Emergency Operations Plan Annex
Using the FEMA Emergency Operations Plan Annex template as a guide, create a Purpose, Scope, Situation, and Assumptions for an identified annex. The student will base this annex on a local jurisdiction. The template provides guidance language to help the student understand what information should be provided. This guidance language should be deleted prior to the student submitting the assignment.
The student will choose to develop either a functional annex, an incident/threat-specific annex, or a support annex. Functional annexes can cover issues such as direction and control, continuity of government/operations, communications, warning, emergency public information, evacuation, mass care, health and medical, or resource management. Incident/Threat-specific annexes describe the policies, situation, concept of operations, and responsibilities for particular hazards or incident types. Support annexes describe the framework through which a jurisdiction’s departments and agencies, the private sector, not-for-profit, and volunteer organizations, and other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) coordinate and execute the common emergency management strategies.
. Instructions:
1) Perform research on your selected jurisdiction, including characteristics, demographics data, geographical information, critical infrastructure, and the hazards and threats the jurisdiction faces.
2) Develop an emergency plan annex based on your identified jurisdiction. Use the provided EMH301 Basic EOP Plan template and complete the following sections which begin on page 5
• Purpose
• Scope
• Situation
• Assumptions
3) In the above sections, include the name of your selected jurisdiction where indicated in the document. If certain data or information cannot be found through research, an estimate or notional information may be used. All guidance language provided should be deleted from the document before submitting your plan.