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To do part 2 and presentation part


greeting brother

please i need your support to do part 2 abd presentation part

i hopecto follow all requirments and guidlines for part 2 and presentation part

please i need to get full mark and to do its as usual clearly

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department

Student Name:

Student ID:

Course Title: Management Information Course Code: MIS201
Academic Year/ Semester:


Instructor Name:
Student Grade:

Grade Level:
Low/ Middle / High


Project Report Structure: Part 1

Author First M. Last
Institutional Affiliation(s)
Course Number: Course Name



1. Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2. Organizational Profile …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Background: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Purpose: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Organizational Structure: ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
3. Strategies ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1. Types of Strategies for Competitive Advantages …………………………………………………………… 6
2. Strategies to improve performance …………………………………………………………………………….. 7
4. Technology Involved …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Hardware: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Software: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Telecommunication: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Information Security: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Networks: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Other Elements: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
5. Data Management ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
1. Methods of Managing and Processing: ……………………………………………………………………… 10
2. Advantages and Shortcomings of These Methods ………………………………………………………. 10
6. Identify the Stakeholders …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Employees: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11



Customers: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
IT and Security Departments: ………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13



1. Executive Summary
This report comprehensively analyzes the IT infrastructure of Microsoft Corporation, one of the
globally reputed technology companies. This study investigates the five most essential elements of IT
infrastructure, which are hardware, software, services, data management, and networking. It explores
how these elements are combined in enabling various business functions of Microsoft while continuing
to create greater efficiencies and sustaining its competitive advantages in the technology sector. It will
also discuss how IT supports Microsoft in its pursuit of continuous innovation and market leadership
through strategic use.
The selected organization is Microsoft Corporation, a US-based multinational technology
conglomerate. Microsoft can be termed as one of the most recognizable companies within the software
industry, together with its flagship products: Windows OS and the Microsoft Office suite. However, it
also enjoys a formidable presence in cloud computing, through its Azure platform and hardware, on the
back of products such as Surface devices and Xbox gaming consoles.
The company’s IT infrastructure is designed on a global cloud computing platform, Azure, which
provides a comprehensive set of services, from computing power and storage solutions to advanced
data analytics. The artificial intelligence applied within the information systems of the company allows
for a more holistic approach toward data management and automation in many of its activities across
the world. The hybrid IT at Microsoft integrates on-premises data centers with cloud services; thus, the
businesses enjoy flexibility, scalability, and heightened levels of security.



2. Organizational Profile
Microsoft was incorporated in the year 1975 by Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen with an
objective to manufacture and sell software for personal computers. MS-DOS gave Microsoft its big
break; the company later spread its success with the development of operating system Windows. The
company gradually expanded its business in sectors involving cloud computing, gaming, and enterprise
services. Microsoft is one of the most valued companies in the world today, with a diversified portfolio
of software, hardware, and digital services related to the licensing of support products. (Schilling, 2020).

Microsoft’s mission is “to empower every person and every organization on the planet to
achieve more” (Microsoft, n.d.). The underpinning robust IT infrastructure is supportive of this mission
in developing and delivering innovative products and services. Microsoft’s IT systems enable the
business to efficiently conduct operations, create teamwork, and provide digital transformation to its
customers across the world. By leveraging its IT, Microsoft has continued to stay ahead in areas such as
cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity that are very important to be able to fulfill
Microsoft’s mission (Cusumano et al. (2019).

Organizational Structure:
Microsoft applies the functional organization structure. In this type of organizational structure,
business entities align in accordance with a certain set of functions. This typically covers functions like
engineering, sales, marketing, and finance. IT is one of the mainstays of an organization that involves
groups of specializations to handle activities pertaining to software development, cloud infrastructure
(Azure), management of data, security operations, and much more. The CTO heads the IT unit and works



with the CIO so that the technology strategies of the corporation are in support of or complementary to
the business strategies. This makes Microsoft agile and responsive to the rapidly changing technological
environment, hence allowing it to continue operating a robust, scalable, and secure IT infrastructure.

