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Aligning Stages, Learning Objectives & Teaching Strategies
Not only will this chart help you write appropriate learning objectives, it will also help you select
appropriate instructional strategies and give you suggestions for suitable discussion questions.
Stage 1
Simple Skills
Stage 2 Stage 3
Critical Thinking
Stage 4
Stage 5
Verbs to Consider When Writing Learning Objectives Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Awareness Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Ask Define Classify Adapt Instruct Analyze Adapt Individualize Appraise
Choose Describe Comprehend Administer Modify Breaks down Anticipate Initiate Compare/Contrast
Describe Enumerate Cite Articulate Operate Classify Categorize Integrate Conclude
Follow Identify Convert Assess Participate Compare Collaborate Invent Criticize
Give Label Defend Change Predict Contrast Combine Model Critique
Hold List Describe Chart Prepare Correlate Communicate Modify Decide
Identify Match Discuss Collect Preserve Deconstruct Compare Negotiate Defend
Locate Name Distinguish Construct Produce Diagram Compile Organize Evaluate
Name Outline Estimate Contribute Project Differentiate Compose Plan Interpret
Point to Read Explain Control Provide Discriminate Contrast Produce Judge
Select Recall Extend Demonstrate Relate Distinguish Create Rearrange Justify
Sit Recognize Generalize Determine Report Explain Design Reconstruct Recommend
Erect Record Give examples Develop Revise Generalize Develop Reinforce Reframe
Reply Reproduce Interpret Discover Show Focus Devise Reorganize Support
Use Select Paraphrase Establish Solve Illustrate Express Revise
Show Restate Extend Transfer Infer Facilitate Structure
State Rewrite Implement Use Limit Formulate Summarize
Tell Summarize Include Utilize Outline Generate Validate
View Trace Inform Point out Incorporate
Translate Prioritize
Understand Recognize
Stage 1 Stage 5
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