaptive Performance,” Journal of Applied
Psychology 85 (2000), pp. 612–24. American Psychological Association.

Task Performance
2 of 3

How do we identify relevant behaviors?
Job analysis
• Generate a list of the activities involved in a job.
• Rate the tasks on frequency and importance.
• Use most frequent and important tasks to define task performance.

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Task Performance
3 of 3

Exercise: Performance of a server
Do a job analysis
• List four major dimensions of the job.
• Identify two tasks per dimension

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Figure 2-1 O*NET Results for Flight Attendants

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Source: O-Net

Citizenship Behavior
Academic origin
A future professor’s account of an experience in a paper mill:
“…while the man’s assistance was not part of his job and gained him no
formal credits, he undeniably contributed in a small way to the
functioning of the group and, by extension, to the plant and the
organization as a whole. By itself, of course, his aid to me might not have
been perceptible in any conventional calculus of efficiency, production, or
profits. But repeated many times over, by himself and others, over time,
the aggregate of such actions must certainly have made that paper mill a
more smoothly functioning organization than would have been the case
had such actions been rare.”

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Figure 2-2 Types of Citizenship Behaviors
Voluntary activities that may or
may not be rewarded but that
contribute to the organization by
improving the quality of the
setting where work occurs

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Interpersonal Citizenship Behaviors
Assisting new coworkers or those with heavy workloads
Keeping coworkers informed about matters that are relevant to
Maintaining a positive attitude with coworkers

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Average score: 40
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Source: L.V. Van Dyne and J.A. LePine, “Helping and Voice Extra-Role Behaviors: Evidence of Construct and Predictive Validity,” Academy of Management Journal 41 (1998), pp. 108–19.


1 2



3 4





1. I never complain about “the small stuff.”
2. I voice support for what’s going on in the organization.
3. I focus on maintaining a positive attitude at work.
4. I tend to dwell on what’s going well, not what’s going poorly.
5. I focus on “being a good sport” even when negative things happen.

Average score: 18
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Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
Speaking up and offering constructive suggestions to improve unit
or organizational functioning or to address problems
Civic Virtue
Participating in the company’s operations at a deeper-than-normal
Representing the organization in a positive way when out of the

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Figure 2-3
Types of Counterproductive Behavior
Employee behaviors that
intentionally hinder
organizational goal

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Political Deviance

1 2



3 4





1. I have, at times, undermined a coworker.

2. I have, at times, blamed a coworker for something that I did.
3. I sometimes gossip about colleagues at work.
4. I sometimes distract my coworkers when they’re trying to get things done.
5. I enjoy playing “pranks” on others at work.
6. I have, at times, kept colleagues “in the dark” about things they needed to know.

Average Score: 12
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Counterproductive Behavior
1 of 2

Key questions:
• Are these all examples of the same general behavior pattern? If
you do one, are you likely to do most of the others as well?
• How does counterproductive behavior relate to task
performance and citizenship behavior?

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Counterproductive Behavior
2 of 2

• Research using both anonymous self-reports and supervisor
ratings tends to find strong correlations between the categories.
• Counterproductive behavior has a strong negative correlation with
citizenship behavior, but is only weakly related to task

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OB on Screen

Molly’s Game

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Figure 2-4 What Does It Mean to Be a “Good

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Trends Affecting Performance
Knowledge work
• Cognitive emphasis
• Fluid, dynamic in nature
Service work
• Growing segment providing nontangible goods to customers
• Requires direct interaction with customers
• Emphasizes need for high levels of citizenship behavior and low
levels of counterproductive behavior

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Application: Performance Management
What tools do organizations use to manage job performance
among employees?
• Management by Objectives (MBO)
• Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
• 360-degree feedback
• Forced rankings
• Social networking systems

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Table 2-2 BARS Example for “Planning,
Organizing, and Scheduling” 1 of 2

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Behavioral Anchors

[7] Excellent

• Develops a comprehensive project plan, documents it well, obtains
required approval, and distributes the plan to all concerned.

[6] Very Good

• Plans, communicates, and observes milestones; states week by week
where the project stands relative to plans. Maintains up-to-date charts
of project accomplishment and backlogs and uses these to optimize any
schedule modifications.
• Experiences occasional minor operational problems but communicates

[5] Good

• Lays out all the parts of a job and schedules each part to beat schedule;
will allow for slack.
• Satisfies customer’s time constraints; time and cost overruns occur

[4] Average

• Makes a list of due dates and revises them as the project progresses,
usually adding unforeseen events; investigates frequent customer
• May have a sound plan but does not keep track of milestones; does not
report slippages in schedule or other problems as they occur.

