See attached
from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Open the SalesData spreadsheet
workbook = load_workbook(“SalesData.xlsx”)
sheet =
# Grab columns A (Date), C (Rep), and G (Total Sales), except title row
gridData = sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, min_col=1, max_col=7, values_only=True)
# Convert that data into a list, filtering out non-numeric sales values
salesList = []
salesDetails = [] # List to store details (date, rep, and total sale)
for nextRow in gridData:
date = nextRow[0] # Date is in column A (index 0)
rep = nextRow[2] # Salesperson is in column C (index 2)
total_sale = nextRow[6] # Total sale is in column G (index 6)
# Check if the total sale is numeric (to avoid errors from text or blank cells)
if isinstance(total_sale, (int, float)):
salesDetails.append((date, rep, total_sale)) # Store corresponding details
# Find the index of the largest sale
if salesList:
max_sale = max(salesList)
max_index = salesList.index(max_sale)
# Get the corresponding date and salesperson from the salesDetails list
max_sale_date, max_sale_rep, max_sale_value = salesDetails[max_index]
# Print the result
print(f”Largest Sale was {max_sale_value} made on {max_sale_date} by {max_sale_rep}”)
print(“No valid sales data found.”)