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Analysis lect

Analytics & Business Intelligence

Brief summary of three bulleted items that you took away from the lecture

1. What strategy or approach would you use if you needed to create Excel charts for a finance or accounting department to show yearly ales and returns to customer who like your state current state? Consider what is needed for the planning and requirements.

2. What about translating that data info Visual representation? Well, these are a few things you need to do with the data to make it meaningful.

· Format the data in a way that is suitable for chart creation. Ensure that each column or row has clean headers, and the data is organized logically. Use Excel is sorting and filterning functions if necessary.

3. Choose the right types of charts based on the nature of your data and the insights you want to convey.

a. Bar Charts

b. Line Charts

c. Pie Charts

d. Stacked

e. Scatter Plots

4. Use color strategically to highlight important information or to differentiate between categories. Be mindful of accessibility ensuring that the colors and distinguishable by all users.

5. If you have multiple charts, consider crating a dashboard that consolidates key iforation.Excel’s “Dashboard” feathers allow you to bring together multiple chats and visualizations on one sheet for a comprehensive view.

6. Cleansing Data

Cleansing data refers to the process of identifying and correcting errors or inconsistencies in

A dataset to improve its accuracy and reliability.

Exporting Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

*Involves the systematic examination of a databes to uncover patters, relationships and trends, providing valuable insights into its structure and characteristics.

* Analysts employ vainness statistical and graphical techniques to explore data before formed


*EDA allows analysts to detect anomalies asses the need for data cleaning, and make informed decision about whether to do more analysis or decision about whether to do more analysis use predictive modeling.


Univariate Analysis

Univariate Analysis concentrates on analyzing a single variable by itself in order to comprehend its distribution and properties. This methodical methodology offers insights into

The distributional shape, Variability, and central tendency of a variable

_ Pivotal and pivot chart

· Box and whiske plot

· Dash Dash boards

· Types of Dashboards- Operational Dashboards

· Strategic Dashboards

Using Charts for Data visualization

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