Table 2-2 BARS Example for “Planning,
Organizing, and Scheduling” 2 of 2

Behavioral Anchors

[3] Below Average

• Plans are poorly defined; unrealistic time schedules are common.
• Cannot plan more than a day or two ahead; has no concept of a
realistic project due date.

[2] Very Poor

• Has no plan or schedule of work segments to be performed.
• Does little or no planning for project assignments.

[1] Unacceptable

• Seldom, if ever, completes project because of lack of planning and
does not seem to care.
• Fails consistently due to lack of planning and does not inquire about
how to improve.

Source: D.G. Shaw, C.E. Schneier, and R.W. Beatty. “Managing Performance with a Behaviorally Based Appraisal
System,” in Applying Psychology in Business: The Handbook for Managers and Human Resource Professionals, ed.
J.W. Jones, B.D. Steffy, and D.W. Bray (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 2001), pp. 314-25

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Figure 2-5 Jack Welch’s Vitality Curve
Forced ranking under Jack Welch at GE

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Next Time
Chapter 3: Organizational Commitment

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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic University

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 1
Organizational Behaviour (MGT 301)
Due Date: 05/10/2024 @ 23:59
Course Name: Organizational Behaviour

Student’s Name:

Course Code: MGT301

Student’s ID Number:

Semester: 1st Semester

CRN: 11557
Academic Year:2024-25

For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr Mohammed Mallick
Students’ Grade: /10

Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low


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The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the
allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented; marks may be reduced
for poor presentation. This includes filling in your information on the cover page.
Students must mention the question number clearly in their answers.
Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other
resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answers must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No
pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Recognize the fundamental concepts, theories, and principles, and examine
challenges of organizational behaviour. (CLO1).
2. Describe management issues such as diversity, attitudes and job satisfaction,
personality, and values in organizational behaviour (CLO2).

Assignment 1
Reference Source:
Textbook: Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021). Organizational behaviour:
Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed). Burr Ridge, IL:
McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Critical Thinking: Discussion Chapters: – Please read Chapters 2,3,4 & 5 “Job Performance,
Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction & Stress” carefully and then give your
answers based on your understanding.
Assignment Question(s):
1. In the context of organizational behaviour, how can the relationship between job

performance and organizational commitment be influenced by external factors such as
management practices, workplace culture, and employee work-life balance? (04 Marks)
(Min words 200-250)
2. How does job satisfaction impact an employee’s overall contribution to organizational
effectiveness, and what role does job satisfaction play in the long-term success of an
organization? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)
3. In what ways can workplace stress impact organizational behaviour, and what strategies
can organizations implement to mitigate the negative effects of stress on employees and
overall organizational performance? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)
Important Note: 1. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
2. References required in the assignment. Use APA style for writing references.

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Chapter 3
Organizational Commitment

©McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

Class Agenda
Organizational Commitment
What Does It Mean to Be “Committed”?
• Types of Commitment
• Withdrawal Behavior

Trends Affecting Commitment
• Diversity of the Workforce
• The Changing Employee-Employer Relationship

Application: Commitment Initiatives

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An Integrative Model of Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Commitment 1 of 2
Consider this scenario:
• You’ve worked at your current employer for five years and have
recently been approached by a competing organization.

What would cause you to stay?
• Do those reasons fit into different kinds of categories?

Organizational commitment is a desire on the part of an
employee to remain a member of an organization.
• May be based on want, need, or feeling of obligation

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Figure 3-1 Organizational Commitment and Employee

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Table 3-1 The Three Types of Organizational
What Makes Someone Stay with His/Her Current Organization?


Some of my best friends work
in my office … I’d miss them if I

I’m due for a promotion soon … My boss has invested so much
will I advance as quickly at the time in me, mentoring me,
new company?
training me, showing me the

I really like the atmosphere at
my current job … it’s fun and

My salary and benefits get us a
nice house in our town … the
cost of living is higher in this
new area.

My organization gave me my
start … they hired me when
others thought I wasn’t

My current job duties are very
rewarding … I enjoy coming to
work each morning.

The school system is good here,
my spouse has a good job …
we’ve really put down roots
where we are.

My employer has helped me
out of a jam on a number of
occasions … how could I leave

Staying because you want to.

Staying because you need to.

