Across Canada, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, as people don’t make the lifestyle changes that would use fewer (or no) fossil fuels. The national coalition government has decided to tackle this issue head-on by placing a $500 a tonne tax on carbon, by removing all direct and indirect subsidies on fossil fuels, and by dedicating all proceeds from these actions to providing infrastructure alternatives, including free public transit to all Canadian communities of more than 50 people, through the Carbon Addiction Reduction Fund (the CAR Fund).
Further, in five years, by 2030, all diesel and gasoline engines will be banned from personal and commercial vehicles, and so will home heating by burning natural gas, oil, or wood.
You are responsible for the Manitoba region. Beginning with the city of Winnipeg, design (and cost), build and operate a transportation network that – within five years – will meet the federal government’s criteria. Then, extend the plan to include other communities in Manitoba, beginning with the Metropolitan Capital Region.
You may assume budget approval of all reasonable expenses, paid for by the Carbon Addiction Reduction Fund (the CAR Fund). Research this problem, consider alternatives to current transportation networks, propose a rough budget, and MOST IMPORTANTLY identify what ethical perspective(s) – Deontology Ethics, Utilitarian Ethics, Virtue Ethics, or/and Care Ethics you will be using both to design your transportation network and to persuade Manitobans to participate enthusiastically in such a radical and necessary transformation of how we live together.
Here’s a link to the word file of the case and related research: