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Applied Sciences Assignment


In line with her professional responsibilities, Althea must first rule out pregnancy before she considers prescribing medication for Jasmine’s nausea. Discuss the delicate balance between respecting patient autonomy and Althea’s responsibility to ensure Jasmine’s well-being. Is it ethical for Althea to be insistent about ruling out pregnancy, even if the patient is resistant?  

Althea is new in her role of nurse practioner. Discuss the competencies registered nurses will develop as they becomes a nurse practitioners. Which of these competencies does Althea demonstrate in this scenario? 


Reflection Assignment RubricReflection Assignment RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection on Personal and Professional Knowledge and Values4.5 to >3.38 ptsExemplaryCritically reviews personal and professional knowledge, values, and ethics and articulates new perspectives as a result of reviewing the scenario3.38 to >2.25 ptsProficientActive and careful consideration of personal and professional knowledge, values, and ethics and articulates a new understanding as a result of reviewing the scenario2.25 to >0.0 ptsDevelopingMakes use of personal and professional knowledge, values, and ethics without evaluating or appraising them; demonstrates some understanding of the scenario0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAutomatic/superficial responses with little conscious/deliberate thought or reference to personal and professional knowledge, values, and ethics; demonstrates no understanding of the scenario4.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to Course Content6 to >4.67 ptsExemplaryDemonstrates superior connection between the scenario and the course objectives; applies several course concepts and literature4.67 to >3.34 ptsProficientDemonstrates clear connections between the scenario and the course objectives; applies some course concepts and literature3.34 to >0.0 ptsDevelopingMakes some connections between the scenario and the course objectives but remains superficial or abstract; applies a few course concepts and literature0 ptsUnsatisfactoryMakes no connections between the scenario and the course objectives; applies no course concepts and literature6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of Development4.5 to >3.38 ptsExemplaryArticulates transformation of their perspective, as a future advanced practice nurse, about the issues in the scenario3.38 to >2.81 ptsProficientArticulates new understanding or insights, as a future advanced practice nurse, about the issues in the scenario2.81 to >0.0 ptsDevelopingShares limited or superficial insight about the issues in the scenario0 ptsUnsatisfactoryShares no understanding or insight about the issues in the scenario4.5 pts
Total Points: 15PreviousNext

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