Staying because you ought to.

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Figure 3-2 Drivers of Overall
Organizational Commitment

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Affective Commitment
A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an
organization because of an emotional attachment to, and
involvement with, that organization
• You stay because you want to.
• What would you feel if you left anyway?

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Assessment on Affective Commitment

Average Score: 20
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From N.J. Allen and J.P. Meyer, “The Measurement and Antecedents
of Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the
Organization,” Journal of Occupational Psychology 63 (1990), pp. 1-18.

Figure 3-3 A Social Network Diagram

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Continuance Commitment 1 of 2
A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an
organization because of an awareness of the costs associated
with leaving it
• You stay because you need to.
• What would you feel if you left anyway?

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Continuance Commitment
2 of 2











1. Quitting my job would bring with it major personal sacrifice.
2. I don’t have enough employment options to consider leaving right now.
3. It’s difficult to leave the organization because I don’t have anywhere else to go.
4. Staying in my current job is more a product of circumstances than preference.
5. Leaving my job now would bring significant personal disruption.
6. Frankly, I couldn’t quit my job now, even if it’s what I wanted to do.

Average Score: 19
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Table 3-2 Embedded and Continuance Commitment
“Embedded” people feel:




• I’ve worked here for such a long time.
• I’m serving on so many teams and

• Several close friends and family live
• My family’s roots are in this


• My job utilizes my skills and talents
• I like the authority and responsibility I
have at this company.

• The weather where I live is suitable
for me.
• I think of the community where I live
as home.


• The retirement benefits provided by
the organization are excellent.
• I would sacrifice a lot if I left this job.

• People respect me a lot in my
• Leaving this community would be
very hard.

Source: Adapted from T.R. Mitchell, B.C. Holtom, T.W. Lee, C.J. Sablynski, and M. Erez, “Why People Stay: Using Job
Embeddedness to Predict Voluntary Turnover,” Academy of Management Journal 44 (2001), pp. 1102-21.
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Normative Commitment
1 of 2

A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an
organization because of a feeling of obligation
• You stay because you ought to.
• What would you feel if you left anyway?

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Normative Commitment
2 of 2

1 2



3 4





1. I have an obligation to stay with my company.
2. I wouldn’t quit my job right now because I owe the company too much.
3. I owe this company for the things it’s given me.
4. Leaving my job now would fill me with significant guilt.
5. It just wouldn’t be right to think about quitting my job.
6. Staying with my organization is just something that I ought to do.

Average Score: 16
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Organizational Commitment 2 of 2
Exercise: Reacting to Negative Events
• Consider the three scenarios depicted on the following slide.
• Come to consensus on two specific behaviors that capture your
likely response (that is, what you would probably do, as opposed
to what you wish you would do).

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Organizational Commitment Scenarios


Likely behaviors

Annoying Boss

You’ve been working at your current company for about a year. Over time,
your boss has become more and more annoying to you. It’s not that your
boss is a bad person, or even necessarily a bad boss. It’s more a personality
conflict–the way your boss talks, the way your boss manages every little
thing, even the facial expressions your boss uses. The more time passes, the
more you just can’t stand to be around your boss.

Two likely behaviors:

Boring Job

You’ve been working at your current company for about a year. You’ve come
to realize that your job is pretty boring. It’s the first real job you’ve ever had,
and at first, it was nice to have some money and something to do every day.
But the “new job” excitement has worn off, and things are actually quite
monotonous. Same thing every day. It’s to the point that you check your
watch every hour, and Wednesdays feel like they should be Fridays.

Two likely behaviors:

Pay and Seniority

You’ve been working at your current company for about a year. The
Two likely behaviors:
consensus is that you’re doing a great job—you’ve gotten excellent
performance evaluations and have emerged as a leader on many projects. As
you’ve achieved this high status, however, you’ve come to feel that you’re
underpaid. Your company’s pay procedures emphasize seniority much more
than job performance. As a result, you look at other members of your
project teams and see poor performers making much more than you, just
because they’ve been with the company longer.

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OB on Screen

Baby Driver

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1 of 4

Around 60 percent of employees think about looking for jobs.
“When the going gets tough, the organization doesn’t want you
to get going.”
Difficult times put an employee’s commitment to the test.