3. Strategies
1. Types of Strategies for Competitive Advantages
Being one of the leading companies in the technological industry, Microsoft Corporation creates
several kinds of strategies for maintaining and developing its competitive advantage. These could then
be identified within the following categories:

Cost Leadership Strategy:
Microsoft can also apply economies of scale in competitive pricing, especially in cloud
computing services and software products. Microsoft spreads its costs through its huge
operation on a global scale in order to reduce prices so that it can obtain a greater number of
customers for increasing its market share. This can be realized in its Microsoft Azure product,
whereby the pricing structures of the company are relatively competitive compared to those of
its competitors, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Differentiation Strategy:
Such is an aspect of differentiation strategy wherein Microsoft focuses on innovation, quality,
and after-sales services. In this strategy, the company continuously invests in research and
development so as to enhance its product offerings and introduce advancements in its
technologies, including AI and ML in its services. A particular example can be seen in how
Microsoft’s Office 365 suite includes some special features regarding AI-based productivity tools
that have differentiated the product offering from competitors like Google Workspace.



Focus Strategy:
Where Microsoft also competes on a focus strategy where it focuses its resources on select
target market segments for which it could have unique solutions. For example, the cloud
services that are a part of Microsoft Azure are designed for highly regulated industries like
health care, financial services, and government—all that cater to the special requirements of
these industries. Such a focus by Microsoft lets the company come closer to the customers and
develop loyalty in those markets.

Innovation Strategy:
Innovation is the bedrock of Microsoft’s strategy for competitive advantage. The company
continually invests in emerging technologies such as quantum computing, AI, and cloud
computing to always remain ahead of competitors. For instance, its research arm, Microsoft
Research, plays a significant role in developing state-of-the-art technologies that guarantee
innovation across its product lines.

2. Strategies to improve performance
Of these strategies, the most viable for further enhancing organizational performance are
perhaps those of differentiation and innovation, respectively.

Differentiation Strategy
The strategy of differentiation is quite crucial to long-term success in Microsoft Corporation.
Further establishing the company’s unique product and service offerings that meet specific
customer needs will help in additional acquisition and solidification of market position. For
example, further developing AI capabilities across the Office 365 suite or adding additional
specialist services to the cloud computing capabilities of Azure may attract new customers and
also lead to better penetration with a company’s existing customers too. The development of
customer experience through more intuitive user interfaces and a range of personalized support



services will further ensure that there is something unique that provides an advantage over
competitors, raising customer satisfaction and retention. It is in this regard that according to
Barney, 1991, resources are said to be valuable if they could exploit opportunities but cannot be
easily imitated by other firms.

Innovation Strategy:
There must be innovation as one of the cornerstones of the strategic approach of Microsoft. The
pace of development within the technological industry means that investment in new and
emerging technologies is often essential in maintaining competitiveness. In enhancing current
product offerings, Microsoft needs to invest in AI, quantum computing, and cybersecurity but, at
the same time, open new market opportunities. Examples include quantum computing, where
further development might establish Microsoft as the leading firm in this developing technology,
enabling solutions not possible with current technologies from competitors. Also, building
cybersecurity features into all products will help dampen data privacy and security fears,
thereby allowing customers to better trust the brand with loyalty.

Through continued commitments to differentiation and innovation, Microsoft secures improved
performance, ensuring not only the sustenance of competitive advantage in an ever-changing
technological world but also acceptance. These strategies position Microsoft to continue to lead in the
global technology industry and to capitalize on new opportunities as they arise.

4. Technology Involved



Hardware platforms include a wide range of hardware, including servers, storage, and networking
equipment in Microsoft data centers across the globe. These data centers ensure high availability and
performance for services such as Microsoft Azure and Office 365. In addition, special hardware related
to product development includes Surface devices and the Xbox game console, which are seamlessly
integrated into the infrastructure at Microsoft, according to Schilling (2020).
The Microsoft ecosystem comprises an operating system and Office software that are vital for the
operation of the company. Microsoft Azure is also crucial in terms of handling cloud-based applications
and services. This provides a variety of tools that range from virtual machines to databases. Microsoft
Dynamics 365 handles enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management accordingly
(Laudon & Laudon, 2021).
The telecommunications infrastructure of Microsoft provides connectivity around the world
through public and private networks. It enables real-time communication or collaboration on Microsoft
Teams in its global workforce. It also maintains a global WAN, which connects its data centers through
secure and high-speed communication.
Information Security:
Security at Microsoft is achieved through a multi-faceted strategy concerning encryption, multifactor authentication, and continuous monitoring. Azure Security Center streamlines security
management in response to effective threat management. The adoption of the Zero Trust security
model ensures that each request for access is validated against a multi-authentication check by
Microsoft (Nadkarni & Schmiedel, 2020).



