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1 | P a g e
Dr. Nabila Shamim

CHEG 3301_P02

Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Submitted to

Dr. Nabila Shamim


2 | P a g e
Dr. Nabila Shamim

Heat exchangers are used in industries to transfer heat between two fluids. There are

multiple types of heat exchangers. A shell-tube exchanger is the exchanger most commonly used

by industries. It is where multiple inner tubes are surrounded by one outer tube. In the

experiment, a shell and tube heat exchanger will be used. The figure below shows an example of

the type of heat exchanger used during the experiment.

Figure 1: A schematic diagram of Shell and Tube heat exchanger

Figure 2: A schematic diagram of the heat exchanger


3 | P a g e
Dr. Nabila Shamim

1. Determine and record the following quantities, based on the system

a. Number of tubes

b. Number of passes

c. Number of baffles

d. Number of shell passes

2. Reference Information for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

a. Tube length: L =

b. Tube type:

c. Tube dia. outer, Do =

d. Tube dia. inner, Di =

e. Tube material:

f. Number of tube passes, Np =

g. Number of tubes per pass, Nt =

h. Baffle spacing: B =

i. Shell width: Ws =

j. Shell height:

k. Baffle window height: hbw =

3. Understanding Flow Paths and Measuring Heat Transfer Rate/Heat Duty

Results and Discussion

4. Raw data for all Experiments

a. Keep cold fluid flow rate constant vary hot fluid flow rate two times

b. Keep hot fluid flow rate constant vary cold fluid flow rate two times

Table 1. Experimental data.

Expt. #

Tube Side (Hot) Shell Side (Cold)

(C) (C) V


(C) (C) V





4 | P a g e
Dr. Nabila Shamim

Experimental Heat Duty

5. Calculate the rate of heat rejection for the hot fluid ( ) and the rate at which the cold

fluid receives heat ( )

6. Compare the heat rejection rate of the hot fluid for Experiments a and b of section 4.

Which is highest and why?

Determining the Predicted Heat Transfer Rate

7. We can calculate theoretical overall heat transfer rate using a correlated heat transfer

coefficient (Uo), the area available for heat transfer ( , the log mean temperature

difference ( , and a correction factor (F).

a. Calculate the log mean temperature difference.

b. Calculate the tube side heat transfer coefficients for your experimental conditions.

The tube side heat transfer coefficient can be found using the Sieder-Tate

correlation for the Nusselt number (neglecting viscosity differences between the

fluid at the wall and the bulk fluid):

Expt. #

Tube Side



c. Calculate the shell side heat transfer coefficients for your experimental



The weighted average mass velocity, defined below, is used in the shell side

Reynolds number:


5 | P a g e
Dr. Nabila Shamim

Expt. #

Shell Side



d. Calculate the theoretical overall heat transfer coefficients for each experiment

e. Calculate the predicted heat transfer rate

8. Compare the predicted heat transfer rate to the measured heat transfer rate for each

experiment. If the values do not agree, list some possible reasons.


6 | P a g e
Dr. Nabila Shamim

Report Writing

Abstract 5 Points

Introduction 5 Points

Theory 10 Points

Equation of Heat Exchanger

A schematic diagram of heat exchanger

Experimental Procedure 20 Points

Description of the experimental procedure

(Section 1 to 3)

Results 40 Points

(Section 4 to 6)

Discussion 7 Points

(Section 7)

Conclusion 5 Points

References 3 Points

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