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Common employee reactions to negative work events:
• Ending or restricting organizational membership

• A constructive response where individuals attempt to improve the

• A passive response where the employee remains supportive
while hoping for improvement

• Reduced interest and effort in the job
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Table 3-3 Four Types of Employees

Source: Adapted from R.W. Griffeth, S. Gaertner, and J.K. Sager, “Taxonomic Model of Withdrawal Behaviors: the Adaptive Response
Model,” Human Resource Management Review 9 (1999), pp. 577-90.

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2 of 4

Withdrawal: a set of actions that employees perform to avoid the
work situation
• One study found that 51 percent of employees’ time was spent
• The other 49 percent was allocated to coffee breaks, late starts,
early departures, personal, and other forms of withdrawal.

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Figure 3-4
Psychological and Physical Withdrawal

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3 of 4

Key question:
How exactly are the different forms of withdrawal related to one
• Independent forms
• Compensatory forms
• Progression

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4 of 4

• The various forms of withdrawal are almost always moderately to
strongly correlated.
• Those correlations suggest a progression, as lateness is strongly
related to absenteeism, and absenteeism is strongly correlated to

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Trends Affecting Commitment
Diversity of the workforce
• Growing more racially and ethnically diverse
• Becoming older
• Including more foreign-born workers

The changing employee-employer relationship
• Psychological contracts
• Transactional contacts
• Relational contracts

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Application: Commitment Initiatives
Employees are more committed when employers are committed
to them.
Perceived organizational support is fostered when
• Provide rewards
• Protect job security
• Improve work conditions
• Minimize impact of politics

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Next Time
Chapter 4: Job Satisfaction

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Chapter 4

Job Satisfaction

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Class Agenda
Job Satisfaction
Why Are Some Employees More Satisfied than Others?
• Value Fulfillment
• Satisfaction with the Work Itself
• Mood and Emotions
How Important is Job Satisfaction?
Application: Tracking Satisfaction

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An Integrative Model of Organizational Behavior

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Job Satisfaction
1 of 2

A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of
one’s job or job experiences
Based on how you think about your job and how you feel about
your job

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Job Satisfaction
2 of 2

What kinds of things do you value in a job?
What is it that makes you satisfied?

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Table 4-1
Assessed Work

Key Question:
Which of these things are
most important to you?

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Specific Values


• High Salary
• Secure Salary


• Frequent Promotions
• Promotions based on ability


• Good supervisory relations
• Praise for good work


• Enjoyable coworkers
• Responsible coworkers

Work Itself


• Helping others
• Moral causes


• Prestige
• Power over others
• Fame


• Comfort
• Safety

Utilization of ability
Freedom and independence
Intellectual stimulation
Creative expression
Sense of achievement

Sources: Adapted from R.V. Dawis, “Vocational Interests Values, and Preferences,” in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 2, Ed. M.D. Dunnette and L.M.
Hough (Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1991), pp. 834-71; and D.M. Cable and J.R. Edwards, “Complementary and Supplementary Fit: A Theoretical and Empirical
Investigation,” Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (2004), p. 822-34.

Value Fulfillment
Value-percept theory: Job satisfaction depends on whether you
perceive that your job supplies the things that you value.
Does your job supply what you value?

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Figure 4-1
The Value-Percept Theory of Job Satisfaction

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Figure 4-2 Correlations between Satisfaction Facets and
Overall Job Satisfaction

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Satisfaction with the Work Itself
Job Characteristics Theory
Jobs are more enjoyable when work tasks are challenging and
Characteristics that make some jobs more rewarding than others:
• Variety
• Identity
• Significance
• Autonomy
• Feedback
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Figure 4-3 Job Characteristics Theory

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Assessing Growth Need Strength

1. A feeling of doing something meaningful with my job
2. A chance to “spread my wings” and grow as an employee
3. An opportunity to be inventive and creative with what I do
4. A chance to gain new knowledge and skill
5. An opportunity to structure my work my own way
6. A feeling of challenge and self-expression
Average Score: 18
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OB on Screen

Ocean’s 8

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Figure 4-4 Growth Need Strength as a Moderator of Job
Characteristic Effects

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Image: Copyright McGraw-Hill Education. Permission required for reproduction or display. Adapted
from B.T. Loher, R.A. Noe, N.L. Moeller, and M.P. Fitzgerald,” A Meta-Analysis of the Relation of Job
Characteristics to Job Satisfaction,” Journal of Applied Psychology 70 (1985), pp. 280-89.

