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Reply to Enterprise Resource Planning Discussion 1


Reply to Enterprise Resource Planning Discussion 1

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Please provide the references you used.

Ensure zero plagiarism.

Word limit: 150 words


Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is a major technological solution that integrates the various functions of a business into a single, central database. For businesses like Telecomm Systems small company offering satellite internet, along with mobile phone services, an ERP system can facilitate easier sharing of information and decision-making and lay the ground for expansion into foreign countries. However, ERP also presents issues related to potential problems and a changing effect on planning and scheduling.

Benefits of Implementing ERP

Improved decision-making and efficiency. The organization presently relies on paper reports and physical documentation, which are prone to delays and errors. ERP replaces paper systems by collating data from various departments into a single electronic database, and this provides real-time information helpful in facilitating good decision-making (AlMuhayfith & Shaiti, 2020).

Higher productivity and better collaboration. By putting information in one place, the ERP lets different departments at Telecomm Systems communicate and interact much more smoothly (AlMuhayfith & Shaiti, 2020). It displaces the silos, as all business operations, from finance to human resources, customer service to supply chain, is attached to one platform. Therefore, employees no longer have to make phone calls to request information from other departments; instead, they access all the required information through the ERP system (Sutduean et al., 2019). The ease of access thus promotes collaboration and prevents employees from duplicating efforts, hence allowing them to become more productive.

Better supply chain and inventory management. With an ERP system, inventory control and supply chain processes are enhanced, thus enabling Telecomm Systems to manage resources with increased efficiency (Sutduean et al., 2019). In an ERP system, inventory levels can be tracked in real-time, wherein the risk of stockouts or overstocking is minimized. Also, through ERP, one is able to track demand and forecast it based on trends of the past so that the company can anticipate its needs for inventories and manage suppliers.

Disadvantages of Implementing ERP

High initial costs and financial burden. Most ERP systems are very costly at the outset, and this may be a challenge for a small organization such as Telecomm Systems (Asif et al., 2022). The costs include those related to the licensing of the software, hardware requirements, consultancy, and training-all potentially burdensome on the firm’s budget (Chofreh et al., 2020). If the implementation takes more time than anticipated, there could be increased costs resulting from the delay; hence, it will be very important to sensitize the organization in terms of budgeting.

Complexity of implementation and disruption to operations. An ERP implementation process is really complex and time-consuming, and it could paralyze normal operations for quite a while (Rodriguez et al., 2019). People are expected to adjust themselves to new procedures as their normal productivity in the transition period may be affected. As Telecomm Systems relies on existing paper-based systems, its shift towards ERP is going to require immense training and adjustment. Poor implementation strategies or misalignment could lead to issues over data migration, loss of productivity, or/and system downtime factors that can negatively affect customer satisfaction and business continuity(Asif et al., 2022).

Resistance to change and employee adaptability. Most of the time, employees used traditional methods to resist the introduction of an ERP system. They might be unwilling to use new technologies, especially if they feel that the introduction of the ERP is replacing familiar processes. This leads to resistance from the employees, resulting in less engagement or underutilization of the system and reducing the overall effectiveness. The employees of Telecomm Systems may not be considerably technically sound enough to handle ERP software as it might take some time to get tuned.

Impact of ERP on Planning and Scheduling at Telecomm Systems

Enhanced forecasting and strategic planning. Advanced forecasting capabilities provided by ERP systems allow the company to make strategic decisions with comprehensive, data-driven insights (Langenwalter, 2020). Through analyzing the trends of historical data, ERP software can create forecasts of demand, revenue, and resource requirements to help align the resources of Telecomm Systems with the market demand. The predictive capability certainly comes in handy, more so for the company now trying to diversify its businesses into other countries, where forecasts need to be correct to meet the needs of a number of different markets and not under or over-allocate resources.

Improved scheduling and resource allocation. The ERP systems are designed with modules that provide a greater level of detail in scheduling and resource management. In this way, Telecomm Systems is able to allocate resources efficiently in their various departments. The tools the system has in planning the schedule will more accurately project the resource requirements based on demand and then adjust the schedules (AboAbdo et al., 2019). This feature is just as important at scale, showing how an organization can manage and utilize its workforce, equipment, and financial resources properly. The company, with ERP, would be in a better position to reduce bottlenecks and improve service delivery timelines, thereby meeting customer demand consistently as it faced added complexity from its operations in international markets.

