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art final

Part A

Written Assignment 3: Earthwork Installation

Due Sunday by 11:59pm

ART 111 Assignment 3: Earthwork Installation

Due: 11:59pm, Sunday, 12/1

Grading: 100 points, 10% of semester grade

Assignment Goals:

Using natural materials found onsite, create an environmental installation that considers its surroundings and environment. Elements and principles should be considered, including line, shape, color, contrast, balance, pattern and repetition. The work will be documented with your phone or camera.


Step 1. Watch the Andy Goldsworthy video. Notice how Goldsworthy makes his sculptures using only the materials available to him at that site. Think about how he considers the movement and topography of the landscape.

Step 2: Create your own earthwork somewhere outside. Remember the rules of earthworks: use only the materials available to you at that location. (For example: Maybe you will use sticks, rocks, and fallen leaves. If you are at the beach, you might use sand, seashells, and driftwood). Consider how you can make the installation more complex by wrapping, testing, constructing the materials. Consider how the composition fits within the landscape.

Step 3. Take a picture of your finished work. 

Step 4. Write a paragraph about your installation 

· Describe specifically how your artwork relates to Andy Goldsworthy’s’ and use 5 vocabulary terms that relate to elements of art (line, shape, color, texture, space, etc. )

· What was the idea for your Earthwork?

· What materials did you use and why?

· Explain your process in a few sentences.

· Did you experience any challenges or have to change your plans as you were working? If so, explain.

Step 5. Upload a picture of your earthwork and your paragraph because if this isn’t done correctly, you will not get a grade.

Part B is important because if it is not done, you will not get the most points needed. These assignments are worth 35 percent of your grade, so be cognizant of your work.

 1. Go to the website: 
www.wikiart.orgLinks to an external site.. (Plain text link: www.wikiart.org)

               2. Scroll down below the section that has the heading ‘FEATURED’

               3. Scroll through the artworks on the webpage (load more if necessary) and find an example of each of the following:

· Work of art that features ‘
implied line

· Work of art that features 
‘contour lines’

· Work of art that features predominantly ‘
diagonal directional lines’ and communicates a dynamic and suspenseful mood.

· Work of art that features a strong 
contrast of elements.

· Work of art that is a good example of 
dynamic positive shapes and negative space.

Embed these images into your discussion board post. See below for instructions for how to embed a website image into a post.

Label them with which concept they illustrate as well as the 
title, artist, and date. (underline the title)

. Write 1-2 sentences in which you explain how or where you see that concept illustrated in the work.

7 If you are unsure, please see my sample in the discussion board.

In your responses:

1. Review your classmates’ responses.

2. Pick two works that you think are the best examples of two concepts
 (i.e. choose two from the following: directional lines, contour lines, horizontal lines, color, illusion of 3D space)

3. Respond to two classmates that you think had the best examples of these two concepts. Explain why their examples are the best.

4. If you are unsure, see my example posts. 

How to embed a web image into a post:

1. Go to www.wikiart.org. Select the image you’d like to use in your post. 

2. Right-click the image and select ‘Copy image location’ or ‘Copy image address’

3. The image’s web address is now copied and stored.

4. Go to your DB post. Click the landscape icon (circled in red below)

5. Paste (Control + V) website into the URL box at the top. Resize as necessary.

4. Repeat for all other images.

NOTE: If you are on a Macintosh computer or not using a mouse, you may not be able to do this.  If you are unable to follow these instructions, write your post and copy your images onto a Microsoft Word document and attach that as your post (contact me if you have questions)


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