Core Job Characteristics

Average Score: 150
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Job Characteristics Theory
Exercise: Job Satisfaction across Jobs
Come to consensus on a Satisfaction Potential Score for:
• A third-grade public school teacher
• A stand-up comedian
• A computer programmer (who replaces “98” with “1998” in computer code)
• A president of the United States

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Mood and Emotions
1 of 2

Even the most satisfied employees aren’t satisfied every minute
of every day.
Satisfaction levels wax and wane as a function of mood and

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Figure 4-5 Hour-by-Hour Fluctuations in Job Satisfaction
during the Workday

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Figure 4-6 Different Kinds of Moods

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Table 4-2 Different Kinds of Emotions
1 of 2

Positive Emotions

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A feeling of great pleasure
Enhancement of identity by taking credit
for achievement
A distressing condition has changed for
the better
Fearing the worst but wanting better
Desiring or participating in affection
Being moved by another’s situation

Source: Adapted from R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University, 1991).

Table 4-2 Different Kinds of Emotions
2 of 2

Negative Emotions

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A demeaning offense against me and mine
Facing an uncertain or vague threat
Facing an immediate and concrete danger
Having broken a moral code
Failing to live up to your ideal self
Having experienced an irreversible loss
Wanting what someone else has
Revulsion aroused by something offensive

Source: Adapted from R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University, 1991).

Mood and Emotions
2 of 2

Feeling vs. showing
• Emotional labor
• Emotional contagion

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Bonus Assessment: Emotional Labor

My job requires me to:
1. Make myself feel the things I need to express at work.
2. Attempt to actually experience the feeling that I need to display.
3. Try to feel the things that I need to show to others.
4. Conceal the emotions that I actually experience.
5. Pretend that I’m feeling things that I’m not.
6. Avoid showing the true emotions that I’m experiencing.
Average Score: 17
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Figure 4-7 Why Are Some Employees More Satisfied
Than Others?

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Figure 4-8 Effects of Job Satisfaction on Performance
and Commitment

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Life Satisfaction
The degree to which people feel a sense of happiness with
their lives
Job satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of life
Increase in job satisfaction has stronger impact on life
satisfaction than do increases in salary or income.

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Application: Tracking Satisfaction

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Next Time
Chapter 5: Stress

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Chapter 5

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Class Agenda
Why Are Some Employees More “Stressed” than Others?

Types of Stressors

How Do People Cope with Stressors?

The Experience of Strain

Summary: Why Are Some Employees More “Stressed” than Others?

How Important Is Stress?
Application: Stress Management


Reducing stressors

Providing resources

Reducing strains

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An Integrative Model of Organizational Behavior

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A psychological response to demands that possess certain
stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person’s
capacity or resources
Do you want a stress-free job?
Which jobs are more and less stressful?

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Table 5-1
Jobs Rated from
Least Stressful
(1) to Most
Stressful (200)

Note: The stress level score is calculated by summing points in 10 categories:
deadlines, working in the public eye, competitiveness, physical demands,
environmental conditions, hazards, own life at risk, another’s life at risk, public
encounters, and employment change.
Source: Adapted from L. Krantz and T. Lee. “The Jobs Rated Almanac” (Lake
Geneva, WI: iFocus Books, 2015). The stress level score is calculated by
summing points in 10 categories: deadlines, working in the public eye,
competitiveness, physical demands, environmental conditions, hazards, own life
at risk, another’s life at risk, public encounters, and employment change.

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1. Tenured University Professor


143. Elementary School


2. Audiologist


148. Management


3. Medical Records Technician


150. Air Traffic Controller


4. Jeweler


154. Surgeon


8. Librarian


163. Construction


14. Software Engineer


166. Lumberjack


18. Computer Service Technician


172. Attorney


24. Occupational Therapist


175. Sales Representative


29. Chiropractor


179. Real Estate Agent


30. Actuary


180. Social Media


35. Multimedia Artist


183. Stockbroker


39. Hair Stylist


185. Advertising Account


40. Meteorologist


189. Taxi Driver


42. Loan Officer


191. Senior Corporate


47. Biologist


194. Event Coordinator


50. Optician


195. Police Officer


53. Veterinarian


196. Airline Pilot


63. Chemist


198. Newspaper Reporter


74. Sustainability Manager


199. Firefighter


84. Accountant


200. Enlisted Military


Why Are Some Employees More “Stressed” than
To understand what it means to feel “stressed,” it’s helpful to
consider the transactional theory of stress.
This theory explains how stressors are perceived and
appraised, as well as how people respond.