Real-time monitoring and flexibility. The ERP systems facilitate real-time monitoring, hence enabling the manager to track the progress and make necessary changes on the spot. Flexibility, engendered by this system, is one of the most vital qualities for a growing company to sort through international regulations, different customers’ preferences, and market dynamics (Langenwalter, 2020). By having real-time insight into vital data, managers can make more informed and proper adjustments to plans and schedules, embedding more agility and competitiveness into the company’s operations worldwide.


By implementing an ERP system, Telecomm Systems would enjoy the benefits that come with it, such as a fastened decision-making process, increased productivity, and direct control of the supply chain. However, there can always be challenges the company may face regarding the high initial cost, complex implementation, and resistance of workers. The ERP impacts on supporting planning and scheduling-through better forecast, improved resource allocation, and real-time monitoring-cannot be more appealing to a company intending to expand globally. With a well-planned implementation and focused approach towards change management relating to ERP, Telecomm Systems will be in a position to realize the full benefit, thereby laying a sound platform for its sustainable growth in the global marketplace.


AboAbdo, S., Aldhoiena, A., & Al-Amrib, H. (2019). Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning ERP System in a Large Construction Company in KSA. Procedia Computer Science, 164(1), 463–470.

AlMuhayfith, S., & Shaiti, H. (2020). The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning on Business Performance: With the Discussion on Its Relationship with Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(3), 87. ScienceDirect.

Asif, A., AlFrraj, D., & Alshamari, M. A. (2022). A Comprehensive Approach of Exploring Usability Problems in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2293.

Chofreh, A. G., Goni, F. A., Klemeš, J. J., Malik, M. N., & Khan, H. H. (2020). Development of guidelines for the implementation of sustainable enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244(1), 118655.

Langenwalter, G. A. (2020). Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond. CRC Press.

Rodriguez, R., Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Svensson, G. (2019). Enterprise resource planning and business model innovation: process, evolution and outcome. European Journal of Innovation Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).

Sutduean, J., Singsa, A., Sriyakul, T., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Supply Chain Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Organizational Performance: The Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation Approach. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 16(7), 2975–2981.

Reply to Enterprise Resource Planning Discussion
Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with
comments that further and advance the discussion topic.
Please provide the references you used.
Ensure zero plagiarism.
Word limit: 150 words


Enterprise Resource Planning
ERP is a major technological solution that integrates the various functions of a business into a single,
central database. For businesses like Telecomm Systems small company offering satellite internet,
along with mobile phone services, an ERP system can facilitate easier sharing of information and
decision-making and lay the ground for expansion into foreign countries. However, ERP also presents
issues related to potential problems and a changing effect on planning and scheduling.
Benefits of Implementing ERP
Improved decision-making and efficiency. The organization presently relies on paper reports and
physical documentation, which are prone to delays and errors. ERP replaces paper systems by
collating data from various departments into a single electronic database, and this provides realtime information helpful in facilitating good decision-making (AlMuhayfith & Shaiti, 2020).
Higher productivity and better collaboration. By putting information in one place, the ERP lets
different departments at Telecomm Systems communicate and interact much more
smoothly (AlMuhayfith & Shaiti, 2020). It displaces the silos, as all business operations, from finance
to human resources, customer service to supply chain, is attached to one platform. Therefore,
employees no longer have to make phone calls to request information from other departments;
instead, they access all the required information through the ERP system (Sutduean et al., 2019). The
ease of access thus promotes collaboration and prevents employees from duplicating efforts, hence
allowing them to become more productive.
Better supply chain and inventory management. With an ERP system, inventory control and supply
chain processes are enhanced, thus enabling Telecomm Systems to manage resources with
increased efficiency (Sutduean et al., 2019). In an ERP system, inventory levels can be tracked in realtime, wherein the risk of stockouts or overstocking is minimized. Also, through ERP, one is able to
track demand and forecast it based on trends of the past so that the company can anticipate its
needs for inventories and manage suppliers.
Disadvantages of Implementing ERP