Microsoft’s network infrastructure is globally built for reliability, performance, low latency, and
high throughput. Microsoft operates one of the largest backbone networks anywhere in the world,
connecting datacenters across continents. It also employs the use of software-defined networking
technologies in efficiently managing and optimizing network traffic.
Other Elements:
The IT infrastructure of Microsoft consists of disaster recovery plans, a competent IT service
management framework, automated backups, and redundant data centers that ensure the ability to
handle failures and business continuity. AI and machine learning technologies are in place for
optimization of IT operations—from predictive maintenance to incident response (Vasudeva, 2022).

5. Data Management
1. Methods of Managing and Processing:
Microsoft controls and processes large volumes of data through various mechanisms in place,
with scalability, security, and efficiency in a good, strong balance. The principal medium for handling
data is based on its Azure cloud platform, including services such as Azure SQL Database, Azure Data
Lake, and Azure Cosmos DB. With these systems in place, Microsoft can thus store, process, and analyze
high volumes of data in real time and make decisions or derive insights that could help in driving
business decisions accordingly. It will also involve data processing using some forms of distributed
computing models, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, to help Microsoft manage large-scale
datasets with much efficiency (Laudon & Laudon, 2021). Furthermore, AI and machine learning
algorithms are being considered by Microsoft to automate the processing of data tasks, such as data
classification, anomaly detection, and predictive analytics, thereby extending its data management
capabilities (Nadkarni & Schmiedel, 2020).
2. Advantages and Shortcomings of These Methods



Advantage: One of the key benefits derived from Microsoft’s approach to data management is
the fact that its resources dynamically scale up based on demand. The idea is that this Azure
cloud platform scales up Microsoft’s computing, storage, and processing capabilities in real time
in order for the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the core data management processes to be
maintained regardless of the volume of data being processed. It is this scalability that becomes
such an asset when the usage peaks—for example, on the days when product launches take
place or when promotional events are there, the needs for data processing go up manyfold
(Vasudeva, 2022).

Disadvantage: On the contrary, one may also argue that heavy reliance on cloud-based data
management is associated with significant risks regarding the security and privacy of such
information. While Microsoft deploys very strong security measures, that huge chunk of
sensitive data processed in the cloud would become a greater target for cybercriminals. Beyond
this, breaches or unauthorized access to cloud systems would pose significant reputational
consequences and even legal ramifications, most especially for areas with stringent data
protection laws (Nadkarni & Schmiedel, 2020).

6. Identify the Stakeholders
Major stakeholders that will be impacted by the information system of Microsoft will be:
In every department, such as software development, IT support, and administration, employees
are highly dependent on the information system at Microsoft. They would use the productivity tools,
collaboration, and daily operational tasks provided by the system. (“About – Microsoft,” n.d.).



Customers can also differ in size, from individual users to enterprise customers. These are
indeed the most significant stakeholders for the company since they rely on the software and cloud
services provided by Microsoft—Windows, Office 365, and Azure—to create functional and reliable
experiences in service delivery (“Products – Microsoft,” n.d.).
IT and Security Departments:
The internal IT and information security teams are major stakeholders because they have the
responsibility of managing, operating, and providing protection to the infrastructural elements of the
information system. They work to attain efficient operation of the system and protect it against all kinds
of potential dangers (Nadkarni & Schmiedel, 2020).



Cusumano, M. A., Gawer, A., & Yoffie, D. B. (2019). The business of platforms: Strategy in the age of
digital competition, innovation, and power. Harper Business.
Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2021). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm (16th
ed.). Pearson.
Mahadevan, B. (2020). Operations management: Theory and practice. Pearson Education.
Microsoft. (n.d.). About Microsoft. Retrieved from
Schilling, M. A. (2020). Strategic management of technological innovation (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill
Barney, J. B. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management,
17(1), 99-120.
Christensen, C. M. (1997). The innovator’s dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail.
Harvard Business Review Press.
Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic management: Competitiveness and
globalization (12th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. Free Press.
Nadkarni, S., & Schmiedel, T. (2020). Exploring the IT enabled firm: Re-imagining business through
information technology. Springer.
Vasudeva, S. (2022). Hybrid IT: Transforming enterprise IT infrastructure with cloud computing. Springer.
About – Microsoft. (n.d.). Microsoft corporation. Retrieved from
Products – Microsoft. (n.d.). Microsoft products and services. Retrieved from