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Figure 5-1 Transactional Theory of Stress

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Challenge Stressors

How much stress do you feel because of the following aspects of your coursework?
1. The pressures I have to finish assignments on time
2. The sheer amount of stuff I have to do
3. The complexity of the material on exams and assignments
4. The time I have to devote to getting everything done
5. The number of “balls in the air” as I balance all my responsibilities
Average score: 16
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Hindrance Stressors

How much stress do you feel because of the following aspects of your coursework?
1. The sense that I’m not making progress in mastering the material
2. The hassles I have to go through when doing class assignments
3. A sense of uncertainty about what’s expected of me by professors
4. A belief that my professors play favorites when grading exams and assignments
5. The amount of “busy work” I have that winds up wasting my time
Average score: 12
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Work Stressors
1 of 2

Challenge stressors
• Time pressure
• Work complexity
• Work responsibility

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Work Stressors
2 of 2

Hindrance stressors
• Role conflict
• Role ambiguity
• Role overload
• Daily hassles

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Family Stressors
1 of 2

Challenge stressors
• Family time demands
• Personal development
• Positive life events

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Family Stressors
2 of 2

Hindrance stressors
• Work-family conflict
• Financial uncertainty
• Negative life events

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Table 5-2 Stressful Life Events

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Death of a spouse


Trouble with in-laws




Outstanding achievement


Marital separation


Begin or end school


Jail term


Change in living conditions


Death of close family member


Trouble with boss


Personal illness


Change in work hours




Change in residence


Fired at work


Change in schools


Marital reconciliation


Change in social activities




Change in sleeping habits




Change in family get-togethers


Gain of new family member


Change in eating habits


Death of a close friend




Change in occupation


The holiday season


Child leaving home


Minor violations of the law


Source: Adapted from T.H. Holmes and R.H. Rahe, “The Social Re-Adjustment Rating Scale,” Journal of Psychosomatic
Research 11 (1967), pp. 213–18.

How Do People Cope with Stressors?
Coping refers to the behaviors and thoughts people use to
manage stressful demands and the emotions associated with
those demands.
Method of coping
• Behavioral versus cognitive

Focus of coping
• Problem solving versus regulation of emotions

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Table 5-3 Examples of Coping Strategies


Behavioral Methods

Working harder
Seeking assistance
Acquiring additional

Changing priorities

Cognitive Methods


Engaging in alternative
Seeking support
Venting anger
Avoiding, distancing,
and ignoring
Looking for the positive
in the negative

Source: Adapted from J.C. Latack and S.J. Havlovic, “Coping with Job Stress: A Conceptual Evaluation Framework for Coping Measures,”
Journal of Organizational Behavior 13 (1992), pp. 479–508.

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OB on Screen

First Man

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The Experience of Strain
Strain refers to the negative consequences associated with
• Physiological strains
• Psychological strains
• Behavioral strains

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Figure 5-2 Examples of Strain

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Accounting for Individuals in the Stress Process
Individual factors in coping with stress include:
Type A Behavior Pattern
Social support

Instrumental support

Emotional support

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Type A Behavior Pattern

Average score: 60
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Source: Adapted from R.H. Friedman & R. H. Rosenman,
“Association of Specific Overt Behavior Pattern with Blood and
Cardiovascular Findings,” Journal of the American Medical
Association 169 (1959), pp. 1286–69.

Figure 5-3 Why Are Some Employees More “Stressed”
Than Others?

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How Important Is Stress?
Stressors and the stress process influence strains and,
ultimately, people’s health and well-being.
Stressors also have an impact on job performance and
organizational commitment.

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Figure 5-4 Effects of Hindrance Stressors on
Performance and Commitment

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Figure 5-5 Effects of Challenge Stressors on
Performance and Commitment

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Application: Stress Management
1 of 2

Stress audit assesses the level and sources of stress.
Reducing stressors
• Managing hindrance stressors
• Improving work-life balance through job sharing,
sabbaticals, etc.

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Application: Stress Management
2 of 2

Providing resources
• Training interventions
• Supportive practices such as flex-time, onsite child care,
Reducing strains
• Relaxation techniques
• Cognitive-behavioral techniques
• Health and wellness programs
• Employee assistance programs
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Table 5-4 Supportive Practices Used by

Bring child to work
if needed
Lactation program
Onsite child care
child care center

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Source: Adapted from M.E. Burke, “2005 Benefits Survey Report,” Society of Human Resource Management, 2005.

Next Time
Chapter 6: Motivation

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