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A new movement has started since the early 2000s, where some political groups are trying to remove American history from our children’s school curriculum and textbooks, specifically slave history. How

A new movement has started since the early 2000s, where some political groups are trying to remove American history from our children’s school curriculum and textbooks, specifically slave history. However, these groups also do not want to cover segregation or civil rights.  By removing the history that we have just covered in these last eight weeks, the  African American communities are denied their connections to American History.  Recently, African Americans have created movements such as “Black Lives Matter”  to counteract these other groups. Many tie slave history to the development of segregation and racism that has spread throughout our country. A Historical Trauma has affected generations of African Americans because of what their ancestors had to endure just to survive in this country. This distrust has developed towards different groups, agencies and organizations. For those who are not affected, trying to understand what it means to be an African American in the United States showcases the need for this history to be taught in all schools and to every American.

Your final  forum is to prepare an essay (letter to the editor or written speech)  that would explain to all of America why African American History from the Atlantic Slave Trade To Reconstruction should be taught. Explain why every American should know African American history. You will be expected to use specific facts, events and people that you have learned from this course therefore refrain from adding content that pertains to historical content after Reconstruction. These facts, events, and people must come from your required work this term and from research in the library or from the course bibliography. In your speech, demonstrate the breadth of knowledge you have gained from this work. Do not forget to use in text citations because you will be using multiple sources.

This post must be at least 500 words

Remember, I want to see that you have a solid understanding of African American history and that you ground this final post in all the required work during the term.

Please remember that as this replaces your final exam, you must clearly demonstrate what you have learned from all the required work starting with Week 2 and ending with Week 7. I want to see the breathe of your knowledge gained in this class. Your grade will primarily be based on that. You have at least three posts (the initial submission and two replies). Use them to further demonstrate how much you have learned from the required material and your research.

The point of this exercise is for you to synthesize the class. Using the REQUIRED textbooks listed in the READING Materials section of the CONTENT area, and showcasing the history discovered by citing the exact PAGE in the book that you found the HISTORY discussed. You may use additional scholarly sources but the textbook must be used and cited with exact pages to show the reading and comprehension work has been done for this course. 

Reference Book: To Make Our World Anew : Volume I: a History of African Americans To 1880 by Robin D. G. Kelley , and Earl Lewis Publisher Oxford University Press, Incorporated Date 2005-04-28 Chapter 1-5

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