High initial costs and financial burden. Most ERP systems are very costly at the outset, and this may
be a challenge for a small organization such as Telecomm Systems (Asif et al., 2022). The costs
include those related to the licensing of the software, hardware requirements, consultancy, and
training-all potentially burdensome on the firm’s budget (Chofreh et al., 2020). If the
implementation takes more time than anticipated, there could be increased costs resulting from the
delay; hence, it will be very important to sensitize the organization in terms of budgeting.
Complexity of implementation and disruption to operations. An ERP implementation process is
really complex and time-consuming, and it could paralyze normal operations for quite a
while (Rodriguez et al., 2019). People are expected to adjust themselves to new procedures as their
normal productivity in the transition period may be affected. As Telecomm Systems relies on existing
paper-based systems, its shift towards ERP is going to require immense training and adjustment.
Poor implementation strategies or misalignment could lead to issues over data migration, loss of
productivity, or/and system downtime factors that can negatively affect customer satisfaction and
business continuity(Asif et al., 2022).
Resistance to change and employee adaptability. Most of the time, employees used traditional
methods to resist the introduction of an ERP system. They might be unwilling to use new
technologies, especially if they feel that the introduction of the ERP is replacing familiar processes.
This leads to resistance from the employees, resulting in less engagement or underutilization of the
system and reducing the overall effectiveness. The employees of Telecomm Systems may not be
considerably technically sound enough to handle ERP software as it might take some time to get
Impact of ERP on Planning and Scheduling at Telecomm Systems
Enhanced forecasting and strategic planning. Advanced forecasting capabilities provided by ERP
systems allow the company to make strategic decisions with comprehensive, data-driven
insights (Langenwalter, 2020). Through analyzing the trends of historical data, ERP software can
create forecasts of demand, revenue, and resource requirements to help align the resources of
Telecomm Systems with the market demand. The predictive capability certainly comes in handy,
more so for the company now trying to diversify its businesses into other countries, where forecasts
need to be correct to meet the needs of a number of different markets and not under or overallocate resources.
Improved scheduling and resource allocation. The ERP systems are designed with modules that
provide a greater level of detail in scheduling and resource management. In this way, Telecomm
Systems is able to allocate resources efficiently in their various departments. The tools the system
has in planning the schedule will more accurately project the resource requirements based on
demand and then adjust the schedules (AboAbdo et al., 2019). This feature is just as important at
scale, showing how an organization can manage and utilize its workforce, equipment, and financial
resources properly. The company, with ERP, would be in a better position to reduce bottlenecks and
improve service delivery timelines, thereby meeting customer demand consistently as it faced added
complexity from its operations in international markets.
Real-time monitoring and flexibility. The ERP systems facilitate real-time monitoring, hence
enabling the manager to track the progress and make necessary changes on the spot. Flexibility,
engendered by this system, is one of the most vital qualities for a growing company to sort through
international regulations, different customers’ preferences, and market dynamics (Langenwalter,
2020). By having real-time insight into vital data, managers can make more informed and proper

adjustments to plans and schedules, embedding more agility and competitiveness into the
company’s operations worldwide.
By implementing an ERP system, Telecomm Systems would enjoy the benefits that come with it,
such as a fastened decision-making process, increased productivity, and direct control of the supply
chain. However, there can always be challenges the company may face regarding the high initial
cost, complex implementation, and resistance of workers. The ERP impacts on supporting planning
and scheduling-through better forecast, improved resource allocation, and real-time monitoringcannot be more appealing to a company intending to expand globally. With a well-planned
implementation and focused approach towards change management relating to ERP, Telecomm
Systems will be in a position to realize the full benefit, thereby laying a sound platform for its
sustainable growth in the global marketplace.

AboAbdo, S., Aldhoiena, A., & Al-Amrib, H. (2019). Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning ERP
System in a Large Construction Company in KSA. Procedia Computer Science, 164(1), 463–
AlMuhayfith, S., & Shaiti, H. (2020). The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning on Business
Performance: With the Discussion on Its Relationship with Open Innovation. Journal of Open
Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(3), 87.
Asif, A., AlFrraj, D., & Alshamari, M. A. (2022). A Comprehensive Approach of Exploring Usability
Problems in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. Applied Sciences, 12(5),
Chofreh, A. G., Goni, F. A., Klemeš, J. J., Malik, M. N., & Khan, H. H. (2020). Development of
guidelines for the implementation of sustainable enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 244(1), 118655.
Langenwalter, G. A. (2020). Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond. CRC

Rodriguez, R., Molina-Castillo, F.-J., & Svensson, G. (2019). Enterprise resource planning and business
model innovation: process, evolution and outcome. European Journal of Innovation
Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Sutduean, J., Singsa, A., Sriyakul, T., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Supply Chain Integration,
Enterprise Resource Planning, and Organizational Performance: The Enterprise Resource Planning
Implementation Approach. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 16(7), 2975–

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