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department

Student Name:

Student ID:

Course Title: Management Information Course Code: MIS201
Academic Year/ Semester:


Instructor Name:
Student Grade:

Grade Level:
Low/ Middle / High

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment of MIS201- Management Information System

MIS201 – Project
First Semester 2024-2025
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Submission: Week 7 Saturday 12/10/2024
Submission: Week 13 Saturday 30/11/2024
Submission: Instructors will manage the date and time for presentation during week 14

40 Marks

Assignment Details
The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/
information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or
The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT
(Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure
Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles,
websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to

Project Report Structure: Part 1
Submission: Week 7 Saturday 12/10/2024

Marks: 17 Marks
1. Cover Page (1 Mark).
This must contain topic title (0.25), student names and Students ID (0.5), section number and course
name (0.25).
(You can find the cover page in the blackboard)

2. Table of Contents (0.5 Mark).
Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and

3. Executive Summary (2.5 Marks).
What does the assignment about (1), The name and field of the chosen company (0.5), and briefly
explain the distinct features (1).

4. Organizational Profile (3 Marks).
Brief background of the business including organization details (1), purpose (1), and organizational
structure (1).

5. Strategies (4 Marks).
Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages (2), and then select and discuss the
most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization (2).
(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization)

6. Technology Involved (3 Marks).
How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware (0.5), software
(0.5), telecommunication (0.5), information security (0.5), networks (0.5), and other elements (0,5).
(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course, and it’s related to your selected

7. Data Management (2 Marks).
Discuss the methods the organization uses to manage and process data (1), and then give one
advantage and one disadvantage of these methods (1).
(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course (chapter 3) and link it to your selected

8. Identify the Stakeholders (1 Mark)
Who are the main individuals, groups, or departments affected by the information system?
(You can choose any stakeholder who has a major influence on the IS or vice versa. You can choose 1
stakeholder to discuss)

Project Report Structure: Part 2

Submission: Week 13 Saturday 30/11/2024

Marks: 13 Marks
9. Analysis of Existing System (5 Marks).
Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company (2). Also, discuss the
Information Systems used within the company (3) for example:

Transaction processing systems (TPS)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
Functional Area Information Systems
Business intelligence

(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

10. System Evaluation (2 Marks).
Evaluate the current system that the company use (your chosen company) with one of the following
options (1):

Partial failure/partial success
Total failure

Then, State the reasons for your choice (1)

11. Suggestions for the company (3 Marks)
Design or choose a system to help the company solve its main problems. State the following:

The new system name (1)
Its features (1)
Problems that will be solved (1)

(If the system that the company uses is successful and does not need to be changed, you can
mention that (1), mention its features (1), and mention the problems that it solved or prevented
from happening (1).)
(You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and it’s related to your selected organization)

12. Conclusion (2 Marks).
Summarize your report (including part 1)

13. References (1 Mark).
Use APA referencing style format

Project Presentation: Part 3
Submission: Instructors will manage the date and time for presentation during week 14

Marks: 10 Marks

Make a power-point presentation of your Project work mentioning all the above contents and
present in a group (All team members must participate( (1). There must be minimum 10 slides
in the presentation with a good background design (0.5), readable font size and style with an
appropriate color (0.5).
Presentation must have the following format:

First slide: Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project (1)

Company Profile (1)

Strategies (1)

Technology Involved and Data Management (1)

Analysis of Existing System (1)

Evaluation and suggestions (1)

Conclusion (1)

References (1)

Guidelines for the assignment:
✓ Make sure to include the cover page with all information required. One mark will be deducted if
there is no cover page
✓ This is a group project (2-3 students), which is part of your course score. It requires effort, research,
and critical thinking.
✓ Use font Times New Roman, 12 font sizes
✓ Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
✓ Use the footer function to insert page number.
✓ Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
✓ The minimum number of required references is 3 for each part (1 and 2).
✓ Your project report length Part 1 should be between 1500 to 2200 words & Part 2 should be
between 1000 to 2000 words.
✓ You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the assignment.
✓ Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment
(Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing
and word count).
✓ Assignment must be in Word format only NO PDF
✓ Your file should be saved as Word doc [Example]: [Your Name] [CRN] MIS201 – Project Assignment
Part 1.doc

Useful links:

✓ APA reference system
✓ About plagiarism
✓ About plagiarism

Purchase answer to see full

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