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SLP 1 IT Management – 24

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I want the business to be a lounge that turns into a night club after hours that sells food, adult beverages and more.

Module 1 – SLP

Information Technology Systems as Socio-Technical Systems

Firms strive to achieve competitive advantage and gain customer loyalty by working with customers and getting to know them. This allows companies to better serve the needs of their customers who with ebusiness can be located anywhere in the world. Customers are diverse with different cultural backgrounds. Building customer relationship management systems requires an information technology infrastructure that collects the information about these customers (diverse customer groups) and provides management the needed analytics to understand the various customers. Many firms realize the need for a new product or service before the customer does. Take Uber or Travelocity for example where both firms are giving the customer control and convenience, integrated with the use of technology. Uber for example has done much to improve safety in riding in Uber vehicles which has been very important for females.

Building CRM capabilities takes time and requires a data warehouse for the analytics. Travelocity started with the building blocks to learn about their customers and the best ways to deliver targeted market campaigns to them. In addition, Travelocity can respond quickly to offers from their suppliers. For example, at 8 AM, a major airline offered travel agencies a special fare from Los Angeles to San Juan, Puerto Rico. Travelocity quickly scanned their customers’ browsing behavior, pulled the e-mail addresses of 30,000 people in the Los Angeles area who had browsed, but not purchased, tickets to the Caribbean, and then generated an e-mail message to them. The response rate was incredible—with 25 percent of the recipients who had been e-mailed booking flights. This was an effective campaign measured by the response rate or take rate, as well as a highly efficient one as measured by the ROI from the profit on sales of those extra tickets.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Go to 

and review their solutions.

Write a report in which you identify a business that you, as an entrepreneur, will start. Describe what the business does, the services it sells to its customers, how you will deal with diverse customers from many cultural backgrounds, and how you could use Salesforce.com to jump-start the business. Prepare a diagram of the business processes in your firm, showing how you will use Salesforce.com. This should take 2 to 3 pages.

Module 1 – Resources

Information Technology Systems as Socio-Technical Systems

Required Reading

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
 – From LinkedIn Learning

Manufacturing BOMs and production orders
 – From LinkedIn Learning

Learning the essentials of Salesforce
 – From LinkedIn Learning

Manage customer relationships for free with HubSpot CRM
 – From LinkedIn Learning

Optional Readings and Video

Read Chapters 2 and 3 in:

Business Information Systems
. (2020). The Saylor Foundation. www.saylorbooks.com. Creative Commons.

Read Chapter 1 in:

Information systems: A manager’s guide to harnessing technology

. (2020). University of Minnesota Publishing, Creative Commons Book Publisher Information – Information Systems (umn.edu).

Enterprise Systems:

Module Overview – Background

A critical area in the Management of Information Systems is to understand how Information Systems have become an integral part of how the firm performs its day-to-day operations and serves its customers. It is important that MSITM majors understand these organizational systems and their value to the firm.

Most organizations have an Information Systems department charged with ensuring that the Information Technology components are provided to keep the organization running. There are key organizational systems for the day-to-day operations of the enterprise: payroll, general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, marketing analysis, customer orders, inventory management, manufacturing, vendor orders, human resources, etc. Nearly every functional area of the business has its own requirements, and Information Systems must support these areas. This has created silos of information in the organization. The solution was to create enterprise systems that linked these operations together to allow for effective systems, where inventory is kept at the appropriate levels, customers have their orders filled, and the company turns a profit. Enterprise software such as SAP has enabled organizations to be more information-connected in terms of their key transaction systems. This requires an information infrastructure for support, which we will discuss in later modules.

The information from these interlinked systems then feeds decision-makers to allow them to have timely and accurate analytics for their short-term and long-term decision making. Information systems tools on the decision-making side interface with the firm’s database to provide dashboards of analysis and graphics to enable this decision making.

Thus, information systems collect, process, and disseminate this information. Computer-based technologies that work tirelessly to carry out the routine tasks of day-to-day operations and to collect and disseminate the data that is collected are used to power these information systems. Computer-based information systems have changed in form from computer systems that fill a large room to interconnected devices that are smaller and connected to storage, perhaps in the cloud, to enable access to cloud-based information by all types of devices, including hand-held devices. These networked devices enable information accessibility from any location.

Decision makers use information to achieve the organization’s goals, while the computer-based information systems need to be carefully architected to enable this information. Implementation of these systems must involve the decision makers to insure the systems capture the information they need. The strategic planning for these systems needs to be carefully considered in the context of the firm’s strategies to ensure that these projects will provide value congruent with the firm’s goals.

Module 1 Lecture Enterprise Systems

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